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DES + Ptosis at MVP

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only one month post-op, tbh when I close my eyes the eyelids still looked swelled up. The doctor said they would look normal after 6 months >_< I hope the crease gets a little higher, but I think it's gonna stay that way. Pretty happy with it so far though, especially because they finally look even.

Also, my head is not tilted in the before pic. My left eye is lower on my skull ._. so the doctor made my left crease higher to compensate.
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Hi :smile: Just wanted to give a quick 6 months post op update! Not much to say because recovery was super easy and smooth.

- I didn't get my facial contour at MVP because I was pretty set on TFD, I liked their natural results and low-fixed price. They also gave me a hospital vibe which made me feel a lot safer, while MVP had a gangnam unnie aesthetic. I don't think it's bad thing, just not my taste

- My swelling went down a little bit, and my eyes look extremely natural. I went to the optometrist the other day and they didn't even know I had ptosis or surgery

- Everyone tells me my eyes look prettier, in fact they notice my eyes more than my v-line surgery which is kinda weird since I think mandible reduction is a huge deal

- Putting on make up is different, I don't bother tight lining because my lash line is so insanely prominent now, I look like I have perma tight-lined eyes. I guess it's a good thing, but it limits the styles I want to do make up wise. To be fair though I've always had a thick lash line, it's just more noticeable now that I don't have ptosis

- My eye shaped changed a tiny bit. I thought ptosis surgery would retain my natural shape (I loved my old shape) and just make them wider, but the shape itself actually changed. Everyone says they look prettier but I liked my old eyes because they're the same as my dad's.. so that made me a little sad

- When I close my eyes the line doesn't fold, which is something I don't like. My old eyes were also double lidded and the line would still be visible, but not folded, when I closed them. It's not a big deal though and barely a complaint, just a comment

- My eyes get dry like once or twice a month and they feel itchy because of it. It's always right before I sleep though, and it rarely happens. Most of the time they feel fine

- MVP did a great job, don't get me wrong, but they offered me a $100 gift card to give them a review. I actually wrote my review before they asked me to do this though so this thread is 100% my honest thoughts and feelings, I just wanted to point this out because it made me feel a little uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong though, they did a fantastic job and even if they didn't ask me, I would've given them a glowing review anyway

- The price at MVP was REALLY good, they gave me a discount I'm pretty sure because I almost walked out (I was a bit short on cash) but they took great care of me and even picked me up and brought me back to the airport. Service and post-op was fantastic, I am pretty weak health wise so I felt insanely sick after the operation and they took really great care of me.

- Even if it wasn't for that though, I'm eternally grateful for Dr. Seo, I know most ptosis surgeries don't come out evenly or even well and it's a pretty tricky procedure but mine is pretty much flawless. The only complaint I had was I wanted them 1-2mm higher, but Dr. Seo was very insistent that the height he gave me was intentional and perfect because it looked natural. After a few months I realized he was completely right, if they were any higher they'd look surgical and weird

- Initially, I also wanted epi but the ptosis and des opened my eyes up so much you can barely notice my epi lines anymore when they used to be kinda prominent

- I've gotten so many compliments on my eyes and opening them is no longer strained and painful. I used to get headaches trying to just look across the street because my ptosis was so heavy . Recovery was easier than removing my wisdom tooth. Would I do it again? Yes, definitely. Even if it wasn't for the cushy after care I'd definitely recommend MVP just for Dr. Seo
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  • 5 months later...
One year post op~
Didn't think my eyes could look more natural but they did :smile: the swelling went down ever so slightly and it looks like I was born with these eyes. With the swelling decreased they look a little less 'stitched up'

The dryness went away, I don't have any issues with dry eyes at all anymore, even if I don't sleep for 30-40 hours (college student life sigh)

When I close my eyes I still see a crease, but it looks far more natural than before. And if I pull my eyebrows up a little the crease does not show at all. So I think it's more of an issue with my excess eyelid skin. No scar at all.

My eyelashes look sooooo good. I tried tight lining and Jesus christ guys I had no idea how good eye makeup could look when you don't have ptosis.

Extremely happy with the results. No bad side effects, no complaints. Easiest recovery ever. 10/10 would recommend Dr. Seo again.
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Hi there. Thanks for giving us thorough review about your surgery. I am thinking about going to Korea next summer, to get my eyes done. I also need to get ptosis fixed too. I am super new to this stuff, and i think I should start planning my trip sooner because i don’t have much time left. Would you mind to give me information about finding your hotel and tickets and stuff? What website did you use? And how long would you advice me to stay in korea for ptosis and eyelid surgery?
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  • 2 months later...
It sounds like you're really happy with your results! I'm wondering if you would mind PMing me your B+A photos? my kakao is sliceofsunshine
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