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Clinics for dolly eyes for Caucasian patients?

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Hi! I'm a 21 year old caucasian girl and I'm looking to get eye surgery.
My eyes are a little small for my face and my eyelids are a bit droopy. I wanted super bright, dolly kpop-style eyes (think Sana from from Twice or IU).
Are there any other non-Asians here who have successfully gotten eye surgery in Korea? Or can anyone recommend surgeons in the US who can create a similar look? I'v asked a few but American taste for PS tends to be quite conservative.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Because it is way too dangerous in my opinion. If something goes wrong (which I really don't whish for anyone) it can turn a life into hell. The eyes are really important for the facial expression, imagine having two asymetrical eyes or imagine that this living tissue can even get worser after being operated once. Every surgical incision will cause damage under your skin, which will more viewable the older you get.. She said that she is caucasian, this means that she won't look like a kpop Style eye or something like that, because Asians also have the angle of muscles which are laying around the eyes a little bit more different than caucasians causing the eye stretching when moved. It's not only the eyelid that causes the difference. And keep in mind that there are alot of revision cases about eyelid operations even in Korea. I would say, dont think twice, think a hundred times about it. If it's not necessary get rid if that idea. As I sad before, because it's way too dangerous. It can seem like if it would be a small op for somebody but it will result into a big big chance and at least it's irreversible.
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Hey! By droopy eyelids, do you find yourself often raising your eyebrows a little to make them more open without realizing? I think if you already have double eyelids, ptosis correction will give you the change you're looking for since the idols you mentioned don't have high creases but very open looking eyes. http://itemcliniceng.com/plastic-surgery/eyes/ptosis-correction/ I wouldn't necessarily recommend item, but they explain it pretty well.

While you are right about Asians and Caucasians having different eye types (which is why I am going to Korea instead of getting it done by a doctor here in America) things can go wrong in any surgery. Eyelid surgery, esp in Korea, is one of the extremely low risk ones even though it is important to understand possible consequences. You mentioned yourself eyes are important for expression, so many people will understandably want to improve. It's a very safe procedure, and as long as you find a very skilled doctor you trust even the risk of uneven eyelids will be lessened. Although, unevenness is often unavoidable since most people's eyelids are not perfectly even to begin with. Most cosmetic surgery is in no way necessary, but for self improvement. I know several relatives who got double eyelid surgery before it was even popular and their eyes aren't damaged or anything.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm basically fixing the same issues you have. It's not dangerous at all, but I am not doing huge eyes. My avatar is my goal. I'm not Asian. Feel free to PM me or message me on KK.
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I really don´t know anything about this topic, but I think you should definitely think twice before getting this done. You may like something now, a trend, or a look or whatever, but what if later you don´t like it anymore? You wouldn´t be able to turn back time unfortunately. So please think this through. I´m also a caucasian girl, but personally I would never get something like this done. Not even if I was a K pop fan. Interests change and even your opinion on beauty might change later. You should be careful and in case you do decide to do it choose the best clinic with skilled doctors. Don´t settle for any less!!
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Im Caucasian/Middle Eastern and I am going to Korea or Thailand for eye surgery. To make the eye bigger/wider/longer, to take care of my folds under my eyes, and maybe a brow lift. Im doing the procedures sometime in May so I might write a review sometime soon ((:
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I'm also going in May! And I was considering getting a brow lift as well :smile:
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@gracecska Just want to mention - Eyelid surgery is "low risk" yes, but only in terms of major life threatening complications and death.

In terms of cosmetic and aesthetic goals? Complications / dissatisfaction for Asian DES in particular probably the highest complication / dissatisfaction rates 10-30% depending on which study you read, second to aesthetic laser / skin treatments in Korea. (10% FYI is very high.)

As for Sana eyes which are quite Asian - she has a distinct mongolian fold - so no. Bright, clear eyes, yes (most people actually want this but are unable to verbalize it). This is done within the confines of your racial anatomy otherwise you risk far higher rates of aesthetic failure.
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Also the perception of small eyes in Caucasians is possibly due in part to ptosis but more likely due to the prominence of your supra-orbital rims, compared to an Asian. Meaning your eyes are set more inwards in you skull aka deeper set eyes.

Unlikely you have Asian eye type unless you are Sami or something.
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Funny enough I saw this picture this morning. A doctor posted it comparing Olivia Mun (half Vietnamese actress) and every single comment hated her changing her eyes, saying they prefer the before look Olivia.jpg . Idk she looks good in both pictures but one looks like when she was in her early 20's still with puppy fat but I think she has done a few procedures.
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  • 3 months later...
Ptosis correction is done frequently on caucasian eyes as well as upper bleph. It still has a high chance of revision but eye sx of any patient has that probability.

I think if you want to do it in Korea, it may be wise to go to a lot of in-person consults at many clinics to see what the surgeons there say. Another thing that may give you that look is a brow lift, if you are like me and your brows are low and influence the eye drooping. Though this is a longer recovery and larger scalp scar.
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