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My PS journey at April31 (part 2): 3 weeks post-op

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Hi guys! I am now 3 weeks post-op for my PS at April31. Just as a recap, here was part 1 of my review:

# I did my eyes, facial contouring, and rhinoplasty.

Ok so... To start off, I am soo happy with my results so far! It's only been 3 weeks and I am positive that it will only get better from here. Day by day, my results are looking more and more natural. Still a little swollen around my chin area, but it's not an issue, really, since I still look normal. I used to almost never step out of the house without makeup (Yeah... I've got issues LOL) because I never felt confident about my appearance, but these days I've not only been confident enough to go out makeup-free (this is so incredibly liberating!!!), but no lie--I've also been getting insane compliments on my appearance in public ^_^

I still look like myself, but a subtly enhanced version--which was exactly what I was aiming for, and the doctors most definitely delivered. I always hated taking pictures and would kill anyone (not literally) who tried to take candid pictures of me. But these days I've actually been letting my boyfriend take candid pictures of me and I look so much better :'). I used to always hate how the width of my nose would widen & how my eyes would squint when I smiled so on the rare occasions that I posed for a picture, I would keep as much of a straight face as possible. Which meant that I could never take a picture with a natural smile on. Now I can finally smile naturally and my nose & eyes would still look nice!! I'm honestly so happy and I can't wait to witness my looks further improve with time :biggrin:

Also I would like to comment on the post-op aftercare I received from April31 :smile: I was treated very well and hooked up with some awesome deswelling treatments, IV drips, and even a facial. They even arranged car rides to and from the clinic for me for almost all of my checkup appointments! I'm super lazy and love getting free rides hahaha. Brian, Henry, and the doctors (esp Dr Park, my fc surgeon. He's so sweet and checked up on me multiple times) are all amazing!!! Brian also arranged to have the company car drive me to the airport when it was time for me to leave Korea--which I am sooo grateful for, since I actually stayed pretty far out in the suburbs of Gangnam, and also accumulated a shiet ton of stuff during my stay (had to buy an extra luggage, but I think I might have needed 2 more tbh...). I'm so happy that he still actively looked out for me weeks after my surgery, even though I'm sure he's incredibly busy with other patients!

I will be posting another follow-up approx 3-months post-op so stay tuned!
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
From my experience and knowledge, April31 has the worst post op care.
I did Rhinoplasty and Dr Kim did not give me my dream nose. I am going for revision soon.
Dr Kim only saw me once after surgery. There was no Led deswell, iv-drip, hair wash, etc.
Brian gave me excuses that the their Co. Car was occupied and did not provide me with any transport.
The style and recount of this O-poster is all too similar with other such April31 glowing reviews.
If you do your research, you will find some of the glowing reviews going back on their words later. Some completely deny their good experience and one mentioned she is going for revision, despite saying she love her result earlier.
Be wary.

I am writing this out of goodwill.
I may not try to justify myself or post further.
I hope you guys have a better experience then me.
My advise is, join a Kakao Grp. They have more ready and real information.
Take care.
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My experience with April 31 wasn't good either. I had non-incisional double eyelid surgery before and one of my eyelids unfolded so i went there for an incisional double eyelid surgery, I figured i had nothing to worry about because it seems like many people had good experiences there and the doctor should be competent enough to just make my eyelids even again. I was WRONG and i regret choosing April 31 because now that I'm almost 6 months post op my eyelids are 2 different shapes and sizes, I guess the doctor was incompetent and didn't have the skills to make an incision on both eyes to be symmetrical. Right after surgery I noticed on one eye the incision was noticeably bigger and deeper compared to the other one, they assured me that my eyes are just swollen and it'll heal beautifully. Choosing them I didn't get any perks, after surgery their company car was occupied so i took a taxi back to my airbnb, the following day i had to take a taxi back for a follow-up, and another taxi there to get my stitches removed. After I left Korea it was impossible to get a response from Brian, but Henry did try to reassured me that my eyes are still swollen and give it about 6 months to see the results about the different shapes and sizes eyelids, then after that they both disappeared and let a girl handled my messages.
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@Miyamiki Can you not hijack my thread please and create your own? and it's rude to call me a 0-poster and invalidate my posts just because i got a positive result and you didn't. (you're kind of a 0-poster yourself.....lmao). Salty people like you who rip on people who've had positive experiences and are just posting their experiences make me sick.

Update: Tbh yeah, i realized further along the way that my nose sort of started to look more and more like my old nose which is why im thinking of a revision. I wouldn't say I am completely dissatisfied because it's still a huge improvement but I think I was expecting a more dramatic change.
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Wow you’re so aggressive, why did you ignore my question asking if you were a paid promoter?
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MissOrange, can you please PM me? I've seen you around a lot of PS posts and it seems like you are quite up-to-date on which clinics are good for what procedures. I am looking to do revision rhino and cannot keep up with all the differing posts on PF.
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  • 1 month later...
@SheOnlyLooks25,thank you so much,I have found it now,Oh God I am so so scare .
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