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My ps journey (Marble, View, JK, GNG, DA)

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After months of being on this forum I have selected 5 clinics to have a F2F consultation with. I’m leaving for Korea tomorrow at 6AM, I still can’t believe this is happening. It feels so surreal because yesterday I almost canceled my whole trip. I dropped off my college application on Dec 22nd and they couldn’t process it till yesterday because the admissions office was on winter break. If they didn’t call me with the news that I’ve been accepted, I would’ve probably push this back to fall. The timing was impeccable so I guess this was meant to be?! :graucho:

I had non incisional double eyelid surgery in VN back in March of last year. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be, the most painful part would be the numbing shots to your eyelids, and when the surgeon is making the stitches you can feel a little tugging. It’s just some discomfort and no pain. I knew that non incisional wasn’t meant to last forever, 3-5 years at most. The fold that was created by the stitches to give you a double eyelid can unfold at anytime and I was unaware of that so months later after my surgery my left eyelid unfolded and returned to its original shape. Now I have 2 uneven eyelids and eye shapes so I want to correct this with incisional double eyelid revision, I also want to get a rhinoplasty and this will be my primary.

On Tuesday I have my consultation appointments in the following order: Marble, View, JK, GNG, DA.
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I can imagine you're feeling a ton of emotions, don't let fear stop you. Seems like you've done a ton of research so you should feel confident as you are ahead of most people, imagine those poor souls who show in Seoul and go to one of those factory places because they don't know any better?

How long are you staying in Korea for? Is it a requirement for you to get both surgeries at the same clinic?
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I will be in Korea for only 10 days. It is not required to get both surgeries at the same clinic, but ideally I would like to select the clinic that specializes in both eyes and nose so I don’t have to get surgery done at 2 different places. Just my preference.
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What would you like to get done to your nose?
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Higher bridge and a more define tip. I was told my case wasn’t complicated at all so I’m hoping I will get a reasonable price.
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I was looking forward to Marble but it was a huge disappointment. Online quote was the cheapest on my list but after consultation it ended up being the highest. When I arrived to my appointment I felt at ease that there was just one other person there so I didn't get that "factory" feel and I was happy about it, but I was wrong. When I was leaving the lobby it was packed with people. I was suggested osteotomy (shaving down the sides of my nasal bone) to make it appear slimmer, this is something all the other doctors were highly against. Plus the doctor only wanted to operate on one of my eyes and not the other, but they want to charge me the full price anyway. 2,100,000 krw for non-incisional eye revision and 9,000,000 for bridge, tip, anesthesia. Total: 11,100,000 To say that my eye and nose are pretty simple surgeries that's expensive AF and they don't offer any aftercare packages and that fee does not include your medicines either. When other places charge that high they have a lot more to offer.
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Oh no, I'm so sorry! That's disappointing, as I was interested in Marble for eyes. That's so pricey compared to GNG ;~( Have you checked out your other shortlisted clinics? How do you feel about them?
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I am looking to have my eyes done in March. I have been looking into DA, Grand and Banobagi. I got a really good price from Grand but have been reading forums and still kind of effy / on the fence.
Can you let me know where you decided to go for your eyelid correction? It is all so overwhelming and totally would love some feedback.

Thanks :smile:
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I will be getting my eyes done at April 31 today. They were originally on my list but I couldn't fit all the appointments into one day so I scheduled it for the following day. It is very overwhelming! Keep in mind that April 31 is more on the conservative side, their doctors believe its best to keep it looking as natural as possible.
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April 31 plastic surgery. It's the name of the hospital.
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Hi @Ava, I would like to share some thoughts on my research done after accompanying many friends doing their procedures. Incision double eyelids revision should be estimated 2.5 - 3.5 million KRW. Depending if you need ptosis or not.Primary basic rhinoplasty using silicon including tip plasty should be roughly 3.5-4.5 million KRW. Your quotes should be around 8-9 million ish. That case, your 11 million quotation is a wee little high but not extremely overpriced cos the clinics you selected are more premium. Normally u pay a little more if you require osteotomy or bulbous nose reduction or alars reduction. However having said that, there's no fixed price for cosmetic surgery since its a case by case customized procedure. You may try and negotiate with the clinics using some of these tips:
- Come in a less busy period where its non winter and summer school vacations
- Ask if there are cash discounts
- Offer to be a clinic model / write reviews
- Offer to pay a deposit if the clinic can give you the price you want

A note when negotiating is that these consultants are normally experienced and they know if you are sincere in the bargaining. No consultant will give you a hefty discount if they don't benefit from having a confirmed sale :smile: Wish you all the best on your surgery!
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