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K Couture's guide to facelifting

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Thanks K for your reply :smile:

I've sent photos to a few clinics and they recommended acculift for my double chin. Do you think it will actually help? Noted that the lifting part is a gimmick, I've read this on your old posts and also realself..

Do you think if the fat is removed it will cause my skin to sag since some of the fat is gone?
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Your post are always refreshing to read K :smile:
I sorta have few questions. One related to lifts and some more related towards clinics.

A bit about me : I'm soon to be 25 ( Probably to most too young to do any sort of lift/anti-aging procedure ) Caucasian.
I've been planning for probably 7-8 years having plastic surgery. I've always been cursed with very droopy/low/angry looking eyebrows, and have ever since I turned 16 and got my first job wanted to have a browlift. I also want rhinoplasty and either 2-jaws or V-line done. 2 of which I plan on doing together ( jaw + brows ).

Anyways, I've been finding the whole figuring out which method/style to go with overwhelming. My brows are very low and my forehead is short, so hairline incision is def off the table ( I'd have no forehead left ), but scalp incision terrifies me ( I've heard horror stories about bald spots ). Thread lift I found leaves people looking more angry ( I don't need that, I already look mad ) and doesn't last very long either. The last one is endoscopic forehead lift which leaves much smaller incisions, but in some cases also looks like it leaves people looking angrier looking...

Is there a way to ask/have most of the lifting in the inner corner of the brows ( part touching/facing nose ) , and not so concentrated on the centre or outer edge ? While also all together giving a significant lift to the entire brow .. ?

secondly, I've found clinics that have great reviews for jaw related surgeries ... but they have zero listings on their site about anti-aging/lifting surgeries .. If its not listed on their site, does that mean they don't provide that procedure ? I want to do brows and jaw together, but find it nearly impossible to find a decent clinic that provides both.. I don't feel comfortable asking the clinics themselves this, because money is all they see and will likely lie and say they do provide it or are great at it.

Thirdly, which would likely give more dramatic results or even longer lasting ?

Sorry for the lengthy post ): and it being not so related to neck/jaw lift related.
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I don't know what you look like so don't take me verbatim I can only assume from what you mean via my imagination lol. I assume your eyebrows are siting at an odd angle whereby a conventional lift could potentially leave it looking more odd. If so this is the only advice I can give you, again seeing as I do not know exactly what you look like: As long as you have a relatively good aesthetic sense, the one person who knows what will work for you and what won't is YOU. If you are certain that a conventional lift will leave you looking odd and you only want the inner brow area lifted while the mid brow area minimally targetted then of course it can be done. This is not a methodology difference its just a directional manipulation. So if you are certain that is what is required for you to achieve the results you want, convey that message to the surgeon. No one knows your face better than you, even a surgeon. I have never allowed a surgeon to tell me what to do. Instead I prefer to listen to opinions with an open mind, objectively then base my decision on that. For example when I consulted for my facelift, I knew what directional pull will produced a flawed exaggerated result on me and the surgeons who refused to even consider my logic, I striked them off my list. Because no surgeon can tell me that a standard method that works on most people will work on my face. I even confirmed the approach I wanted with Brian Mendelson before I went to Korea, who agreed. My main issue with the lift is the dimensions of my face would not be beneficial from the typical vertical lift, adding to the strong cantepexy I have it could cause slanting of the outer eye which I wanted to avoid. So I required a surgeon who acknowledged that the lower jowel region should be a vertical lift while the mid facial should be a horizontal with a slight elevation and then fused to the exterior zygoma and forgoing anterior attachment. So yes, if you want that degree of lift for your brows it is totally possible. Use the endoscopic approach however. No need to worry about bald spots with that and the significance and longevity of results is much better than the sub brow lift. However, confirm your method is a viable approach with a few specialists first. If you see 10 surgeons and all 10 can give you a logical reason why it doesn't make sense then reconsider. If 3 or 4 agree with you because they take the time to listen to your concerns while the others brush you aside, stick to your approach. I think that is as objective as you can be.

They might either not do the procedure or its not something they focus on. I will only ever allow an anti aging specialist to do my facelift. Do not allow an inexperienced surgeon to do it. Lifting is not a small procedure. Make sure that it is their speciality and they do not act outside their speciality. Also the reason why in Korea lifting is not heavily marketed as with facial contouring is because of a few reasons:

1) most of the marketing methods via online media is targetted towards younger ppl. Older ppl simply do not take the time to browse websites and read blogs etc.

2) continuing on from 1, it is also therefore better for media coverage to use those young girls with square faces that change into dolly egg faced girls with the big eyes. Dramatic change = more activity. Ask yourself this. If you see on facebook and advertisement with a before and after of a young square faced girls that turns into a cute dolly girl versus an ahjuma and looks 60 in one pic and 45ish to 50ish in another, which is more likely to get more likes and shares.

That is also why it is harder to find a good anti aging specialist compared to a rhino or facial contouring specialist. There's alot of them in korea, but less so than that of the aforementioned specialities.
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Thank you for sharing all this K Couture :smile:

I might also need a lift after 3d zygoma and v-line, even though I am in my early to mid 20's (and caucasian).

Someone mentioned that you can only get a number of face lifts during a lifetime (said 3 maximum), what is your opinion on that? Cause if I get a lift when I am 25 then I will have to choose very very carefully when to get the 2 remaining lifts.

Also, please pleeeease, could you mention where you got your face lift done? If not here, could you pm me? It would help lots.

Thank you :smile:
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Not true. You can do a lift as many times as you have to. There is no limit. It does take more skill to perform a revision lift but if you have a good surgeon is very much possible. Only thing you gotta consider with a lift is: Do I need a lift at the moment and if I choose to postpone will I be happy with a saggy face for the next 5 years or so.
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Ah, I read that the results were longer with the endoscopic, but honestly always found it a tad hard to believe as its mainly 2-3 hooks. ( I guess I based that opinion and thought mainly off of how messy and insignificant the change is from thread lifts and its hooks ) For the same things you mentioned though, I'd rather over dramatic lift so it last longer and I never have to see my brows in my line of view.

As for the clinics not potentially having those surgical options or specialist in that field when its not listed, makes me more or less feel like I should just cross the clinics with zero mention of it off my list. Better safe then sorry.

( I'm trying to upload an image just for example of what I mean of my face .. But I dunno if its going to work. I'm not use to this forum. Picture is of my actual brows. Others are welcome to use for example if having similar brow problems)
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no the threads address skin layer only the edoscopic lift addresses the smas and the tissues are pulled up the hairline and sutured into the new position via the coil.

Also, you look better imo when inner and middle is lifted. the 2nd pic u look angry and weird. Its good for when you are doing a high fashion photoshoot but i personally wouldnt wanna have permanent resting ***** face lol
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Have you considered a botox browlift?
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I don't want temporary fixes.
I live far from the city and it just seems ridiculous to travel out every 3-6 months for touch-ups and renewals. Thats 7 hours of my day getting motion sick ever 3-6 months.

I just don't want the stress of having to stare in the mirror wondering if its wearing off, or going thru 10 treatments only to realize the inevitable that eventually I'll end up getting a lift anyways. I just want it done and over with and be happy with my face. Permanent solutions for more permanent results.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have the same questions ,please share ur knowledge if u gathered info thanks
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  • 2 months later...
acculift doesn't improve sagging. Its a temporary tightness due to the heat and swelling. Once that dissipates so does the mild tightening. It won't cause sagging unless too much fat is removed.

Ive done fat graft to the forehead. That's the only area I will graft onto my face. Oh and the nasofolds but that didnt last long at all. In fact even a filler in the nasofold doesn't last long. Its got to do with that region being an empty skin flap coupled with the constant movement when you speak.

I cant recommend that procedure because I don't even know what you look like so I can't say if its suitable. Everyone has a different face so just because one procedure is effective on one person doesnt mean it will be effective for you. Just depends on your facial structue, what you want to achieve etc etc
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At 35, will I benefit from a SMAS? I feel my face looks sunken and saggy after cheekbone reduction. Wondering also how to tell which doctor has the technical skill to handle this in Korea - most of the clinics seem to have really gimmicky kind of lifts so it gets confusing.
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definitely. the smas is the only one true lift. By that I mean, by correcting the smas, lifting and tightening, suturing and fastening it to its new position it will reverse the signs of aging. However what it won't do is reverse skin condition. So pretty much your wrinkles and fine lines and sagging will be mostly gone (if done properly) but your actual skin condition won't be like a 20 year old's if it wasn't already.

You should have a surgeon who considers the directional pull according to your bone structure. I selected mine because he acknowledged that the traditional vertical lift would not be suitable due to my bone structure. Basically your surgeon needs to have a very good understanding of facial anatomy.
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