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Recommended Clinics for Double Eyelid surgery?

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Hi, I'm thinking about getting just double eyelid surgery in Seoul, and I'm looking for any clinics you would recommend or any that specializes in eyes (and is a good place for foreigners)
Here is my list so far:

Please let me know if you have any experience with eyelid surgery in any of these clinics or if you have any recommendations!

Thanks! :smile:
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it depends on whether you're looking for a natural or dramatic improvement. If you're looking for a natural one, I would recommend Dream. My Korean friend had her double eyelids done with Dr. Park at Dream and they look super natural. I couldn't tell until she told me lol.
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Hey! I am looking to have DES in Korea as well in March. I have been doing research and have been doing a few online consultations via What's App with a few clinics.

I have narrowed my search down to:
DA, MVP, GNG, Dream, and Banobagi.

I got a super good quote from Grand but after further reading on forums, I have crossed them off my list.

Please keep me updated with who you decide to go with.
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Your list is similar to mine! When are you going in March? Im planning to go end of March. Are you booking in advance or going and deciding after f2f?
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I'm in Korea for a super short period. From the 26-31. I've been doing consultations via Whats App. I'll probably narrow down to 3 and do F2F on my first day to decide which one I like.

How about you? When are you going and have you booked in advance yet?
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Thanks for sharing! I'll be going probably in April/May, so let me know which one you end up choosing and how your experience goes. Are you leaning towards any of those clinics?
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Hi, I'm thinking of going to Korea for DES as well in early Apr and am looking at similar clinics as those mentioned above!

I'm still very undecided on the clinic I want to visit but am leaning towards Banobagi or Star clinic in Taiwan. I was previously quite keen on MVP but after digging through the reviews realised they aren't as ideal as I thought :sad: (just my two cents worth!)

Please keep this thread updated if possible, I would love to know where you guys decide to head to! :smile:
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I've already gotten my eyes done, but I'm going back late April for ptosis since I didn't get it the first time. Love my results though, and I hope you do too! Feel free to ask for details or look through my post history haha. Based on my research, I'd recommend looking into Opera, Teuim, and maybe Dream? The latter being that it's highly popular in the forum and its reviews aren't too bad.
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I really liked MVP, DA, GNG and the results online fr Dream.

I'm debating between the 4. Which one did you think you were leaning towards?
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Where are you planning to go for your ptosis?
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If you like GNG’s results I’d do GNG. I’m already going there for nose and genio anyway and Dr. Park seems to be very capable and better than the old doctor! I’m very partial to GNG in general.

I wouldn’t consider MVP or DA but that’s my own opinion, there are obviously people who love those two clinics!

I’m heavily leaning toward Teuim but since I want lower lateral canthoplasty as well, probably Opera. Teuim does lateral but idk if he can do it on me, I’ll have to consult with him; he keeps it super natural and I trust his judgement but he seldom does lower/lateral canthoplasty because he may not think it’s necessary lol.
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Oh sorry I meant I really like the results fr Dream online. Have you heard anything positive about that clinic?

Why do you suggest not to go to MVP or DA? I would love to know. It'll help me decide :smile:
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I've heard very mixed reviews for all 3. Obviously EVERY clinic is going to have both positive and negative reviews but the content of the negative reviews matters imo lol but again, that's my opinion and yours may differ!! It could work out very well for you if you feel comfortable with the doctors. You can pm me and I'd be glad to talk to you but I don't want to give off the impression that I'm intentionally promoting/bad mouthing clinics or anything ^^
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Hi @jesschlo27 I've undergone DES revision several times. Visit some clinics to get a feel for what they say about your eyes.

After consulting, write down and summarize exactly what you want considering several surgeon's recommendations.

Take a picture of yourself and print it out and make your own lines whatever you need. And, then make notes on the back detailing exactly what you want, so before actually going through surgery you and you surgeon are on the SAME PAGE.

Most surgeons at the PS clinics in Gangnam are really good, and all you need is complete and accurate communication. I really like NBK - not many know about this clinic. You directly talk to the physician via Kakaotalk concerning what you want, so it's incredibly convenient. I just texted him today about my concerns and he texted me back within the hour lol. He speaks english, so it's really nice.

Know that you will not see final results until at least two months after the surgery.

BE DETAILED DURING CONSULT ON EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT! VISUALIZE WITH THE SURGEON!!!!!!!!! Or else you will need several revisions like me which is a total PAIN. Feel free to PM if you have any questions.
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