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K Couture's guide to facelifting

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Glad to know I'm not alone heheh and yeah, even though I have a strong jaw, I didn't think home reconstruction was the answer. Maybe electrolysis really would be a good option? Maybe we can remove some of the fat and that would help? I've also thought the Botox would help but it's so temporary and again, I am young and don't have that kind of money ;-; hopefully someone out there has the answer for us! I'm worried about a facelift because if my face starts sagging again, I will need to keep getting it and I'll start to look like the cat lady...I'm just worried. Let's hope someone on here has found our solution. Right now, I'm think removing some fat would be our best option...
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@jamie82 when you bite down and it buldges more its usually the muscle tensing. If you had enough botox you will notice the bulging effect should be significantly weaker. I usually go 60 units once every 4-6 months.

@Hoeeekage electrolysis is hair removal....i don't see how it will help the facial contour.....if you want a more narrow and smoother/less boxy contour the correct procedure is the mandible reduction or V line surgery. Both involves cutting the bone. That changes shape but not the width, unless your mandible is protruding to the side which it is not. The only way to reduce width is to use botox.

Shape = bone
Width = muscle
Some surgeons do cut out part of the muscle but that can lead to a number of complications, and to add, the muscle is known to grow back lol.....Botox is the best option width reduction.

Either way you will likely do more than one facelift in your life. Its not a big deal. I know ppl who have done 4 facelifts and they still don't look like cat lady. I think the cases of joan rivers (bless her soul) and the really scary looking ones are from bad surgery. Just look at demi moore and charlize. I don't think they look the way they do from having not done a lift lol.

Anyways surgery is always a plus minus. You can't really have everything unfortunately because there are always limitations. Plastic surgery is just like skin treatments. Dermatologists hate it when patients say "is the results permanent?" Its like one of the most eye rolling thing a patient can say lol. Skin is about upkeep, so is plastic surgery but in lengthier terms. Skin treatments would require weeks apart for maintainence but plastic surgery, depending on the procedure and your facial condition, would require years apart. Nothing is completely permanent unfortunately. I wish it is tho.
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I've tried botox but I've found it less useful :sad: seems that cheekbone procedure exacerbated the fullness in my lower face.
I found this video on Dr. Joo on a Mini Face Lift, and its the kind of post surgery aesthetic I'm hoping for. Not sure though what kind of lift it is. He has since left the clinic :sad:
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i don't trust this piece of advertising. I think they just used photos of other procedures and pretended for it to be a mini lift. Do a search on realself. There are topics of discussions where nearly all the surgeons and mds unanimously agree the mini lifts and all the other marketing names are gimmicks to lure patients in. These procedures do not have long term results.

You really gotta understand that many of these quick lifts only deals with the skin layer. You cannot correct the SMAS layer adequately unless you do the MACs or SMAS lift. Its impossible. The reason why skin layers do not work and do not last long is because the skin is connected to the Smas. You might lift the skin but the skin is in a lower position which will quickly drag the skin tissue down. Doing these gimmick lifts also make your later lifts involving the Smas more difficult too and limits your result.

Anyways go read up on realself on those lifting gimmicks. Nearly all the MDs repeatedly advise patients against falling for marketing gimmicks and instead opting for a true lift.
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Thanks for replying, am aware of the gimmicks and avoiding the acculifts or thread versions.
However the video doctor is Dr. Joo Heon Lee, formerly of April 31 who supposedly specialises in SMAS / MACs lifts.

Was wondering SMAS / MACs was used in the case above, since the terms can be so confusing. (The procedure is also no longer listed on April 31's site since Dr. Joo left? )

Edit** FWIW Dr Joo isn't my choice and is only recently researched - been veering more to Idea or Dream. MVP was early consideration but they pushed for thread lifts instead.

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no the SMAS and MACS is definitely not used in the case above if it is branded as a mini lift. No surgeon would be knowingly advertise as much. The person who did that video is most definitely not Dr Lee. It is definitely someone from their marketing team that created it. Basically just found some before and after pics, slapped it together and threw it on youtube. A mini lift cannot produce those kinds of results, at least in a long lasting sense.

Basically the MACs is actualy a method of performing the SMAS but via a limited approach. You can have more access to the SMAS with a SMAS lift compared to that of a MACs lift. Reason why MACs is used sometimes is depending on the area which requires correction. However both actively manipulative the SMAS layer. Also one thing is that while the scar from the MACs is shorter, because of the manner in which it is done, it cannot be as well concealed as the SMAS lift. Also, Dream's facelift surgeon is no longer there anymore just fyi. He left couple of months ago.
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Do you know where he went? I might need a lift after facial contouring ;/
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Yeah I meant lipolysis! I achieve the look I want by lifting up my jaw and cheek area but I am hoping that removing fat will give an overall thinner appearance. But maybe acculift will work for now? Along with a sliding genioplasty/chin reduction (what I mentioned earlier as a mini v-line) I think I should be able to achieve the look I want. I am just worried about further sagging or hallowness. Anyways, that is my plan for now. Just trying o find a clinic and surgeon that really understands facial symmetry and balance!
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Acculift is good for facial fat reduction so it can definitely give a slimmer aesthetic. But the lifting effect is a gimmick. Sagging or hollowness occurs when too much fat has been removed. Moderate amount should be fine. But you should note that facial fat removal is quite easy to over correct too, especially in regions with the tissue is thinner.
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Thats exactly what I have been doing this year (just 29,not even 30 yet) looking through old pics and wish to turn back time.

I still dont know the reason dear. My fat graft was pretty ok. But later I gained a lot of weight and they show on my face. I think the weight gain actually make the fat layer on my face become loose and start to droop. When I recognized the problem, it was just too late to reverse.
Now Im thinking of face lipo but just afraid it will just make the sagging more visible.
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If the fat graft was okay initially and the sagging appeared after weight gain then your skin could no longer supported the amount of volume in your face so it drooped. Even if you're young, your skin has a limit to how much volume it can support. If you can lose the fat through weight loss or lipo AND your skin can shrink back, that could solve it. If you the fat is removed/lossed and your skin doesn't shrink, yes the skin sagging will look even worse if you don't get a lift.
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