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Asia Clinic-Thailand (They destroyed my face)

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  • 1 month later...
Danger ! Reports for high numbers of victims of mandibular jaw angle reduction & zygoma cheek reduction resulting in disasterous deformities and even death. Face bone reduction will result in excess soft tissues( skin, muscles) causing sagging and premature aging.In some cases, the face bones over cut/ uneven or broken. Bone loss will put the soft tissues out of place and create strange face shapes.A cut to the major blood vessels running through the jaw bone will result in death, theres been a number of deaths. This surgery should only be when it's necessary for people who have abnormalities. Bone loss creates sagging and aging ! Be aware of surgeons selling this disastrous unnecessary surgery resulting in sagging and they try to further sell more surgeries to fix sagging faces with facelifts, etc. Craniofacial surgeons ( specialise in face bones) in the US and UK have started to inform the public how face bone reduction will cause premature aging. https://cosmeticjourney.com/forum/topic/28614-mandibular-jaw-angle-reduction-problemscomplications-with-face-bone-reduction/?tab=comments#comment-302857
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Please be patient and choose wisely. Dont rush into corrective surgery because some people got botched twice. There are some good craniofacial surgeons in this world. Korea and Thailand advertise a lot,there is a lot in common. seriously
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Please can we get in touch.So many people have been disfigured, deformed, ( even death) from complications of mandibular jaw angle bone reduction or zygoma cheek bone reduction. If you can be reached via twitter, please send the link. Thank you.
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  • 2 weeks later...
im so sorry this happened to you!! :sad: i've been thinking about quick cheekbone reduction and this is making me wonder if i shouldn't get it. for quick zygoma, they cut the side cheekbone and push it back so only the side cheekbones are affected but do you think it'll cause these kinds of results?
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honestly thank u a lot for putting this information out there! :heart: i will just stick with my face shape and only get rhinoplasty
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Nah, a lot of people know what's going to happen after facial contouring. Didn't need to spam all of this into the thread. You can just do your own research.

There's plenty of threads on here that already tell you what can happen. A lot of people on here won't make anything up, and yes, there are ways to minimize the sagging it causes.

Not to mention, facial contouring is not just a cosmetic procedure, some people need it due to problems with their jaw (like eating, communicating, breathing, or even just having a heavy jaw) so spreading this type of bs is not going to be helpful for those that have that issue and actually need this procedure.

Also, you don't share your email in this forum, if you do that then you're breaking the rules already. That's why they got banned I guarantee you. Read the rules first before commenting.

Sorry if I seem like a complete s**t, but you can't just say that facial contouring is all terrible, because it can do good for some people.
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*There are some people who think that they will not end up with sagging as they look young before the surgery. Also some doctors have told some patients that they will not sag; therefore these patients believed they would not end up with sagging. Therefore they underwent the surgery but ended up with sagging; which means more money and surgeries the fix the sagging.(We are now seeing reviews and currenlty a number of court cases of people as young as in their twenties with sagging and serious damages.)

Also, it's best to do one surgery at a time and wait for up to 6 months for the swelling to go down completely and see results because some patients ended up with bone deformities, in which case, it will require fixing the bone deformities first before attempting any facelifts. https://cosmeticjourney.com/forum/topic/28614-mandibular-jaw-angle-reduction-problemscomplications-with-face-bone-reduction/?tab=comments#comment-302857
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Saw the one with the review on realself not too long ago.

Her first mistake was going to the wrong hospital, she obviously didn't do her research first, probably just dove in and thought she'd be fine.

She chose ID hospital, which has the worst reputation ever. Excessive marketing, photoshopped befores and afters (it's so obvious I find it funny how one could fall for that), deaths, shadow doctors (switching doctors during surgery), etc. They are a factory.

With shadow doctors at that hospital it's so clear as to why she has such severe sagging. She's lucky enough that she didn't even die.

Another mistake was doing too many surgeries at once, that's gotta be one of the dumbest decisions one can make.

Don't do your whole face in one go. Always do your research or you'll face consequences, and it'll be your fault.

No offense to her but she also looks like she was onto hitting her thirties in those before pictures. In my opinion, that's going over the line. Probably too late to even try that surgery, she should've went with Botox. Of course, I could be wrong and she could be really young. It could've been genetics playing that role making her look a little more mature. I too, look a little older than I am due to the lack of cheeks in the front (because genetics suck).

Also, facelifts aren't the only things that can get the job done, fat grafting is another way to lift the face up and look even younger, plus it'll add more volume. Of course, you have to look into these surgeries a little more and find the right doctor to do them and you'll be okay.

If you look at Sarahdomm's review she explained to me how she had no sagging due to the right choices she made.

Her Review:
# Where the quote came from:
# class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeQuote">
Sorry for the long post but I need to get this across to new users and those that don't know what they're doing.

You better be working day and night taking notes on this if you don't want to F up your face. Botched Jaw is right. There will be sagging no matter what.
Also btw, facelift is by far one of the most painful surgeries out there that takes a long time out of you to feel normal again. I had an upper mid face lift for my eye surgery and damn I see feel the uneasiness 3 months post op. I've never felt like this with any other surgery (rhino, fc, etc).

And I'm not even talking about the full facelift here.
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