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Consultation virtual/photoshop "After" photos?

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SO I stumbled upon an article on the net where the journalist had his photo photoshopped by the doctor (at cinderella ps) to show him how he'd look like after.

know any clinics that do this? I'm somewhat interested. was anyone here shown their after and it looked almost the same after surgery?
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Most of middle scale clinics is supporting that service in Korea. As you know it's calling virtual or simulation ps service to show image to make people understand how your face change after surgery.
Prepare your front and side view photo and add explanation about your surgery name. nose.. eyelid.. etc.
Then, they going to reply your email with 'photoshopped after picture'.
If you afraid nobody could your English question then,

"가상성형 부탁드려도 되나요?" (Can I have simulation service?)

and insert this your surgery item, this..
눈 (eye), 코(nose job), 광대축소 (cheek reduction), 사각턱축소 (jaw reduction), 턱보형물 (chin implant) etc...
If you find my thread then you can find more Korean surgery names.

They gonna write you soon. Good luck.
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  • 1 year later...
After reading around on realself, it turns out that the virtual “before and after” is only relatively accurate when it’s used in profile view. It’s also mainly used to show patients their potential nose job results.

Typically for the rest of the face, the virtual b/a isn’t a good tool to go off of, like one doctor mentioned, it’s working with a 2D image, while we are 3D. It doesn’t take into account of other variables of the human facial structure.

Just throwing this bit of info in there =D so if anyone is googling around, they’ll see this too.
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