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In what order should I do my procedures?

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Hi, I've been planning on doing rhinoplasty, hairline correction, and a mini v-line in a year or two. It'd be easy if I just went to one clinic and did it all at once however I'm not. I'm planning to go to GNG for rhinoplasty and a mini V-line and I'm still contemplating on clinics for the hairline lowering but it'll be separate from GNG. Additionally I was thinking of doing the hairline lowering first but then I heard it's better to do facial contouring first so they can balance it to the width of your face. I'm confused on what I should do, any tips?

TL;DR: Going to do rhinoplasty and mini v-line, and hairline lowering at two separate clinics and at two different times (maybe). Want to do hairline first but heard facial contouring should be first. Don't know how to plan this, any advice?
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I'd do the rhino and v line, then the hairline lowering for the reasons you stated. Make sure to leave sufficient time in-between the surgery (I haven't researched hairline lowering but if it's general anesthesia, leave at least 5-7 days inbetween, etc..,)
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I would recommend facial contouring, rhinoplasty, and then hairline correction. Facial contouring changes your facial shape and proportion, and those are important factors to concider when you proceed rhinoplasty since the length, width, and shape of your nose will be decided according to them. Also, rhinoplasty improves one face into a more 3D appearance, so you should do hairline correction lastly.
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