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double jaw surgery at TFD: Storytime!

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It's not my particular expectation that I was referring to, more so others I've had conversations with. There is a general misconception when it comes to 2jaw.
I'm not displeased with what I got, but not gonna lie, the pain and suffering I went through did somewhat raise my expectations. My jaw situation wasn't severe enough to end up dramatically different. I got all 2jaw had to give. If I want a bigger change, I would go to a different clinic for bone shaving. I would consider tfd conservative in that area.
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Hi szechuan,could I pm you through Kakao,I have something to ask you,please give me your Kakao ID,thank you
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Thank you for the review. I went to tfd too and it was really easy for me to play in my head what you said. Tfd after care was good but the only bad thing was that they made me do post op x rays literally only a few hours after my facial contouring surgeries. Only When I fell down from weakness did the nurses decide to do the x rays the next day.
Haha, I remember being so drugged up after the surgery that I remember two people staring at me in the elevator but I was so high I didn't care that saliva was drooling everywhere in my wheelchair.
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