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Honest Review of GNG and Docfinder Korea

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Hi! I noticed I didn't mention that I am 7 months post op. I understand rhino results can take 1-2 years to finalize. I debated whether or not to write my review on GNG and show my before and after pictures now, 5 months before the 1 year mark, so to be completely fair, I am thinking I will hold off on completing my review until then just in case any further changes appear. Feel free to send me a pm with any questions though. Sorry for any disappointment!
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Are you going through an agency or privately? Tbh, I feel like you may have hindered your bargaining power with the deposit. If anything, you could say that you were indecisive, but wanted to feel secure so you submitted a deposit, but will have an in person consultation with a few more clinics when you arrive to Korea (and actually do it, it never hurts to shop around, and yoy may be surprised that your decision of a clinic could change) . You'll have better bargaining power if you go without an agency and most reputable clinics will have an English translator. Put on your poker face, girl, and don't get too attached. Things quickly change in a matter of minutes despite what you had your heart set on for months. Be sure to negotiate a price (hopefully, free) for rhino/v line revision if the results are botched or unsatisfactory. Tell them if you do like your results, you'll return or recommend them to friends/family (keep your word on this, of course). It doesn't hurt to give them your permission to use your before and after photos for marketing (you can ask them to censor your eyes too if you want to retain some anonymity). Also, gng is known for natural rhino results. If that's what youre after, then that should work for you.

As for the negotiating process, the Korean speaking consultant was hard to budge (she knew I already submitted a deposit and that I was with an agency). I told her if I liked my results, I would return for facial contouring, and only then did she begrudgingly offer a 10% discount.

Good luck!
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Hi! Yes it was incisionsal, I had it done in the states. Feel free to pm me, I'm only 7 months post op so have decided to hold back on posting a full review of my results until the 1 year mark to be fair.
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Tbh, I think what I paid was expensive. Then again, I went with an agency and submitted my deposit beforehand-2 big things that seriously hindered my bargaining power. Anyhow, I did not know about this forum at that time, and did not realize all of my mistakes till after I discovered this community. I hear there's usually a 40-60% upcharge for foreign patients as opposed to Korean locals so don't be shy to negotiate. Good luck!
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Oops I just noticed ibretplied to the wrong comment, my apologies! Here it is:

I noticed I didn't mention that I am 7 months post op. I understand rhino results can take 1-2 years to finalize. I debated whether or not to write my review on GNG and show my before and after pictures now, 5 months before the 1 year mark, so to be completely fair, I am thinking I will hold off on completing my review until then just in case any further changes appear. Feel free to send me a pm with any questions though. Sorry for any disappointment!
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Thank you for your help! Wow, 40-60% upcharge??? Wow ... that sucks.
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Dr. Seong-Mun Hong did my rhino. I wasn't so concerned about my eyelid folds since it didn't appear to change, the main purpose of redoing DES for me was for ptosis correction. As far as ptosis correction goes, there was some improvement, but not dramatic. Funny, because when I was consulting with a clinic recently, they recommended ptosis correction without me even asking for it lol...
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Don't put down a deposit ladies!!! Don't worry about the dates. They will reschedule local patients so your surgery is first. They want your business, since you pay 40 to 60% more than locals.

Your biggest bargaining chip is out the window if you've put down a deposit. They won't budge on lowering the price if they already got you.
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OMG!! you saved me! this thread saved me! and docfinder is not only useless you guys. they can't even speak english properly. that's it, i'm going to put in effort and do my own research since i can't depend on docfinder. seriously, thank you for this thread!
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would you recommend GNG for eyes? I really like their noses but im a bit hesitant to commit to them because I dont see alot of reviews about their eyes, especially revision incisional with ptosis correction. My main issue with my first surgery is that they are uneven and the scarring is severe.
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Hi there! I had the exact thing you're asking for. However, I will tell you that revision DES might make scarring worse, just because of the nature of scar tissue. Everyone is different so although my ptosis correction wasn't 100%, doesn't mean your's won't turn out really well. I stated above that a recent online consultation I had recommended ptosis correction without me asking and they didn't even know I already had the procedure done at GNG. Good luck! Sorry about your first experience :/
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I didn't meet Dr. kye. The English speaking consultants, Henny and Hazel, and Dr. Seoung were friendly though. After care is more important than personality, I think.
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