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My plastic surgery review (9 months)! Nose and Eyes

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Hello guys :smile:

My English isn't perfect, but I will write as long of a review as I can to talk about my experience. I have been using this forum for my reseasrch for a long time, and I always promised myself I would give back to the community cause I recived a lot of help from you guys. I spent about 4 years thinking about plastic surgery and 2 years actually looking into it and looking into which place was the best for me.

My surgeries of choice
1. Nose. I had a huge hump nose for as long as I could remember and on top of that my nose was like an arrow whenever i would smile. i had to get rid of it because it was such a problem for me when i was smiling or laughing. I felt like my nose was like a strong arrow and thats all everyone could see. Most importantly, it was all that I could see when ever I looked at my photos. I used to purposely smile iwthout showing teeth because I worried if I showed my teeth then my nose would become more arrow with a bigger smile. Hope that makes sense >< I dont know how to explain it well :confused1:

2. Eyes. I never really knew what ptosis was. I always though I just needed eyelid surgery to correct my asymmetry. One of my eyelid is ok but the other is not and its like sunken. But after years of research I realized I needed ptosis eyelid surgery to correct my heavy, droopy eyes.

The clinics I went to
I contacted so many clinics that I would get confused and I couldn't remember which clinic said what or who said whatever. haha it was pretty bad. I think I contacted maybe 20 or more. Among these, the top places I was considering to go was GNG Hospital, TL, April 31, ID, and Grand. In the end, I chose GNG Hospital :flowers:

Among those five, two were off my list almost completely (I will refrain from saying where). They're huge and extremely "luxurious" ... I get it. but I did not feel comfortable with all the patients going in and out. I mean doctors are human too. So how can they remember all their patients. It was a beautiful clinic, don't get me wrong... but it totally lives up to it's "Factory" rep. I did notttt feel comfortable there. I met with the doctor but both places were really similar. Really long wait but very, very short consultation. You can see that their time was very important to them, and wasting it was not an option. Overall, pretty unpleasant experience. T

he other two were ok and I was pretty torn between them but in the end I just decided to go with GNG Hospital since I felt more comfortable with them and one of my local friends had a pretty good result wiht them too. Also, for me, I care about the function of my nose too because as much as cosmetic is important too, overall health function of the nose is just as improtant and GNG Hospital is not just a clinic, and it is where many Korean locals go for surgery, not just foreigners and my frined is Korean too so I know it is one of the best palces to go. And I heard some people they have problems with breathing after a bad nose job, so I trust ENT plastic surgeons

I didn't need a translator but they hooked me up with one anyway and she's born in the states so it was nice to have a foreign friend to get an unbiased opinion rather than just a Korean worker. The consultant was really professional and she didn't make me feel like i was being sold something. I even said I needed time to think about it and she told me to do more research and let her know when I decided. I felt really reassured by that because one of the other places I went to threatened me saying they could only give me a discount if I let them know that day haha.

I met with my nose and eyelid doctor. The eyelid doctor had a very serious face, so i felt intimidated at first, but actually out of all the pclinics i went to, i swear he spent the most time with me. he even started drawing for me how the surgery would be cause at times i got so confused. He was really honest and didn't sugar coat anything by telling me what was possible an dwhat wasnt. I felt like that was what sold me the most because I wanted honesty and a more realistic answer.

My nose doctor didnt really say much but he showed me my scans on the X ray and CT . it was pretty cool cause i got to see the inside and outside and they let me know about my internal airflow(?) and what they could do to correct my nasal congestion.

Surgery day
I was gonna be hospitalized a night, but my aunt took me home and the doctor allowed it but told her to contact the hospital immediately if there was an issue. I wish I stayed though because after I woke up from surgery, I was soooo sooo soo tired and I just wanted to rest. My aunt was very persistant that I needed to go home tho haha. I think the pain wasnt as bad as I expected, but it was so uncomfortable. I couldnt breathe and I was very nauseous and I could only breathe from my mouth. It was pretty difficult, but still not as painful as I expected. Just realluy uncomfortable.
pain 2/10
discomfort 9/10

Having to get up and go home after surgery was such a terrible experience. if you can stay overnight and be hospitalized, i highly recommend it. Thankfully GNG Hospital offers 1-2 nights hospitalization. Un-thankfully my aunt thought it would be better for me to be looked after at home haha

Overall surgery result
I wish I wrote this review sooner. I always thought about doing it and I even promised I would right away. but I guess I got caught up in life and eventually forgot about the community that once helped me >_< Anyway, I am already over half a year post-op and I think it took a month for my swelling to settle down enough. I can see I am still swollen and when I look back at my 3rd and 4th and 6th month post op picture, I can see I was more swollen than I actually thought at the time. These days many of my friends and family and people I dont even know say I got so pretty!! It really raised my confidence because no one used to say like that to me. I am so happy and thankful to my doctors and I know it will keep getting better

Anyway, I am very happy with my result and I am sorry I could not have shared it more clearly earlier. I hope everyone has a good surgery and good result. Sorry for my bad english!! :biggrin:

I wish everyone luck!
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Thanks for sharing ur story.
And this is out of subject but does anyone know when the little bruise on non incision eyelid go away? Its been almost a month for me and i still feel those 2 bumps of thread and it looks like two purple ish dots.
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i had incision, i am not sure, sorry :sad:
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Thanks for sharing!! I also have hump nose and want to get surgery. I contacted DFK and they presented 5 clinics and I´m now choosing between Banobagi, Cinderella and GNG. GNG recommend that I do Humpectomy + tip plasty, what did you do? Do you have any before & after pictures?
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