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1 year post-op DES and BA

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Hello everyone!

Just posting an update on my PS results. I had incision des and BA done in November 2016 at DAPRS. I am super happy with my results and do not regret going to SK for my PS, I feel very lucky to have found this forum to help guide me through all my decisions and I hope my results and advice can help someone else going through the same thing!

I wouldn't really recommend DAPRS to anyone on this forum, whilst I am happy with my results, the aftercare as you've probably read on this forum was pretty bad. Pretty much once they have your money and have done your surgery they don't really care about you, ESPECIALLY once you've left the country. I do not regret choosing them because I do love my results, but as I've said before I would not recommend them to others.

IMG_20170519_111331_mh1495164083314 (1).jpg

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions and I'll try to get back to you with my experiences xx
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Thank you so much for sharing your review! I'm glad youre happy with your results . I'm also getting BA done and in the process of trying to figure out what size implants I want to get. Can I ask what size you ended up getting for BA?
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Thank you for your review! Your results look great. I'm thinking of getting BA as well. Did you go to Korea to get your surgeries done alone? How was the recovery? May I know what kind of implants did you get?

Thank you!
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For BA my doctor was Doctor Koo and my eye surgeon was Dr Lee who I think is not longer at DA. I got allergan natrelle implants 295cc, they didn't have motiva available publicly while I was there but I wouldn't have chosen it anyway, because since it's such a new implant there isn't enough studies behind it for me to fully trust it. I would much rather go for a tried and tested FDA approved implant, and then replace it later once there is more research done on motiva :smile:

I went from a 10A/B to a 10D, I don't really wear sized bras anymore but wear wireless kind of sports bras or bralettes since I find them way more comfortable, but I've tried on bras and 10D is my size in those.

@Minxgirl @soyeon I went to SK with my partner and I am SOOOOOOO glad I did, I got under the muscle and armpit incision, and I will tell you, the first 3 days I was virtually bedridden, by day 3 I could walk around the apartment. But I needed help with virtually anything physical, even getting out of bed was really hard (you don't realise how much you rely on your pecs until you have a BA lol). I also had very limited mobility of my arms, and only really gained full mobility back 6 weeks later. I think armpit incision is the most difficult recovery, if you go for the crease incision your recovery won't be nearly as bad with your arms, you should be able to move them around and fully lift them much quicker :smile: By day 4 I could walk around and explore Seoul, though you will be walking VERY slowly, especially down stairs. But would definitely recommend coming with someone to help you if you are getting under the muscle, over the muscle I hear the recovery is incredibly fast and some women return to everyday life within a few days.

@sophia990 As I said before, my doctor is no longer there. But I originally wanted to have Dr Jang perform my DES, but she was on maternity leave while I was gone. I've read many good things about her on this forum, but I think the threads would have been deleted now since this was like 2 years ago. I will say, I had virtually no bruising after DES and not much swelling at all when compared to other girls in my KK group (some had bruising everywhere and very swollen, I was swollen but no bruising), so I think the doctor must have been very gentle.
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@yasminn_n Hi! Was your eyes doctor Dr. Sang Woo Lee? Do you know where Dr. Jang is working now by any chance? Thanks!
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