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K Couture's guide to facelifting

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I recently got a facelift bout a 2 months ago cos i was dating a younger guy (hehe cougar) and lied about my age (:P) and ppl been asking me lots of questions so I will do a break down for anyone who is looking to undergo the facelift.

First thing to remember is facelift is just a generic term. There's different types of facelifts, most of them are just marketing names. The most important thing to remember is that a facelift, a true lift, deals with the SMAS tissues. Anything that does not correct the underlying SMAS layer is essentially an ineffective lift which is not long lasting. If the SMAS is properly corrected, it can last anywhere from 7-15 years. HOWEVER one thing to note is to communicate this with your surgeon because depending on your tissues and the degree of correction, longevity of the lift can vary between this approximation. My lift for example, because my sagging while noticeable but not significant, over correction would increase the lasting duration of the effect but it would also increase the period whereby my face will look unnatural too. There's a certain degree of correction in one's face where the tissues need to drop down to a natural level for results to be appealing. At the same time, if you look normal and perfect soon after a facelift, then you know its not gonna last long.

In korea few places refer to the SMAS lift as such. Instead it is typically referred to as the mid face lift. This ONLY corrects from the mid face to jowels. Under chin and neck is a neck lift and forehead is a forehead lift. Many ppl think facelift corrects the entire face, that is not the case. They are seperate procedures. When the SMAS lift is branded under the mid face lift, remember there is 2 methods. One is a concentric method where everything is pulled to the mid facial region, while the other is the standard where it is pulled vertically via an incision around the hairline to back of the ears. The first method is typically not suitable for most asians as it creates excessive fullness to the mid facial region, but ideal for many caucasians as the density of facial skin and tissues is thinner than asians.

Another method is the MACS lift, the short scar method that is simpler to perform, doesnt take as long and has a shorter scar. This is actually, considered by many surgeons to be a marketing name. As i mentioned before, selecting what lift is not about choosing these names but rather identifying the degree of correction necessary and how the SMAS layer will be manipulated. To note is that the MACS lift, while a short scar method cannot be easily concealed as the SMAS lift is able to. And the SMAS lift produces indefinitely better results because it enables more correction. But again, this depends on the degree of your sagging. For myself the directional pull had to be unconventional because I have naturally a wider bone contrast (cheek bone to jaw dimension ratio) so if I had done a typical vertical lift i would end up with huge cheekbones because of the new tissue position and completely negate my zygoma reduction I had previously done.

Anyways for the recovery, if you are of those lucky individuals with the ideal bone structure, you won't look too freaky immediatedly post op. However I looked like a freaking lizard monster for a good 2 weeks before everything slowly dropped to a natural stance. One thing to note too is the bunching effect. When the tissues are pulled, some is excised while others are bunched via a dissolvable thread. This takes time to dissolve and you will notice unevenness at the side of your face next to the ear. This is NORMAL and part and parcel of the lift. Once it dissolves is when you will start to look like a younger you. Expect some temporary sensory nerve damage for the next few months. This isn't my first face lift so I am used to it. My first time the temporary dmg to the sensory nerves took about 3-4 months to recover. This time as its a revision I predect it could take 5-6. But I am slowly getting more feeling back which is great.

Be mentally strong because even as a surgical junkie and having done a facelift before, I still had post op depression cos my face was looking like such a monster initially. Although remember everyone's bone structure is different. Ive had friends who did their lift and didnt go through the monster phase because their facial structure is essentially different to mine. Also, lifting is a skin flap surgery so blood thinners and smoking is a big NO NO. You need circulation or the tissues can turn black and die (necrosis). The lift shouldnt be painful at all. Just mild discomfort due to tightness and swelling. If you experience pain then..........its questionable....

Oh something interesting too, I did a neck lift together with my smas lift cos, why the hell not? The incision is from the same site as the smas lift and I had a bit of a double chin. If I did it later then I would have to open up from the similar incision later and induce more premature scarring. Anyways as for my results I love it. Im finally done with my face surgeries and reached the point where I am truly happy. It took nearly 10 years damn it! Now my plastic surgery junkie will be confusing on body enhancements since the face is done. Hehe sounds like im objectifying myself. Oh and don't bother posting on here asking me to show you pictures, if I don't know you I'm not going to post shove anything on here publically.

Ummmm I think that's it really. If I think of anything else to add ill update this thread. Hope this info helps ppl get prepared for their lift.
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how long does it take for your thread to dissolve? I did a forehead lift - I can still feel the thread when I touch my forehead, it's been 2 years, on the left side a pimple formed, I tried to pop it, but then it turned out that it was the thread coming out, that's why a pimple formed, I emailed my doctor and he was all like: just pull it out...............WHAT? ahahaha I don't have the courage to do such a thing on my own so I just cut off the excess thread that was poking out.
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those are not threads, those are the coil stitches and they are dissolvable. Its strange tho that yours have been 2 years on and still there. My mum's lasted about 8 months then it settled down. Those stitched even a GP can remove tho
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Good for you! Your post was inspiring to read. I'm hoping to get a facelift and necklift as well at some point!!

In the meantime, could I ask you some questions?

-Did you have incisions around the ears like a traditional facelift?
-Were threads used as well?
-Type of anesthesia?
-Where did you have it done? Dr.?
-Does it address jowls?

Thanks!! :smile:
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Yep incisions from hair line to back of ear. My scar lines have disappeared already.
No threads were used. In fact if threads were proposed to me I would have taken my surgeon off the list as I am aware how useless they are if the intention is a long lasting true lifting effect. And yes as I mentioned, the SMAS lift adresses the jowels. Neck lift doesn't. it address under chin and neck area so its seperate
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@K Couture I always assumed you were young, so I'm surprised you got a facelift. Anyways, glad you are happy and done with surgeries.

Once again, you are always so knowledgable about the specific requirements for an Asian face. Although I am male and would never consider a facelift, it's very interesting to read.
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Hi, K
Glad to hear someone share their experience with facelift. I hope to do facelift to improve the sagging around my mouth corners (marionette lines). It is mild but may become worse when I lose some weight, as my face is quite chubby now.

How long did your first facelift last? And what method did you use back then? I read about facelift on realself and most doctors dont recommend to do it early, as they say you can only do several (maybe 3) facelifts for a lifetime. It makes sense because they gonna cut at the same place and that may leave scars.
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oh whatever boo, when you get older and things that to give way to gravity you will go for a lift trust me hahaha. Heaps of my guys friends have done it already. but they usually start by removing eyebags then transition into the forehead then go for the facelift. My girl friends are less conservative, just do a combined age reversing session lol
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My first lift lasted about10 years. The rule of thumb is however much is corrected will determine how long it will last. If you are young and your skin has more elasticity and the muscles are stronger, then it will not last as long as a 50 year old doing a facelift because not much correction is required for the younger person.

My first method was the concentric malar lift, and it took a good 1.5-2 years before i started looking normal again. I mean after 3 months i was ready for public but in photos my face looked really harsh. That method is not that suitable for asians I later found out. Incision for that method is done intraorally OR through the lower eyelids. I did mine through the lower eyelid. My scars are not even visible now because it was a very clean incision via the hairline. Some ppl are more visible because the incision site is determined by the surgeon depending on the area of correction and ease of access.
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Hi K,

I've been reading all your posts all week and found them really helpful! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and personal experiences.
Just wondering, since you've done so many procedures before, is there one or a few procedures that you regret doing?
does acculift help with improving the sagging of skin around the cheeks or removing the fat will actually cause more sagging?
Have you done fat grafting before? Will you recommend this procedure?
Thanks in advance :smile:
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I regretted doing the mandible reduction for a combination of reasons:
1) I went to the Yanhee back when i was 18/19 long time ago and that is a terrible hospital. They removed an excessive amount of bone which caused premature sagging. Hence I had to get a facelift after at that young age. My facial bone ct will scare you if you saw it

2) I did not understand the limitations of the mandible reduction. What i wanted was less width but maintaining the angles in my jaw. However, the mandible reduction only changes the bone angle (hence why the medical term is angle osteo) and does not correct the width unless the patient has lateral protrusion (which i do not) and if some of the muscle is removed (doing so is really not recommended as theres several potential side effects plus the muscle can actually grow back)

All i needed was really botox to reduce the width and instead i went to a dodgey hospital and bot botched and had a horrible recovery.
There's other procedures I regretted not because it wasn't the right procedure for me but cos when I was younger and more impulsive I did not do my research and had no understanding of how to select the right surgeon.

Fatgraft is good but like any procedure it depends if you even need it to begin with. You asked about fat graft and acculift, both procedures while they CAN compliment one another depending on how it is done together, its actually the counterproductive in most cases. One puts in volume, one reduces so.....Anyways acculift does not help sagging. It is more facial fat reducton. The tightening effect is a gimmick. Ive done it before. You can go on realself to see what the western surgeons say about this procedure
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Wow! 18/19? That's around the age I want to do my plastic surgery. Total noob question (still trying to learn as much as I can!), would I have to get a face lift if I ever chose to do some facial contouring? I've read your plastic surgery guide and I'm a big fan! :smile: Not too enthusiastic about sagging if I were to get something like a v line...
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Its not an noob question but it also shouldn't be a question for me as you cant get an accurate answer like that. It depends on:

1) The degree of bone manipulation
2) The manner (and angle) in which the bone has been altered and manipulated
3) Your age
4) Your overall facial structure
5) Your skin elasticity
6) strength of your muscle

if you aren't familiar with plastic surgery you should just go for consults. Don't overthink it. I am only aware of what I'm doing because I'm a total junkie LOL. Trial and error and having experience first hands helps improve your knowledge drastically but at the same time you really don't want to go through that since its your face.
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