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Fresh PS review- Fat grafting and facial lipo

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Hi MariaSandra, there are lots of famous clinics in Korea but I think it would be better to have f2f consultation and find your clinic. I don't think their fame guarantee your surgery's result so please contact them first. You can find good clinic here so why not? they offer free online consultation too :smile:
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How long did it take for the undereye bruises to go away? They were pretty dark so I thought they would take longer to go away. Did he say that type of bruising is normal for FG? I wonder if you could have taken any supplements before/after surgery to prevent bad bruising from FG?
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Hi Gat! The bruises were disappeared about 2 weeks. The interpreter told me that have skin massage on the bruising areas so I did it everyday. I don't know it is normal but I was told that I'll have bruises so I wasn't scared. I don't know there is any supplements can help to prevent bruises and swelling.
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Hi Jennywill! Thank you for your comment! I did PRP because I saw lots of B&A pictures at Fresh and the results were great. So I thought PRP was enough and stem cell was not really necessary.

Hi naaata! The result hasn't came out yet so it's hard to tell now but I paid for 2nd round so I'll definitely go for 2nd round. Haven't booked flight ticket yet but soon :smile:

Hi Theyester! The big swelling is gone but I think still have some minor one. I'll let you know when final result comes out! Thank you for your comment though!
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Vitamin C tablets, Orange Juice, and a lot of walking can help bruising and yellowing of the skin heal much faster ((: Worked for me
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Thank you! Are those also work after surgery? Saw your reviews and you look absolutely amazing! Love your new nose and facial line!
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Thank you!

Yes, after surgery I drank a lot of OJ and took Vitamin C and Zinc tablets. My bruising and yellow skin went away in 2 weeks all together.
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I'm glad your results turned out well!
Personally I didn't really have a good feeling about Fresh. I was looking into chin lipo clinics as well and decided to contact Fresh through Kakao. I spoke to them in Korean as well but they never answered my questions directly about price and aftercare. I told them that I would be visiting on my own so I was quite worried about taking care of myself. As soon as they knew this, they were quite persistent in asking where I was from, if I was an overseas Korean or a foreigner, if I was from China, where I found out about them, etc. I told them that their BA pictures looked promising so I really just wanted to know the price but they kept on pushing for my replies. I eventually stopped replying and I kept getting messages on if I was still interested in coming. Idk, just thought this would be something for some others to consider.

I did come to Korea but ended up having my chin lipo at Beautyline Plastic Surgery. Although it's only been a month, I can see the difference already! It's still a bit sore if I look up too quickly, but the compression band really helps. I'm excited to see the maximum results from the third month onward ^_^
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