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K couture's guide to Breast Surgery

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So I am going to complete my Breast Augmentation Review. This is the first part to it to those who are wanting to know how I went about my consultations, the logic involved, the thought process behind it and the questions I asked:

# Anyways I deliberately didn't mention the clinics I went to because you guys should do your own research intelligently. So my threads are written with the intention of NOT spoon feeding you information, but rather giving you guys some insight into what the experience is like and how to select your surgeon and what to expect during the entire process.

I am currently nearly a month post op. And I feel my results and recovery are good enough for me to write an objective review of my boobage :P. I was an A cup, pretty much an ironing board. Flat AF. I used the 510 implant because because I required alot of lower breast expansion compared to most people. The 510 is a little harder than other implant types but it has the best expansion for the lower breast region, together with frontal projection. Incision was from the underarm and because I stressed constantly to the surgeon that I wanted lots of natural cleavage, she used the medial muscle resection technique as an add on procedure to my breast augmentation.

Pre op Day 1

The staff were really accommodating to me, given I was a drama queen most of the time. I insisted on selecting my own IV needle (cos i hate needles so I chose the smallest one possible for the use of General Anesthesia). I had a Brazilian butt lift 3 months ago so I also requested a pillow on the operating table to relieve pressure for my ass. Finally, I refused to bun up my hair lol. Korean operating protocol usually requires the patient to bun their hair in a tight bun. My issue is that my hair is really brittle and my scalp sensitive. Everytime I tie it tightly I shed a crap ton of hair the next day. Big no no for me. I basically said to them "look you are operating on my breast, not my face. I'm going to wear a hair band with a loosely tied pony tail. Unless you can justify me choking on my own hair, I do not want to wake up with a tight as bun". Lol......so that was that lol. Dr Kim came in, we had our final chat, she gased me and said see you in 2 hours and I fell asleep.

Post op Day 1:

I woke up in pain. I had some friends who had zero pain, only discomfort but this is due to their issues being much more expanded than mine was. So if you are a B cup going to a D for example, your pain would be significantly less than mine. I was an A going to a C.

As what most surgeons explained to me, first 3 hours is the worst. My chest felt extremely tight, breathing was heavy and pain was at a 7/8 out of 10. Koreans tend to want to minimise as much pain injections as possible, but darling if you are in pain, make a big fuss about it. Thos pain injections helped alot. My blood pressure was pretty high from the pain and the moment the pain killers kicked it, it went down to normal.

About 2/3 hours post op, the nurses will tell you to go pee. This is more of a safety check to make sure everything is ok. I kinda pushed a little too hard when I went to the bathroom and ended up feeling super dizzy and nearly passed out from the blood pressure. So ladies just take your time to do your thang.

Typically for a standard Breast Augmentation, the patients go home after resting a couple of hours. Personally from my experience, I don't recommend it. Perhaps it was because I was in more pain than most people due to my tissues being naturally tighter. Like I said, some friends of mine experienced zero pain. But I was glad I decided to pay the extra money to stay overnight.

Dr Kim also came in to check up on me before she left for the night

Also, from the moment I woke up, the incision site where my arm pit was had ZERO PAIN. Which I was surprised. I only couldnt lift my arms above my shoulder temporarily. Which was annoying cos i really wanted to scratch my back. Hehe. I recall going to the nurse at 1am and was like "can you scratch my back for me?" lol.....i really wish i had one of those wooden claw back scratchers you can buy in south east asian shops haha

Day 2:

Dr Kim gave me another check up before I left the clinic. I saw the incisions, they were really clean. The reason why I didnt have any pain where the incision was is because the tissue disection technique she used was so clean that there was minimal damage.

Putting on my clothes was a betch. Wear zip up or button up clothing so you don't have to lift your arms up too much. Also, the taxi ride, my god really pissed me off. The driver was driving a little fast and each time the car rocked or did a turn, my tits hurt. I suggest getting the clinic to write a note in korean saying "Drive slowly, patient just did surgery"

Day 3:

Swelling was the worst on day 3 but that's not be expected. Swelling always peaks on the 3rd day. To be honest I was actually concerned that my boobs weren't big enough at first because Dr Kim told me 510 360 was the largest that could fit me. I wanted to go a little bigger to a Low D due to having broad shoulders. But after my swelling went down and boobs began to drop and soften a little I feel like this is the perfect size.

Day 4:

Went back to the clinic to use their deswelling machine. Dr Kim taught me some muscle stretching techniques to help loosen my muscles more quickly. I cbf doing it lol......I was too sore and just wanted to lie there and be a couch potato. I also noticed I had alot of armpit side boob happening to the point where my breasts looked like they were starting from my arm pit. It made me look too broad and chesty. Dr Kim explained that because the incision was done from the arm pit, therefore that region is more swollen. She was right because when I touched the area, I couldn't feel anything. It was still so numb and swollen from the surgery. That issue is gone now that im nearly 1 month post op fyi.

Day 5:

My right boob had zero pain since day 1. My left boob was feeling tight and uncomfortable me like pins and needles. Dr Kim explained that its because the heart is on the left side, and the nerves and muscle are thicker and tighter than the right. So this was quite common. Additionally, from the left armpit there's actually a very huge nerve which the surgeon has to navigate around when placing the implant and creating the pocket, which is another reason why in many patients, the left boob feels more uncomfortable.

Day 6-14 onward:

Nothing to mention really, just routine check ups etc. I also didn't have stitches. Dr Kim used surgical glue instead of stitches. Its quite ok to leave after a week but since this is the first time I did my breast and did not know what to expect, I stayed 2 weeks just in case.

ON day 14 I flew up to the Europe to see my bf. 3 things to mention:

a) Be careful or turbulence. When plane rocks your boobs can hurt

b) Tell the airline you need special priority boarding and special assistance access through to immigration. They will give you a special card to present to the gate officers so you can go to the fast track zone. Also, being able to be the first ones to board the plane allows you to take your time without having to worry about the people behind you.

c) Your man has to wait before fun time. If you recovered enough you not recovered enough. He can rely on his hand in the meantime lol.
In essence, what to expect:

1) First 3 hours are the worst

2) During your first pee after you wake up, just sit and take as much time as you need. The blood pressure from exerting too much force can make you dizzy or even pass out.

3) Incision site won't have pain as long as during the tissue dissection process there is minimal damage. This is dependant on the skill of your surgeon.

4) Wear comfortable zip up or buttton up clothes for the first day post op at least.

5) Tell taxi driver to drive slowly, especially on your first few days post op.

6) It is common to have boob envy at first - by that I mean think your boobs are too small. Give them time to deswell and drop as they will be hard and stiff at first. Once that happens most people are very happy with the results

7) Your left boob might feel more uncomfortable (temporarily) if the armpit incision is used because the heart is on the left, therefore the muscles and nerves are more sensitive. Plus there is a huge nerve which needs to be navigated around where the left armpit is whereas the one on the right side is much less significant in size and position. If you are using the underboob incision this won't be an issue.

8) Granny post op bra is not necessary. Drains also not necessary but some surgeons like to use it. I didn't have bleeding so I didn't need it. Also my surgeon gave me a pretty decent looking black sports bra to use instead. Main thing is, no wiring ladies. You cannot use a bra with wiring, it will eff up your titties.

9) Get fast track access and special priority boarding at Incheon airport. All you need is a letter from your surgeon with the stamp thingie certifying you are in post op recovery. Tbh i've been guilty of milking this wayyy too often. Everytime I do surgery, even if its the most minor procedure, I still pretend like I been hit by a bus just so I can get fast tracked lol

10) For the first 2 weeks waking up in the morning can be a struggle. If you are panicking that something is wrong. Calm the fuk down and ask yourself: Am I feeling less discomfort as time goes by. If yes, then you are fine girl, ya fine!

11) For side sleepers like me, you gotta wait for one month before you sleep on your side. For stomach sleepers, its 3 months. Push up bras can be worn after 3 month only. Same with wiring bra.

12) If you got a 2 finger gap between your boobs, that is ideal. I got a 2 finger gap :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: yayyy. But that depends on your anatomy and skill of the surgeon.

Anyways hope this helps. Also take lots of vitamin C. I pretty much chug like 3000mgs for the first 2 weeks then down to 2000 after xx.
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Hi KCouture,
Thank you for sharing your experience!:smile: I am glad that everything turned out well for you. I am scheduled for BA in February and was advised that it is best for me to do the incision under my breast. I too, do not have much breast tissue (Currently a small A cup) and of Asian ethnicity. My doctor has told me that there is a high risk of capsular contracture of the incision is done through the armpit as well as the armpit contain more bacteria due to the many glands in your armpits... Would you say that is not entirely true?
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No its more due to the placement technique. The increased risk is very minimal. As long as you take good care of yourself during the post op phase you should be fine. There's also medications i was given for the first month to prevent capsular contracture. Your surgeon should be providing you with that I hope. With cc it depends really on the placement technique, the skill of your surgeon, your body, the implant type, how well you take care of boobs post op. Find a skilled surgeon who has lots of experience using the armpit incision and you be fine.

In contrast the underboob incision is a much simpler technique and for surgeons who do not have as much experience inserting and creating the pocket via the armpit, they can perform more tissue expansion where necessary. My surgeon did it through the armpit and laterally repositioned and expanded my tissues with the help of the endoscope. I havent had any issues so far. I only opted for the arm pit because I was so flat, and my tissues so tight, AND i am prone to keloids, the scar would be gross and visible.
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I am glad you said its due to placement technique. If that the case, I will ask the Dr.'s about it because I really want to have the incision to be done under the armpits. I am also super flat and the scar will be so visible after I recover. I was reading that under-arms are hardly visible after its fully healed! I am sure I will keep myself well rested and the area is clean while I recover. I have taken extended time off for it because I thought I could return back to work after a couple of days off.

How is your incision healing? Are you applying anything to it?I hear the under-breast incision is also the simplest and does not require a lot of skill (I've seen so many videos haha) If you do not mind me asking, do you know what the medication is called to prevent capsular contracture?

Thank you once again! You're quite knowledgeable! You must have done quite a lot of research to cross-reference. I am reading different things from various sources.
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Underbreast in comparison is safer and less margin of error but this is not significant with a skilled surgeon.

I have no idea what the medication is called. If you kakao me I can send you a pic of it cos its in Korean. I can't read korean lol. My kakao id is Kcouture.

Also I suggest u take 2 weeks off. If you are as flat as I am, expansion will hurt you I imagine.

Also my incisions never hurt and its becoming barely visible. My bf doesn't even notice it . Alot of what you read online is marketing. Honestly its alway best to tak some of that information and go for multiple consultations to get a confirmation of its accuracy. That way you can conclude on a rational decision.
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Oh i thought i'd add this in the thread. Some of you, most of you anyway, who do your breast surgery will experience pins and needles discomfort, especially for the first 2 months. One thing ive found that works, which my surgeon suggested to me, is using hydro therapy to reprogram the nerves. Ok I made that name up lol but basically its sort of like, distracting the discomfort you are feeling with a sensation, if that makes sense.

What I do is, when I'm in the shower I use a light warm spray and gently move the water around my breast in a circular motion. I do this about twice a day and it greatly reduces the discomfort/pins and needles feeling. I'm more than a month post op and I don't do that anymore because the discomfort is almost completely gone
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for the detailed write up!!!! This will def help for my BA post op ;) Which is next week!!!! Eeeeek!!! Kept delaying it as my schedule kept changing but it is now settled!! Yay!! wish me luck! Will be reading your posts day by day to prepare! >.<
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Does anyone know how long after Breast Surgery can one sleep on their side? I have been sleeping on my back and I hate it. My surgeon says one month. But its been nearly 2 and it still feels funny when I sleep on my side like im putting too much pressure on one boob. I tend to sleep with one hand under my head so my arm tends to be pushing one breast down. -_-

I've some friends who slept on their side without discomfort after 3 weeks. I'm wondering because anatonmically my muscles are tighter than most people and requires more expansion that might be why? Anyone can offer any input?
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  • 1 month later...
Hi K,

I have researched about Breast surgery before since I am planning to do it in the future (but not this year, this year I am focusing on facial bone contouring and primary rhino first) and from my research on Realself, most surgeons recommend sleeping on one's back for 5-6 weeks, but what is rather confusing is that each surgeon's recommendation vary widely. There is one surgeon who recommended sleeping on back until 8 weeks post op, on the other hand there is also one doctor who allows his patients to sleep on side just 3 weeks post op, but only if this patient wears the surgical bra made by him.

Almost all the surgeons said that it might be best to check with the surgeon who did my operation, as each surgeon may have different post op care protocols which he deems as ideal.

wish you a speedy recovery!
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  • 2 weeks later...
the general rule is tho, when you feel comfortable. Like i have friends who slept on their sides 1 month in with no tissues. Some 2 weeks in. For me, I would try to do so every now and then and if I feel any discomfort I immediatedly lie on my back again. The most important thing is to listen to your body. Im now 3 months post op and have been sleeping on my sides since 2-3 weeks ago. So im really happy about that. For me because my muscles are tighter than normal and required more expansion, it also meant my recovery would take longer. My surgeon actually said a month later I could side sleep but it took me just over 2 months to be comfortable.
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  • 11 months later...
Hi K Couture,
Thank you on your effort & your kindness on posting these useful info, it does meant a lot to those who is about to start their BA journey.
I will be having my surgery done this May, i book with Hershe PS Korea ( sadly not much review ,which does shatter my decision ).
Can i please know which clinic Dr Kim from ? ( i failed to add you via KAKAO, this app using hangul language which need me to verify my self with a registered korea service mobile number < obviosly i dont have kr mobile line >
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