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Full body Lipo at DA, double jaw consultations, etc.

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Hello Guys,

Long time I haven't posted anything...
I met up with someone from purse randomly last month when I was consulting at 101 with dr I Soki with my friends, then got approached by a very kind lady "catelet"who needed some info about clinics for her nose revision.
We kept in touch ever since and already planning our next trip together Haha so glad to meet nice people so for those who seek for info i will share my own body lipo as well as some other clinics so you can make your own choices and compare according to your level of expectations.

I will divide the reviews in 4 separate parts so I can come back to it when I will find some free time.
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Part 1

This march-april 2017 trip was one of the best of many of my previous trips.

This time, our group was so supportive to each other , most of them knew each other since 2014 research ,some joined my kakao group when I had some. Nowadays, We exchanged our personal numbers and shared our info in a whatsapp group chat we have been enjoying ever since.

Grateful to the group without whom I wouldn't have had such a great time in korea, the moral support, clinics info, etc but not only that, all the fun and laughs we had together it was just

I wish you guys to have that kind of friends with you. I don't see myself planning any trip to Korea without them anymore!

About my lipo, what I needed was a full body lipo. I don't know why I gained so much weight after my marriage, so depressing

To be honest, in my list of clinics I booked consultations for I hadn't even been considering DA.
First because the consultant I knew left, secondly because I don't know anyone who went there for lipo.

So here are the clinics I have consulted with in march:
3.nasslim clinic ( opened by a dr who used to work at 365mc clinic *i will attach the clinic's price that are fixed they said)
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4.imup.co.kr ( same building than top class and opera )

5.365 mc ( I think I already wrote about it in a previous post )

6.golden line in apgujeong

7.lipo clinic




11.and many more I can share privately If you need more clinics

12. Last consult was pretty random with DA when I just came by for a check up for my friend and I. The new consultant asked me why I am back here for so long then I told her for lipo etc. She then said they had a very good lipo dr in house! I wasn't aware of so since I was there I consulted with dr Kim.

Our friend has had experience with golden line and and one at the line, no scars...and good results!

And my personal favorite was the dr at image up clinic who told me the exact same things that dr kim at DA.
So my decision was made according to dr's kim plan, how I felt when consulting with him, and of course because I know already know the anesthesiologist and had my file In DA so everything is easier in case anything happens...I understand now why Kcouture would go back to Dream always, just less stress and hassles on your surgery day!
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So after all the consultations, I would just followed my intuitions to go with dr kim from DA. If I knew they had a good lipo dr before it would have saved me time and money of extra days of consultations and translating fees

The consultation with dr Kim went well, he speaks very good English so I didn't need my translator to come with me, he is very conservative which I like, he explains his technique and understood my wish not to leave with me any visible scars. Not acceptable for my case to have one little scar.

Though my consultant Katie left and Rylie too, I met with Their new consultant Emily who was very kind and was there for me from the beginning to the end. She was present during my consultation with dr kim but she didn't need to translate at all. But could see my before after at least.

I consulted on Tuesday and got surgery on Saturday. I told my friend not to come to the clinic on the day of the surgery because I felt like it was going To be okay especially i know the clinic well now and felt comfortable before the surgery.

Now after saying that, it is still a surgery and it is still under anesthesia so I kind of regretted having said that
However, I got a pleasant surprise right after I paid for my surgery, I got a pleasant surprise visit from chrisalexander from purse!!!! Haha I will always remember him for that because he could just have slept in and see me after but this is how nice our little group was! I was so happy to see him that morning.
( the next week I was also there for him after his surgery )

The surgery itself went well, he removed as much fat as he could without leaving any sagging skin ( I can say that now 6 months post op)nor scars.
Dr Kim came to talk to me right after surgery to explain what he did, see how i was feeling etc.

Emily was there too until I was moved to the private recovery room where my translator was waiting for me in the other bed. The staff offered us to stay over that night but I felt good enough and just wanted to go back to my hotel. My translator wouldn't let me do so and took me back to her place. Luckily she did because I needed her that night lol
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On Sunday i was able to move around but slowly.

On Monday, I had my surgery appointment at secret clinic. This i will explain in part 2 ;)
i don't know why after my eye surgery at secret when i woke up at 1pm i felt so good I just could hang out as if I hadn't had full body lipo just on Saturday.
Though my body was all bruised the pain was non existent and discomfort was manageable from that moment onwards.

I had to wear garments for a whole month so it is best not to do your lipo in summer time it would have been a nightmare to manage daily!when chrisalexander came to pick me up at secret after my eye surgery we went out until past midnight that day

The next day I started consulted for my double jaw surgery ( part 3)
At times, some girls would join to help me translate if they speak mandarin, but chrisalexander is so cute if you bring him around drs really like him and it makes a difference in the way they treat you. Pretty sure it wouldn't have been the same consultation without him. Some people just have charisma and help me negotiate which I am very bad with I am always scared they would not do their best If i ever have a discount. I guess I got bad memories from my past experience.

The girls in the group said that If they didn't see me from their own eyes they wouldn't believe I just had full body lipo. From their experience, it wasn't exactly the same lovely post op I experienced.

By the way , Dr kim was against full body lipo. But my original plan was to do lipo then double jaw a bit later in April if ever I find a good maxillo-facial surgeon... so I really had to insist. He said he will see during the surgery he wouldn't promise it to me just yet.

The after care was excellent as usual. I had a laser on full body every 3 days to help the bruises to fade away. It was warm feeling and they applied it with a gel. I had that until the last day I left. It really helped a lot ! Every time I went back from the after care treatment, my bruises got so much better!

Back home, I would get special massages with a physiotherapist twice a week.
The physiotherapist is actually coming to korea with me next time to get her lipo because she likes my results and were impressed by my recovery!

I can't thank dr Kim enough...
I have brought the clinic some gifts to thank the team. I met up with the nurse who helped me out two years ago after my surgeries in 2014. She remembers me and was holding my hand while talking to me. She is the one with glasses. So grateful to have night nurses like them. This time, I had another Chinese lady nurse who was so attentive to me after surgery, you will see it is so important not to feel left out when you are not strong enough and need desperately help.

I want to thank him for reshaping my body nicely, made me skinny again before the summer. I am very very grateful and will be careful not to eat like I just got out of jail like someone from purse would say

However, I feel like the results are not Final yet because I keep losing weight month after month. So I will update when it my weight will be stable !
I love especially the shape he made for my legs so straight and thin
I went from 63kg to now 54kg
I didn't go on diet just yet because I have been traveling and eat a little bit too much but I will pay attention once back home I don't want to go through lipo again
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Yes thanks for sharing! It's so helpful to others to read real-life experiences. I can attest that Lolipop looks like a model and could easily be in advertisements for the clinics she has gone to. :biggrin:

And of course, I'm so glad we met (it still amazes me to have met by chance at 101!) and have become friends! :heart:
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Catelet you are too kind with me Remember my friend you met on the same day she went exactly where I went and she is the best results to me from my drs so pretty ! I am nothing next to her am sure you will look as beautiful considering your chosen clinic. Looking at the waiting list of your dr, his ranking, his techniques. When consulted with him for my friend it was 3 months in advance we needed to book in advance. And for dr I Soki is a bit less. 2,5 months. Happy recovery
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Hi @lolipop32Swiss thanks for sharing your experience! Uh wow full body lipo, this is just what i need in my life:yes: Looking forward to your update! I'll be sure to watch this thread.
Meanwhile could i ask how far apart were you dropped 10kgs after lipo? By dr Kim did you mean dr Kim Ki Kap or dr Kim Joo Youn?
Could i pm you maybe? I would like to ask about your several listed clinic you mentioned above..
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Dr ki-kap Kim.

I had the surgery in march and now is October I am 54kg but I hope to reach 52kg. Still hoping to reach that by 12 months post op.

I have private trainer three times a week and do Pilates twice a week so it might help too. It does motivate you to pay attention to what you eat when you have been through lipo once.
By the way, I forgot to mention full body lipo does not include calves area.

I have too many messages privately I don't think your messages will be sent through unless I start deleting former messages. We chat thought whatsapp nowadays.

You must consult and see which Dr you feel most confortable with. Hope you will also post for us to have options too.
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Here is the one ;) as seen attached
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Thank you! Yeah i will visit clinics on my shortlist before making any decision :smile: probably going SK before end of this year..

It's okay i'll just post my questions here: i wish to know more about your consult at goldenline, the line, and naslim (you got me when you mentioned a dr from 365mc formed it. I definitely attracted by 365mc since they were specialized in lipo and everything, but their price is also a bit high..)

And also just curious how did the dr at imageup told you about dr Kim? Shouldn't he promote his clinic instead haha

Perhaps i shouldn't be interrupting your thread because i'm sure you've got a lot to share, sorry but i can't help it! Too excited because i don't see a lot of lipo topic mentioned in purseforum..
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Sorry what I meant by the dr at image up told me the same things than dr Kim at da was about his plans for my surgery, how much he plans to remove, where he plans to hide potential scars to avoid them to be seen, and no lipo on calves. He was nice and conservative too. He speaks great English!
The clinic is cozy and consultant is not pushy.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

All clinics I visited I like. I always go with Korean translator who is my bff's sister , her kakao is carolfish by the way. But the line has English consultant. And the lipo dr there was the one who remains when the other 4 surgeons left to open TLPS. Our friend looks good and she is happy with her surgery there too.

We went to goldenline which is not far from the Line clinic by the way, Dr doesn't speak English at all nor staff. So even though our Korean friend went there and had good results, and is cheaper than most of clinics we went to , I don't feel comfortable going through the whole thing and depending on someone who speaks English. If you are Korean go there.

With nasslim, the price turned me a bit down is like they have that chat for foreigners and locals they said but I know for a fact that locals don't pay that price at all.
Hence, i had a bad experience consulting at 365mc and was afraid about the factory style of the hospital.
In the end, go where you feel the connection with the dr, his techniques, the staff, equipment, surgery room, etc.

They must be good too since they only do lipo.

There are plenty of other clinics you can consult with.

Just do not do your lipo during summer time because with the garments you have to wear it could be annoying with the heat , and you might deswell less faster.
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Thanks for the review! I have a few questions:
  • Did the clinics specify the type of lipo (laser/smartlipo, ultrasound, mini,...) they will do during consultation? Did you have a preference?
  • For lipo, the main goal is take the most fat out but also to reduce/hide scars. Could you tell from consultations how each clinic would perform in those areas? Did they all say the same basic things or did Image and DA say something different from the others?
  • I thought scarring is inevitable because they pierce the skin, it's just a matter of hiding the scar by placing them in skin folds for example. How can you avoid them?
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Hi @lolipop32Swiss thanks for sharing, i'm looking forward for your update. Could you elaborate on your consult with bongbong? They were on my list too for breast, but if they do good lipo as well that could be great.
I would like to hear more about beauline, faceplus and idea too.. Kindly do tell us more when you have the time :smile:
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