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DES + Ptosis at MVP

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Hi everyone! I've been a long time lurker who barely posted except to shop around for prices, haha. I finally bit the bullet and flew down to Korea to get my eyes fixed :smile:

I'm going to admit right now, I didn't spend a lot of time looking around clinics. I'm primarily here for my vline surgery (which is tomorrow at the face dental.. I'll write a review then!) but I realized I had extra money so I decided to get my eyes done while I was here.

I decided on MVP because the results look natural (I'm not a fan of the overly dolly look) and the prices are pretty good. My consultant Elizabeth is super incredibly warm, sweet, and friendly. I understand that it's literally what she's paid to do but I couldn't help but like her

The clinic isn't too big, but it's extremely clean and polished looking, almost like a hotel. The consultation was a bit more rushed than I preferred, but that's because they were trying to fit my appointment into a morning slot.

Initially I only wanted incisional ptosis and epi, but I had too much excess eyelid skin and the doctor said I would have to get DES (even though I already had double eyelids) otherwise the ptosis wouldn't stay. Now this was beyond my budget, so the doctor suggested I get nonincisonal and ptosis. I decided not to get the epi.

The surgery itself was really easy. If I had to rate the pain out of 10 it'd be a 1. I barely felt the IV needle (seriously the nurse who inserted it is a wizard) and tbh I was so sedated I don't even remember the operation except for tripping out a bit haha.

After the surgery I was escorted into the recovery room. My body didn't take the anesthetic very well (I'm small with low blood pressure and I didn't eat enough the day before) so I felt extremely nauseated for hours. The clinic staff were very kind, they took my blood pressure and gave me a shot in my hip. I wanted to rest in my hotel so I tried to go home but they insisted I stay so they could take care of me. I think MVP really shines in their after care. When I finally made my way back, Elizabeth messaged me several times to make sure I was okay and even called me. She also drew a map to help me get back to my hotel :smile: honestly she's just so lovely.

My eyes are still pretty swelled up but so far I love the results. Nonincsional looks more natural imo, and as an added bonus my eyelashes look gorgeous. Because of the ptosis my eyelashes always dropped down, but now they are angled outwards and I can appreciate how long they actually are! I'm also glad I didn't get epi, the ptosis and DES actually lifted my eyes enough to open up my inner corners :smile:

My eyes feel pretty bruised tbh and I slept around 16 hours, but so far my recovery seems to be going okay.

Sorry for the lack of details btw, I'm on mobile, but feel free to ask me any questions and I'll try to answer them! I'll be writing my vline review at the face dental soon!!

Now before I end this post here are some tips I've gathered from my experience so far:

1. Don't get epi unless you have really, really thick folds you want to get rid of. Mine were pretty thick but they've pretty much disappeared because the ptosis and DES lifted my eye lids that much.

2. You can't eat 9-12 hours before the surgery but make sure to eat a lot before then. I honestly felt so sick and light headed for hours because I didn't have any food in me (I'm a very light eater) and right now I'm preparing for my vline by shovelling chicken in my face.

3. Buy food or snacks and leave it in your hotel before you have surgery, just in case. I felt way too sick to go out and buy food which really didn't help with my condition. MVP does send you off with pumpkin juice and congee but you need more sustenance to heal properly.

Anyway I hope my post helped :smile: I'll try to post BA pictures once I get them.
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Thanks for sharing your experience! Been thinking of doing nonincisional and ptosis at MVP so I'm really grateful for your post! :smile:

Is your surgeon Dr. Seo and did they mention about the longevity of the double eyelids? I'm kinda worried nonincisional might last really short :sad:

Also I've wondered about the way DES is done at MVP bc there are clinics doing 3-point, 5-point, double suture twisting etc? I can't seem to find any info on how they're doing it, did they explain how they did yours? :smile:

Lastly could you also share how much you paid for the surgery? Thanks so much and I can't wait to see your BA photos! :smile:
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Hi :smile: my doctor was Dr. Seo, yes! He is very deft! My right eye is actually lower than my left on my skull, they've always been really uneven but they look pretty symmetrical right now so I'm really impressed with his work.

I'm not sure about the sutures but I can ask Elizabeth. I probably should have done more research >< I did ask about longevity, they said as long as I don't excessively tug and rub at my eye all the time, the incision shouldn't come out.

I don't feel comfortable giving out the price I paid because I got a pretty nice discount but I can tell you it was half of what teium quoted and even less than half of what DA asked for even without the discount :smile: I'm not saying you should scrimp and find the cheapest clinic willing to work on you but expensive isn't always better. A lot of clinics that aggressively advertise towards foreigners (banobagi is a huge offender imo) will overcharge you.
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Hi thank you for the advice! Yes I just had my v line :smile: I'm swelled like a balloon.
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Day 2-3: I can feel some of the threads rubbing against my eye.. It's pretty uncomfortable but it's slowly getting better. The swelling is going down fairly quickly, I guess because it's nonincsional. Things are going well ~
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I won't be able to post them until I get home (I need to shop some identifiable details out >~<) but I'll be sure to post them :smile: and my v line pics as well.
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Excited for the updates! The details in your post sound really promising! I’ve been casually looking into lower canthoplasty and even though I love my eyes from my primary surgery, I’ve been looking into other doctors to look into, since I’m not sure if my previous doctor prefers to lower the canthal tilt at all.
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Hi I will post pictures when i get home!!

It's day 7: that weird thread feeling is gone. My visions been kinda blurry from the swelling but most of it has gone down and my eyes look really pretty~ the lids are kind of bruised though so the Ps looks obvious.. I'll just be patient and wait for it to fade.
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Hello :smile: I went to see Dr. Seo today and I asked about how long the sutures would last. Honestly the procedure was so cheap and easy I would have been perfectly fine with him telling me they would only last a few years.. But he said they would last a life time! So I'm pretty happy ^~^

With all DES though, whether it be incisional or nonincsional, I think there is a small chance of it coming undone if you constantly rub and tug at your eyes.
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Day 8: went to see the doctor today ^~^ my eyes still feel a bit heavy and bruised, which was because of the ptosis and not the DES. He said they should be okay after three months but I'm already happy with how they look..!

Im not updating this thread as much as my vline because the recovery has been fairly easy and comfortable :smile:
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