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Square Jaw Reduction with The Face Dental

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Hello everyone, I have been doing my research on facial contouring since 2014. I have booked my flights in January 2017 and flew on 21st May to Korea. I have read many reviews on purseforum and real life stories from people who had the procedures done. My main concern is my wide and angular square jaw. And later to find out there are zygoma and chin reduction that helps in giving a smaller and sharper face. Knowing one of my friend who did 2 jaw surgery with The Face Dental (TFD). I also went for a consultation with Apgujeong Seoul Plastic Surgery (ASPS), since it under the same building as TFD.

I visited ASPS for my first consultation on 22nd May. The consultant and translator are really friendly. She brought me around taking ct scan, xrays and some photos. I explained to them that my main concern is my wide angular jaw and they said I am a good candidate for the surgery. Then, I met the Doctor, doctor is really friendly and explained to me that I may not need chin or zygoma reduction because I am a guy and I don’t need to go for a very soft look. Instead, he said if I want to do any other procedure, he recommended me to do a nose job. I always knew that I have a deviated nose and there is a hump on my nose. I have never considered rhinoplasty because I don’t want to insert a silicon implant. ASPS quoted me the price of 7million for angular jaw reduction which is slightly pricier than what I expected.

Next, I consulted with TFD. I met Dr Lee, he go through my ct scan and xrays with me. He mentioned that I am a good candidate for angular jaw reduction as my nerve are lying way above as I have huge excess bone. I am glad that my nerve isn’t lying below as it will affect the amount of bones can be cut. he mentioned the same thing as the doctor in ASPS, he said I don’t need to have t-osteotomy as my chin is pretty narrow already. If my chin gets any narrower will not be proportion with my skull width. I have a pretty big head, huge skull.

Then he mentioned that I can consider zygoma reduction as well because after jaw reduction my zygoma may look wider. Knowing that zygoma reduction will cause an unavoidable sagging for sure. I dare not to go for the procedure and have decided to just stick with jaw reduction alone. Although Dr Lee did mention that jaw reduction will also cause a bit of sagging due to the facial structure losing the facial bone as support and thus resulting in excess skin. At the same time, he mentioned that since I am young, I shouldn’t have any problem regards sagging or my sagging will be minimal.

Since my nerve is lying way above the excess bone, he said he will avoid the nerve for sure to prevent any nerve damage. He will also provide me with some electric muscle reduction to reduce the muscles fiber and dr lee said it will be better as compared to have jaw botox.

Then I speak to the manager nurse, and she discussed the price with me. I was given 10% off with full cash payment. The price given is reasonable and can be considered as a local price. I feel comfortable consulting with Dr lee, he is really nice and informative. With a friend who did with tfd and with good results boost my confidence of choosing tfd and dr lee for my jaw surgery. I have decided to go with TFD and scheduled the surgery to be on 24th May 2017.
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On 24th May, I reported to TFD at 9.30am, and spoke to the head consultant and proceed with full payment. She brought me to the ward and change to the surgery gown. Right before the surgery, I had a consultation with Dr Lee again to re-confirm the procedures he is doing on me. I am removing the angular jaw and the electric masseter muscle reduction. He said the electric master will be more beneficial to me compared to jaw botox for long term.

Then I signed the consent form with the head consultant explaining to me the risk of the surgery etc. It is scary to know the risk of dying from general anesthesia. The consultant then brought me to the basement level and I saw the operation table with 4 nurse assistants there. And I was told to lie down on the operation table and was being inserted an IV drip on my left hand. The anesthesiologist came and asked me about my health issues such as allergies or something right before he’s going to give me general anesthesia. He started calming me down said the surgery will be fine and let me to breathe through mask that tasted bitter and everything start rushing up to my head….

The next thing I know is when I wake up at the operation table, the nurses are asking me not to sleep and put me on a wheelchair and push me to the ward.. Then, I was looking at the clock all the time to wait for the time to pass as I was told that I could only drink water after 4 hours. The first hour was torturous… my throat is very dry. I didn’t really feel nauseous but it was extremely uncomfortable after the GA. Dr Lee visited me twice to check on me after the surgery saying the surgery went well and ask me to rest. I was only allowed to drink. I am glad that I met some wonderful friends during this surgery trip, they visited me for an hour making time pass a little faster.

I was told that I can leave at 8pm on the same day, however, I requested to stay for a night because I am too lazy to move as the bed there is upright so it is better for deswelling etc. I left around 8.30am next morning.
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When I removed the compression band, my right cheek is significantly more swollen then my left one. I did nothing much on day 1 and just icing my face for the whole day hoping that I will deswell as soon as possible.

I went back to the clinic for a follow up. Dr Lee cleanse my wound. And that is the first time I see the before and after ct scan. I can see that my angular jaw is removed and really happy with the ct scan results. He said my swelling is at the peak and its going to deswell for the next few days. He told me to start walking around that may help with deswelling as well. I enquired about the deswelling treatment, he said I cant have it too early because it may promotes more bleeding and I will have it only on the next appointment. The next appointment will be scheduled on day 5 for deswelling infrared light treatment.

And my next deswelling treatment was on D+7. On D+10, I did my last consultation with the doctor and took some after pictures.

I would say the recovery wasn't that bad for me. other than having a swollen cheeks, everything is fine. I went out on D+3, shopping etc, knowing that walking helps with deswelling.
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Now it had been 3.5months after my surgery. I am very happy with my face shape. I am happy to achieve a kind of heart shape face. I had a big head to begin with, so I know I cannot achieve those typical korean egg shape kind of face. There is no complications and I recovered from well. I am really happy that I have chosen The Face Dental for my jaw surgery. :smile:

For now I am looking for procedures such as ultheraphy, HIFU, non-invasive lifting procedures for my face. As we know removing the angular jaw meaning removing support for my skin. I want to go for some non-invasive procedures to prevent any sagging.

In addition, I did fillers in korea and it is very cheap! 50,000won per 0.5cc of fillers at a new clinic that is having promotion at gangnam. I cannot remember the brand of the filler, but it is Korean brand. The fillers lasted for 3months only. i heard those popular brand such as judeverm can alst up to a year. However, it was my first time trying out fillers. And my first experience with fillers wasn't that bad, it fill up my nose bridge to cover the "hump" that I used to have. If I were to go back to korea again, I will definitely do the procedure again.
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Congrats on having a your successful jaw surgery! It is quite an invasive surgery and glad to hear that you are happy and with no complications :smile:

Can I ask whether TFD also gave you a receipt for VAT refund, as with this you should be able to get 10% back on your surgery?
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Since I paid in cash, they ask me whether I would prefer a direct offset in the amount I'm paying. So I got additional 8% off (as VAT refund). So it save me the hassle of going to the airport to do any VAT refund. And I have more wons to spend during my time there.
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Thank you for sharing! Do you remember the name of the clinic where you did your fillers? Please pm me. Also, where did you see their promotions? Babitalk? And how did you bargain at the face dental to get local price?

Thanks a lot:smile:
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I didnt really bargain with TFD as I consulted about 2 years back. At that time they are really underrated among foreigners. So that time they already offered me a local price. I believe their price have risen a bit but it is still reasonable compare to other big hospital.

I got to know about the price for the fillers through kaokao chat group. Someone who travelled to Korea and had fillers done at her Temples and Chin. She told me it's pretty good job. That's why I go ahead and do with them. It's a new established clinic.. heard that the doctor used to work in ID hospital. I've attached the name card that I gotten from them. Not promoting or whatever. I think fillers is a very common procedure there.. You can check out many other skin clinic for it. I wouldn't say their service is the best.. as I went there mainly because its cheap.. but it only lasted for 3 months yea..
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I have considered TLPS and TFD. As mentioned, I only consulted ASPS and TFD. And I made my decision for TFD. I did a lot of Research on TFD.. reading real life reviews and spoke to people who did surgery with dr Lee. After speaking to dr Lee further boost my confidence with them..

I would say the communication with the doctor is very important! Dr Lee is very patient and explained to my enquires with details. I would say TFD is pretty good with facial contouring.. since dr Lee is specialised in 2 jaw etc, for a square jaw reduction it is relatively smaller surgery.
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Wow, then you got a pretty nice discount 10% + 8% VAT refund, seems you got a great deal :smile: And indeed better to have the money directly in your pocket while you are there :biggrin:
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yes, the 10% discount, you would have to talk to the doctor/manager.
a lot of time it is case by case basis.
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I did HIFU yesterday for skin tightening after 3.5months of my jaw surgery. The procedure was so painful. I would say it is more painful than my jaw surgery! Despite putting numbing cream on my whole face, each hifu shot caused my facial muscle to ache so badly. The tingly sensation really make me tear.

I can see the immediate results of my laugh line being less obvious now. However, the doctor said cause I'm still young I wouldn't really see much result and I need to wait for 1-3months to feel the tightening effect.

I am not sure whether the money is well spent on hifu. Initially I wanted it to be a yearly maintenance for my skin as a prevention for sagging.. but now I'm kinda afraid of hifu as it's quite painful!

The clinic uses a Korean brand hifu machine from Bison. Hopefully I can achieve the desired results.

Hope to hear from people who have tried out hifu! Thanks!
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It feels like tooth aching for each shot. Surgery is a lot better with anaesthesia kick in. Nope, I did hifu in my home country. TFD don't provide any skin treatment.. mainly facial contouring.
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