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Under eye vein

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Hi everyone! so I've read up on this - and what laser is used to get rid of it etc, but many clinics in my town that I go to refuse to do it because of their inexperience or they just never done it before, most would give me a reason like "oh that area is really close to the eye and that's dangerous" , when I put makeup it just seems more obvious for some unknown reason. pretty sure many girls out there are bothered by this.

So.. are there any clinic that does this in Seoul? I visited many skin clinic websites, couldn't find anything on this procedure, if you happen to be someone who did this procedure, please let us know! :smile:

image for clarification ,,
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I have the same problem, this vein revealed itself after under eye fraxel laser (unnecessary and botched)..

I had asked for this procedure to the doctor who performed the fraxel and said she won't do the under eye one, ddn''t ask her what laser she would use, because it's too close to the eye and there is a chance that it will fu*k up the blood supply, which may lead to blindness and permanent topical swelling an other side effects.

I think the laser doctors commonly use is the nd yag laser, but I am not sure so take that with a grain of salt.

Personally, I am too scared to have laser done for the under eye veins, so I will try to cover them with filler or fat graft, for my face to come as close as it used to look. But I am also scared that this may bring them even closer to the surface and make them more prominent.:sad: I will consult with doctors in Korea about this.

Which site is this photo from? Don't they mention the laser they used?

If you have it done please keep us updated, I am very very interested!:smile:
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Hi dear, yes the site is skinmds, they mentioned the laser , it's called Coolglide excel laser (that's what the name appears on the search engine), on the before and after gallery on the same site seems to have another name "Blu-B-Gone Laser for Blue Veins around the Eyes/Face"... tbh I've done fraxel, but not on the face and I think it doesn't do anything for the veins...I think it's more for the scars (acne etc). I at first thought it was dangerous, but then stumbled upon random clinics that do it, one was in the UK, and according to them they did the procedure hundreds of times, so I guess it isn't all that dangerous?

I found a clinic in Korea - here's the link to their before and after, but their site is all korean.. no english

their method does not seem to be laser though...
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I saw this story last week about a woman in China who wanted to get rid of the veins around her temples so she got a fat graft done by a "specialist" in China who wasn't a plastic surgeon, she's now in coma as the fat cells injected entered the bloom stream and went to her brain: https://nextshark.com/botched-plastic-surgery-leaves-woman-paralyzed-coma-china/

BTW the temple area requires a very advanced injector due to veins/arteries/nerves in the area, so I think she took a big risk by having that area treated by someone who wasn't a board certified plastic surgeon. I hope she recovers fully.
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Thanks for the warning.. it is a sensitive area indeed. laser seems to be the safest option compared to fat graft and sclerotherapy
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OMG whyy??:sad::sad: I need fat graft under my eyes:sad:
Thank you for the info!

Ah I know that clinic, Duhan, I have them on my to consult list for fat graft.

But for the veins it seems like he is injecting something, like sclerotherapy method maybe?:sad:Don't understand..
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