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Thick natural eyebrows

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I have superthick eyebrows naturally. Any ideas what to do with them? I'm tired of going to salons to have them shaped (by plucking and waxing). Also, I'm geting DES soon and I heard that plucking can make the crease drop.

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Keep your thick eyebrows! Thick eyebrows make you look younger and youthful!
Be blessed for them, because when we grow older our eyelashes and eyebrow hair thins and decreases over time

(What I do: I never wax my eyebrows or upper lip. My personal belief, waxing pulls the skin, it causes the eye lid to droop. I do threading. I find it cheaper also, 15$ where I live for the whole face....but it hurts....like hell. But its worth it because threading last for 4 weeks for me)
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