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Honest Experiance/Review at View Clinic Korea Sept. 2017 (a lot of photos)

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Hahah youre adorable

Youre going to do all your negotiating with the consultant not the doctors. So first you are going to meet with the doctors. It is very important to tell them EXACTLY what you want, no being shy. What ever concern you have, express them. The awesome thing about Views surgeons are they specialize in their respected fields so they are more than happy to go over every detail with you (be it safety to results)

Then you are going to meet with the consultant to talk about price. My advice for negotiating is say you are serious about getting surgery but you are on a budget. If youre looking for revision work, price might be a little high, BUT this only depends on the severity of the issue with your nose. If the reason for revision is minimal you should be charged almost to the same amount of regular rhino maybe even less if its a small fix. If the issue is complicated the price will surly rise.

Great thing about View consultants is its so so SOO easy to talk to them. I know being a foreigner I was really scared about overcharging and them seeing me only as a dollar bill (I know the experience because other clinics I consulted with treated me that way -_-) but it wasnt that way at all. The lady actually worked with me. It was like she put me first before the clinic.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck and be strong, confident and enjoy your time in Korea! Keep me posted if you can!
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I stayed in Korea for a month so it was in intervals of every week. About 3-4 times I meet with my doctors.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Im sure if you ask to keep your x-rays (before,after) they will give them to you.
I know they will show you (after surgery) your before and after x-rays and the difference. However, make sure to ask for your request (:
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Hi! I'm pretty new on this forum, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be posting this as a reply here. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me!
But I'd like to ask if v-line surgery has a shelf life. I've heard from a family friend that the bone will grow back after it is shaved and I'm honestly scared to get surgery because of that. So I'd really like clarification. Thanks!
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Oh my gosh, please excuse my eyebrows. It was midterms month and...... 0.o

But never the less here are Feb. Updates. (I know im a day late, sorry!)
I never mentioned this before but whenever I take these update pictures I always make sure I tie my hair up and no hair is covering my face so the full honest result can be seen. I feel like with some pictures, if the hair is covering the face, you're not really seeing accurate results. I actually saw a video on FB and insta of exactly what Im talking about with "covering of the hair", Ill leave the link if you guys want to check it out. Its pretty funny lol

So regarding with updates, my face is shrinking every month. Its getting smaller and smaller and I believe its still gonna get smaller as time goes on! Especially if I lose weight because I am a little chubby in these pictures (It was exams month!! ><)

From my open rhinoplasty the scar is almost invisible! Its no longer noticeable unless someone is 5 inches from your face. My nose is also getting smaller each month so I will keep updates on that!

Thank you guys for your patients! Sorry for posting late again! If you have any questions feel free to ask ((:
More pictures coming in March!
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You're fine, you're not doing anything wrong (;
I actually never heard about this, but that is interesting! I think bone regeneration is possible to happen/ occur when a small fracture breaks the bone. But with a big change like shaving/cutting; I dont think the bone will "grow back" necessarily.

But, I am no doctor! haha Best thing to do is contact View and ask your question. They are very fast at replying so I am sure you will have your answer ASAP ((:
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hi... do you mind to reveal how much did View charge you? perhaps you can message me :smile:
I contacted view via LINE but they quoted me prices similar to banobagi....
I'm planning to do v line, zygoma,and forehead fatgraft

thanks :smile:)))
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I will Pm you (:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you :heart: excited for you going to Korea soon!!!! Keep me updated
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Hey! Thanks for writing this review. I'm off to consult with View for sliding genioplasty. I'm nervous...I hope they have a lot of experience with international patients and Western like faces. Your review helps a lot since you look Western-ish haha.
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