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My two jaw surgery(Bimaxillary surgery) with Dr. Yoon at View Plastic Surgery

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I am a Korean American who came to Korea as an english teacher, and i’ve always been interested in plastic surgery.
I got to know about View Plastic Surgery through Purseforum, and after multiple consultations with clinics that are famous and some that are not i chose to go with View as they seemed to be the clinic that just clicked, and i could put my trust in them to what i wanted as a result.

Why did I choose View?
Before the surgery, i had serious asymmetry and my chin was slightly protruded. I didn’t know i needed two-jaw surgery, but after i got x-rays and CT scans taken at View, did they not only recommend it but they showed me what i needed. At other clinics i got recommended facial contour, so it was a bit of a suprise to me at first. I had slight malocclusion and they stated that it would be hard to fix with facial contour,. Two jaw surgery is a bigger surgery than others but for my case they stated that it would be a better option.
Out of all of the clinics/hospitals that i went to for consultation two clinics didn’t even do two jaw surgeries in there clinics.
Later on I figured out that those hospitals weren’t ceritified to do two jaw surgeries at there hospitals so even tho thats what the patient really needs or should get, they recommend facial contouring and tell the patients that is what they need because that is the only other procedure that they are able to do. So i just want to warn and inform fellow forumers that if you have similar problems like me, dont exclude two jaw and if clinics or hospitals just recommend facial contour and say that will make it all better dont just believe everything they say as it could be that they aren’t certified to do the actual procedures.
Anyways, that is the reason to why i chose View, they are able to do two jaw surgery while doing facial contour at the same time to help fix my asymmetry and help shape my face so it is slimmer and more of a facial shape that i want.

So, to not make this so long, i paid a deposit to reserve my surgery date, and it was nerve wracking everyday til the actual surgery date, i paid my full deposit and then we were all set to go for the surgery, before i knew it i was hooked up and set to sleep and it was all over when i woke up.

Today marks about 3rd week after the surgery, and there is major swelling and brusing but no pain. The day right after the surgery was the worst, i had pain here and there that i couldnt sleep that i had to ask for medication and pain killers from the hospital and now i’m just on the prescribed medication and i’m doing fine. My face is still swollen so im excited to see my ending results to see how it will turn out. These are my photos from before the surgery and on the second day after the surgery, i look a lot better right now compared to the photo LOL. I will update you guys with more photos on the next thread!

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Gosh, you are very brave!

On the other hand, your before photo looks totally fine to me.
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Yeah I wasn't that ugly even before surgery hahaha
Just I wanted to have better face contour and fix asymmetry by the surgery :biggrin:
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understood, we all want to be prettier :smile:
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Like I mentioned on the thread, the other clinics said that I didn't need two jaw but the reason was they couldn't operate two jaw.. that's the biggest reason I turned down other clinics
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Thank you so much!
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Almost 1 month after the surgery, here's an update.
I can open my mouth wider and bigger, and it still hurts when I eat something hard and chewy. but other than that, nothing really bothers me.. I just want little swelling to go away cause I have an important job interview next week.
I do appreciate of the translators and the consultant, they answered all my questions and took care of me everytime I was there for check up & treatment. :biggrin:
I'm going to post more pictures after even little swelling's gone!
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  • 3 months later...
LOL. That is View's own blog. But the first picture us from a surgery that was done 3 years ago. Not sure where the second pic was from.
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