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Rhinoplasty Journey at April31 (Consultations and decision)

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Hi all!

Apologies for neglecting on updates! Been so busy with life lol.
And thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts, keep them coming!!

Update - today hits my 16 weeks post op! Can confidently say my sinus is gone and I'm quite pleased with the appearance. My result thus far is natural looking.
There a days where my nose is really refined and days where it swells up ( esp hitting the 3 months mark) which is totally normal.

My nose doesn't feel as sensitive and my upper lip is no longer numb. I can blow out my nose as per normal (obv not too hard!)
Pretty much resuming normal activity - running and weightlifting.

My nose is still changing slightly everyday and I can't wait to see the final results in the coming months!

Will post some photos once I get home, I'm currently commuting by train
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Hi Ladymeo!

Congrats on a successful surgery! I hope you're recovering well.
It is a patience game really but trust me, it'll will get better with time.
I look super different too once I had my cast removed but I knew it was just temporary.my nose was really faaaat!
But It's really amazing to see the changes everyday! Your body is healing as fast as it can,so its best to let it take its natural course and whatever you do, do not touch your face!

You're doing an amazing job so far!!

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Thanks for the update @Fruitpassion! Your review and some other reviewers here at the forum helped me make my decision with April31. I just had my rhino revision last week and had my bandage/wrapping off today... It's hard to say what the final results will be like, but so far I'm liking my new nose
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You look great :smile: thanks for sharing!
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Sorry for the late reply.
I think everything is healing considerably well. The result looks very natural. I think the bridge will look a little more define after all the swelling is gone. The bridge and tip still feels a bit numb and tingly. The swelling rate does not go down at the same rate for different parts of the nose.

This is Day 53 (week 7) pic. Took it with the iphone front camera. Sorry it's a bit slanted.
File 26-11-17 10.25.11.jpeg
As you can see, one side is more swollen than the other, which makes the nose looks deviated upfront. Definitely looks weird. It looks normal from side view though. Brian did said that it can took up to 6 months for all the swelling to go down completely for the dermofat graft cases. So I can only be patient.
The only scar I can see is across the columella. I think it's hardly noticable by other people, and it's starting to fade. The scar inside my right nostril still bleeds a little, although it doesn't hurt.
I have more problem with the scar on the tailbone/back area where dr.Kim took the graft. The scar there heals relatively slower, itchier and more uncomfortable. Oh, and the scars there won't disappear. So, if you don't want a big scar on your back (top of butt, near the waist), then don't consider a dermograft rhino.
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Hey @Fruitpassion! You’re results look great. I had a question about your consultation process. When you decided with April 31, weren’t you afraid they might now have a available slot for you within the time you were staying in Korea since you only have so many days there? And did you bargain with them? Thanks!
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Thank you so much for updating us @adra11 ! Your results look very natural. It will definitely take time for all the swelling to subside. Did you have a decent bridge to begin with? My bridge is pretty flat - not sure if dermofat will give me enough height... Would you recommend it for a moderate change? I'm considering silicone as well now... Please let us know how you go with the absorption... this is what makes me hesitant about dermofat grafting.
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  • 6 months later...
Hi @Fruitpassion, thanks for sharing. Would you mind posting your updated photos since November 2017? What does it look like currently? Are you happy with all your profiles?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi all,

I’m very sorry I have not been updating, life got in the way

It’s almost 11 months and I’m quite happy with the result, it is very natural looking. However I did prefer the height of the at 3-4 month mark.
My nose is still slightly changing everyday but overall no complications to date.

Below are pics at 6 months and 10months.
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i really like your nose. i think we have similar type of concern. my bridge is okay. after your post i got a quote from them and i was told 11.5 million.... omg. with just revision tip plasty and alar...
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do you mind snapping a front profile and also how it looks from the bottom. i might just copy your nose. jaja
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