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Permanent Filler complications in South Korea

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Hi, Can anyone help me or had a similar experience?
I went to an Aesthetic Center in Gangnam, SK in 2013 to have an Ultra V lift (thread lift) done. The "dr" offered me free fillers for my hollow temples. He said it would last one-two years.

I had ultherapy the following year (2014) and I think that the high heat from the ultherapy may have caused the filler to shift in my face, including to my undereye. The fillers disappeared from my temple area as it returned to its more hollow state.

I read that ultherapy can dissolve temporary fillers or make fillers burst. Has anyone experienced this?

Does anyone know WHAT KIND of permanent fillers were mostly used in SK in 2013?

However, it's now 4 years later. I had under eye surgery this year with a licensed PS to have the asymmetry and undereye bags removed. The doctor performing this surgery said the filler had EMBEDDED into my tissues, making it hard to remove.
I have attached a picture of some of the filler and tissue that was removed from my undereye bags. IMG_5390.JPGIMG_5392.JPG
Even after the undereye bag removal surgery, the WHITE undereye bag/bump/granuloma came back... Im wondering if this could be a bacterial growth "BIOFILM" from the filler.

Last year, I asked the original doctor what he injected and he told me it was restyllane.
I DON"T think he injected restyllane, since even after undereye bag removal surgery earlier this year, the WHITE undereye bag/bump/granuloma still came back...

The "dr" gave me a copy of my medical records which was mostly in Korean. Among other things, the document notates Filler + "SR"+ "줄기 세포", which google translated means Stem Cells. I am not sure what this really means for my case.

Recently I called the clinic again and after numerous attempts, someone finally picked up the phone. The "Dr" is on personal leave and will be back in a few months. The consultant answering the phone could not help me. I will be following up with the clinic to see if the dr. can answer my questions when he returns.

After reading up on these permanent fillers, including silicon, I am super concerned now. The White bump/granuloma filler seems even more obvious than before, even though I had surgery to remove it. I really want to find out what kind of filler was injected and to remove it safely.

Does anyone know WHAT KIND of PERMANENT FILLERS were mostly used in SK in 2013?

Has anyone gone to a similar clinic or had any experience with permanent fillers in SK? If so, please reply to this thread or PM me. Thank you for any help or information that you can provide.
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As far as I know, Artecoll or Artesense is the permanent filler that most clinics in SK seem to use. Typically this would not be used under the eyes, but who knows since you are suspicious of this clinic. Have you tried dissolving the lump with hyaluronidase? If it is a hyaluronic acid like Restylane and Juvederm, it can be dissolved at any point in time. If you try to dissolve the bump and it still doesn't go away, then most likely it is a permanent filler of some sort. If it keeps growing back, that would indicate a granuloma which is usually a reaction to permanent fillers.
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The clinics I visited this year said there wasn't a point in using hydrallainise to dissolve it, since I was already planning on doing undereye surgery to remove the assyemtrical eyebags.

When I spoke with the consultant at the original aesthetic center , she told me they used several different fillers back in 2013. She Said they also had "acuamine", however she couldn't confirm anything. The filler was originally placed by my temples. I think it migrated to my undereye when I did ultherapy. But it's possible the "dr" also injected some into my r/s undereye, since there is a fair amount there. I just don't understand why the dr is telling me he injected restyllane, if it was a permanent type filler that was actually used. I highly doubt the "dr" used restyllane since, it is embedded in my skin and I have had this reaction and I heard restyallane (USD) is quite pricey. I don't know the cost of permanent fillers. in SK.
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Based on what she said, "acuamine" sounds a lot like Aquamid, which is indeed a permanent filler. Obviously we don't know for sure if that was what was used on you, but if you are having this kind of reaction this many years later it's likely this may be it. Restylane doesn't behave like that.
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Hi maybebaby1980, what is arecoli? I can't seem to find anything on this. The permanent fillers that I have heard about through my googling is Silcon, PMMA crystal, Artefill, Bio Alcamid, Aquamid, Artecol, Polyacylamide and polymethylmethacrylate fillers.

Also, Do you know if korean clinics used this specific filler a lot in 2013? whatever it is, it was probably on the cheaper end, since the "dr" injected it without charging me extra. My issue is that since I don't know what kind of filler this is, it's hard to know how to remove it.. My undereye bag surgery was not successful in removing it, as it just "grew" back a short time later.
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Thanks for your replies.,, do you know how this filler can be tested and most importantly removed? Are SK clinics still using it? Does ultherapy melt or make this filler migrate in the face? I am very concerned bc it is very noticeable, even more so now after surgery to remove some of it. thanks so much for any information. I see I have a lot of research to do...
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Thanks for your replies.,, do you know how this filler can be tested and most importantly removed? Are SK clinics still using it? Does ultherapy melt or make this filler migrate in the face? I am very concerned bc it is very noticeable, even more so now after surgery to remove some of it. thanks so much for any information. I see I have a lot of research to do...
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The clinic that did your eyebag removal surgery could have undertaken an histopathological analysis of the excised tissue to better determine what type of filler it could have been.
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I agree, the pieces that were excised should be sent to a lab and analyzed. That's really the only way that it can be determined what was injected into your face. If it is indeed a permanent filler, the only way to remove it is through surgery. The only way to control it without surgery, is to get cortisone injections to flatten them. The material will still be there, but at least the cortisone will flatten that lump. This is only a workaround because they can come back, but sometimes people get complete resolution of lumps with a strong enough dose of kenalog / kenacort. The downside is that high percentages of cortisone can cause major atrophy so it takes a real expert to inject it correctly.
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I actually paid 100,000 extra to have the eye clinic send the excised tissues sent to a lab, I don't know what happened but the only thing that the lab report indicated was that it was not malignant and that the foreign body was embedded in the tissue (pretty much the obvious)
I was really upset at the eye clinic because they knew what kind of report I was looking for and the report basically came back with the obvious.
I received the report When I got back to the US, and by that time is was too late to try to make any changes.

What do I do from here? Are there any other options?
I think I really need to find out what kind of filler it is first.
I have an appointment with a doctor here in the US who says he can remove permanent fillers.
I'm going to take my time in addressing this and would like to look at different options.
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Who is this doctor? I agree, proceed very very carefully. You are dealing with the eye area and all the sensitive arteries in that area. Removing filler that stuck to the tissues esp. in the eye area is very delicate and intricate surgery.
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