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Honest Experiance/Review at View Clinic Korea Sept. 2017 (a lot of photos)

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***warning!!! Some of these pictures include blood so please be advised, thank you.
Procedures I got done: V Line, Zygoma Reduction, Rhinoplasty, Fat Grafting, and Thread Lifting.

This is going to be a honest review through my experience at View Clinic. I'm not going to lie it's going to be super detailed so it will be quite long.

For a long time I wanted to get V line surgery because I had a masculine face that made me appear older than what I really was and made my facial features small and unattractive. I did my research and contacted a lot of clinics: TL, ID, Jewelry, Wonjin, VIP, MINE, BK, Regan, Cinderella, etc. I contacted a lot! Since I was in the states, my only source of communicating with them was emailing or through kakao talk. Like any clinic, there are good and bad reviews, some had more good than others and some demanded deposits sent right away without even looking at my photos. When looking and doing my research I looked for three very important things:
1. Safety, accident free
2. Doctors that specialized in their fields and had proof of crediantials
3. Post (after-care) treatment

It was very stressful finding a clinic because some before and after photos appeared photoshopped and to some clinics, once finding out I was a foreigner tried to "upsell" me. My final desicion was View Clinic. I'm going to be honest, it was a YouTube video that made my mind set. The video showed a tv show about how the doctors transformed a girl who had a really huge under bite into a symmetrical v line face. In my head, that was proof the doctors had knowledge on the procedure and there was no photoshopping done because it was actual film.

Pre Consultation: Once arriving at the clinic I met with two translators. Oh my god....I'm not going to get into it but those two really eased my panic and stress because I was in a foreign country by myself and I was super stressed about not being able to communicate or tell the doctor what I wanted. Those two helped big time. They said I would meet with three doctors. One for nose, face, and the head surgeon. But before any of that they said they needed blood work, ekg, x-Rey, and Ct scan. The building was really really big, it had different floors. So one of the floors was a lab work floor I guess? So the tests where done there.

Meeting the doctors:
First doctor: Dr. Lee Dong Chan. He was the doctor for my fat grafting, nose, and thread lifting. He specializes in rhinoplasty.
He spoke English well enough that there was good communication. My nose was never big to begin with but I wanted it slightly sharper and my small hump removed. He agreed that that was all that was needed to my nose. I emphasized to him that do NOT want it raised. My biggest concern with him was saggy skin. I had a operation in 2014 in the states (mandible reduction) ( 2-3 millimeters shaved off) that left me with saggy skin. I flat out asked him to give me a face-lift. Hahahaha I was dead serious because it was such a insecurity of mine! He looked at me and said No, you don't need a face-lift. I argued with him that I know once I get v line and Zygomatic reduction that my skin will be very saggy. He said for my age, that their should not be saggy skin. I was very persistent, I asked him, will there be saggy skin after my procedure. He answered that he would not be able to tell until a couple of months after the surgery. What he offered was thread lifting that would last 2-3 years and facial liposuction(acculift) that would really help lift the skin. So I agreed. Hey, at least he was being honest.

Second doctor: Dr. Yun Chang Woon. He was the doctor for my V line/genioplasty and zygomatic reduction. He specializes in craniofacial surgery.
He understood English very well so communication with him wasn't hard. He sat down looking at my Ct scans and showed me what he was going step by step. He showed me the importance of my facial nerve and that part of the region that will be no where cut. I showed him a picture of my ideal face type and he said that he will do his best but if I wanted that look I would need 2 jaw surgery and I was like, hellll no.

Third doctor: Dr. Choi Soon Woo. So apparently he's the head surgeon in the clinic but he only does breast augmentations. However, he oversees everything. He went over everything, the procedures that was going to be performed, what is my ideal face, safety, and if I had anymore questions. I asked him if he would be in the room while I went under for surgery, I asked this because like I said before, the reason why I picked View was because he and Dr. Yun Chang Woon where the doctors who performed surgery on the girl with a huge underbite. He smiled and said yes he watches over all surgeries.

Before leaving the clinic I was given instructions on how to prepare myself the next day, time to be at the clinic, and that the doctors would look over my blood work and lab results before starting surgery.

Day of surgery: I meet up with the two translators again and they said the doctors looked over my blood and everything and I was cleared for surgery. They gave me their set of patient cloathing and I was sent to another floor to the operating room. The doctors came to see me one by one asked if I had any questions and gave me a "fighting". I meet with the anesthesiologist and she put me to sleep.
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I woke up to only being able to breath through my mouth because My nose was sealed and I had Cotten stuffed inside. I wasn't in pain, but I was very Uncomfortable for two reasons. I had a urine line (I never had that before) and I wasn't allowed to drink water for a couple of hours because on the blood draining tubes in my mouth, (View picture). One of the translation ladies was there when I woke up and she kept gushing at how beautiful my nose turned and how she loved my nose. All I was thinking was "what about my face" hahahaha. I moved my face in certain directions to see how my nerves were and could feel it moving so that was a good sign! So I stayed overnight at the clinic. I had a IV for nutrition and urine line (ugghh). Surprisingly I feel asleep easily. The night nurse would come in ever two to three hours to drain my blood out of the tubes in my mouth.

Second day at Clinic: When I woke up, I didn't feel pain. I got the tubes out of my mouth and the urine line out (thank god!) I still had to breath through my mouth because my nose was stuffed up. That was really uncomfortable. I could walk and was recommended to by the translator. She asked me if I wanted to spend another night at the clinic because I was all alone in Korea and she was worried for me......that really made me cry. I agreed and she offered to go to the pharmacy to pick up my medication, antibiotics, and pain killers. That night I got my cotton removed from my nose by Dr. Lee Dong Chang. He said it shouldn't hurt...it kinda did lol. Idk I felt it in my eye if that makes sense but maybe I was a baby. I made sure to ask him if everything was alright, how where the stitches and he said everything was good.

Third day at Clinic: So today I was prepared to be discharges. A new translator meet with me and explained before I would be discharged the doctors would look at me one more time and answer any questions I had. I met with Dr. Lee Dong Chang and Dr. Yun Chang Woon and I made sure to ask them did everything go okay, was the surgery successful. They looked and then felt my face up with their hands (lol idk why, checking I guess?) and said yes everything was fine. The translator then gave me a bag with pumpkin juice, 3 huge ice packs, masks, two big bottles of isotonic solution, my medication/painkillers, instructions, and the dos and donts for after surgery. She explained about swelling and bruising normality and if I needed anything to kakao talk her or come to the clinic. Then I was discharged.

Aftercare: I was given a time card for my schedule with my aftercare. My first day of aftercare I was so swollen I couldn't put my contacts in my eyes. I meet with a translator and she led me to a floor where they shampooed, conditioned, and blow dried my hair. A nurse then came to clean my sutures in my mouth and nose all the while the translator explaining what the nurse is saying which was it was very very important to gargle and rinse with the isotonic solution every two hours or after I eat/drink something to make sure my stitches where clean. I told the nurse that I was very swollen and if it was normal. The translator explained that because it was day 4 of recovery the swelling is very normal and for now the best thing to do it is walk for 30 to one hour, ice pack no hot pack, and sleep upright above my heart. After that cleaning and putting new bandages on me they asked if I had any other questions. I'm not going to lie I was a little worried because I was really swollen, so swollen that my eyes practically disappeared into my cheeks. The nurse assured me that's what happens when you get fat grafting in face and it is very normal.

Day six of healing: Today's aftercare was AMAZING. I got my hair washed again. My swelling went down, it's still there, but not like before. I got my nose stitches and bandage removed. I got my sutures cleaned again and could finally take of my bandages for my face! I met with Dr. Lee Dong Chang and Dr. Yun Chang Woon. Dr. Yun Chang Woon felt my face again, asked me to make a "oh" "eh" you" sound, and said everything was good. I made sure to ask him AGAIN if everything was symmetrical and if everything was healing fine. He said yes. Dr. Lee Dong Chang looked at my nose and explained that the stitches inside my nose would still remain until next week and that everything was healing nicely. ONCE AGAIN I asked him everything was okay, how was the stitches, is my swelling normal, etc. he answered yes. After that I was taken to the dermatology level of the clinic and they started the de-swelling treatment!!!!! Yes, it's a stupid this to be excited over but I was over joyed and if you ever have been swollen in the face then you can relate. I laid relax in a room where a lady cleaned and took off all the dead skin cells on my face and then I was put under a laser that helped my swelling go down.

My honest opinion on the clinic....it's still early to give a full honest review but so far I can honestly say I haven't had a bad experiance yet. It's still way to early to tell so I am so to give it months before declaring it but my time at a View Clinic has been a pleasant one and the results are most definitely showing. Number one things that stand out from them is their translators. The doctors are amazing and are certainly specialized at what they do but my god the translator hospitality towards me shook me. I was literally shook. Though it might be like that for other clinics and I'm just being dramatic lmao but the doctors, translators, and so far results deem ( FOR NOW ) that View Clinic is amazing.

So, that's it up till now! My next treatment for aftercare is next Tuesday so I am hoping swelling goes down more and I'll have my pictures up if you guys would like that. Maybe I leave my kakao too if you guys are interested because I will be in South Korea until the 10 of October.
To everyone deciding to get plastic surgery done at South Korean be safe! I hope you guys will have a good experience and good results and make sure you ask your questions! I probably annoyed my doctors with all my questions but I promise you will feel reassured and relaxed knowing.
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Name of Rhinoplasty, fat transfer, thread lifting and facial liposuction doctor is Dr. Lee Suk Hyun, my first doctor. I got the names mixed up because I would refer to him as Dr. Lee. I totally realized when I remembered the monogram for his name was LSH not LDC. Sorry for any confusion!!!
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Thank you! It's still too early to tell because I'm very swollen but I can already see that everything is perfectly symmetrical!! And I had a asymmetric face before lol. I will keep posting post op pics so *knock on wood*

Good luck to you ((:
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Congratulations on your surgery! Hope you heal well.. Please update us more!
I thought that dr Lee Dong Chan is the director, any reason why didn't you pick to do surgery with him? Is he not doing the surgery anymore?
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