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How long should we stay in Korean for BA and rhinoplasty?

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My friend and I are pretty set on getting surgery in Korea but have been receiving mixed responses from clinics on how long the process (consultation>surgery>recovery) roughly takes. I understand each clinic will vary in terms of how busy they are but even a rough estimate would be incredibly helpful! So far I am hearing 1 week for rhino, and 1-2 for BA.
Can anyone who has gone for surgery let us know how long they stayed for the following procedures (including time it took for consultation booking, surgery scheduling, etc)?

Breast Augmentation

These surgeries are not for one person. I am getting rhinoplasty and my friend is aiming for breast augmentation.

Thank you!!!!
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I consulted with a clinical two years ago when I got my eyes done. They suggested 10 days for rhino. I'm going back this year for rhino.
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Awesome! Is this 10 days post consultation or post surgery?
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I'm only looking to take 10 days in Korea altogether. I'll fly In at night, get the surgery in the morning, and stitches can be removed 7 days afterwards. Then, I'll have a follow up with the doctor before I finally leave.

That's my game plan & I reviewed it with the clinic before head when I was in Seoul last and via email over the last few days.

You can always email, skype, or KakaoTalk the clinic before hand.

I hope it helps.
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Ive done both and so has heaps of my friends. rhino a week post op is all you need, from surgery day to stitch removal. it goes like this:

day 1 surgery
day 2 - nothing
day 3 /4 - check up/nose cleaning
day 5 - nothing
day 6/7 stitch removal and cast removal
DONE. There's no need to stay longer.

BA I suggest 10 days. It goes like this

day 1 surgery
day - nothing
day 3 - check up
day 4- nothing
day 5 - nothing
day 6/7 - check up
day 8/9 - nothing
day 10 - stitch removal (mine didnt require that cos my surgeon used the surgical glue) and final check up
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