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This is how to prepare for your trip to korea everything you need to know

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Here is a list of various things to pack for Korea :

Travel documents
Of course you must not forget your most important documents including:

  • Passport, visa, ID card
  • Credit card and cash
  • Transportation tickets
  • Hotel or Airbnb reservation
  • Important addresses and contact info
  • Mobile device, charger, power bank, electrical adapters
  • Notebook and pen in case you need to write down things
  • Comfortable clothes you can easily put on
  • At least one zip jacket or cardigan. Even if you’re in summer because after GA you may be a little chilly and you don’t know if hiding under the blanket provided is gonna be enough
  • Socks
  • A comfortable pair of shoes
  • Your own basics (toothbrush, lotion, hygiene items, …)
Health items
  • Hand sanitizer. Especially if you’re not staying ‘all day all night baby 365’ at the hotel/airbnb (a joke that no one can understand lol). Clinics have hand sanitizers you can use though.
  • Medication if you’re taking any.

Now, here is a 2nd list of things that some people must bring while some others consider them as optional (no particular order):

  • Supplements, medicines and skincare to speed the recovery process. You can also buy them in Korea. Check my article about Self Deswelling Treatment.
  • Neck pillow. Neck pain is an awful feeling, right? Make yourself comfortable [​IMG]
  • Eye mask. If you can’t get to sleep after the surgery.
  • Face/mouth mask. Clinics usually provide a face mask if you have any face surgery that you need to hide when you go out. Pharmacies sell face masks too. And you can find them in supermarkets as well (yes)
  • Gel packs. You probably won’t need gel packs because clinics provide ice packs to help you deswell faster. It feels good though. When I was little, I often had fevers, and my parents like to put gel packs on my forehead to cool the temperature down.
  • Beauty products. If you wanna go shopping to the heavens of cosmetic products, you don’t have to bring all of your beauty essentials. You can find lots of Korean cosmetic brands from affordable to high-end.
  • Straws. Thin straws are very helpful when you can’t open your mouth wide after surgery.
  • A shopping bag. You’re gonna say, why in earth would I need a shopping bag? Haha because grocery stores and supermarket in Korea do charge for plastic bags. If you will have a long stay, you will probably need to go to the supermarket more than once. It’s not that expensive though lol
  • Korean language books. If you want to learn some Korean before arriving in Korea.
  • Earphones. It’s nice to listen to some music, right? Especially if your flight is gonna be veeeery long. And to relax in your room when you can walk after your surgery. A staple.
  • Sunglasses. To hide, yeah. But not only to hide your pretty face from people haha. In summer it’s really sunny in Korea, you want to protect your eyes. Your eyes can get tired because of the sun. You don’t want that for your precious fragile eyes after surgery.
  • Hair ties. For girls who have long hair, should be convenient when you don’t want your hair all over your face after the surgery haha
  • Food. Should I have put it in the 1st essentials list? lol

You can get pretty much everything in Korea. You’ll find anything you need there. Don’t worry too much about the 2nd list, I wrote it just in case
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