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Zygoma Reduction vs Zygoma Lift?

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I've come to the conclusion that my zygomas are low and protrude outward on the sides. I've read a lot of people's reviews and results, however, not a lot of them really talk about whether or not their cheekbones look higher than they used to be. Can a reduction simultaneously rotate the cheekbone backward and upwards? Or would that require a lifting procedure? Also, if it possible can any of you suggest the clinic(s) that do this?
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Hrmmmm Ive been told once when I consulted Charles Lee in LA who, isnt very skilled in facial contouring that its possible but I believe the problem with that logic is, if you look at a skull, the cheekbone is connected to the temple bone right. bring it up would require dissection of the temple bone too and reattaching the top portion to it, giving it an odd contour. Additionally that region has alot of sensitive nerves plus after you push the zygoma in your facial tissues naturally lose its outward support and it drops downwards. The falling tissues therefore conceals the high cheekbone. So you are facing 2 problems there. Hence performing the surgery in that manner would be like a plus minus if im explaining my logic well.

I'm assuming your ideal is the Caucasian facial structure, where their facial bones are narrow and high/chiseled. Not achievable for asians cos compared to caucasians we lack facial depth. Those few mms make a huge difference. There is one method that can be done to alleviate sagging immediately if you just want a reduction without the caucasian aesthetic i just mentioned. Its a zygoma + periostiem lift. Reason why it can be done simultaneously is because unlike the smas lift, the incision site from the zygoma reduction allows the surgeon access to the region for the periostiem lift, thus avoiding 2 parallel incisions right next to each other.
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  • 3 months later...
You're very knowledgeable in this area. I agree with you. I wish I had done jaw Botox first before doing anything invasive. My cheekbones were flat in the front by wide. I enclosed some photos of my Ct scan after surgery. Let me know why you think.
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sorry girl im no specialist. I can't look at facial bone ct scans and give an opinion. Interesting thing is, years ago when I went to see Brian Mendelson, the 08 president of the ISARPS, he did a CT scan for me too before he recommended hydroxyappatite graules. When i saw the CT scan I was like oh.....i wasn't expecting my skull to like that. I thought asian skulls be wider. And he said "facinating isn't it? The difference of a few mms might seem very minimal but it actually makes a big difference in the way we look". But anyways, sorry really dunno what to say about your ct scan......nice skull? hahahha
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I agree with you. A few mm can make a big difference in a good or bad Way. Research is important and as a patient you would hope your surgeon would be meticulous--but thats not always the case.

The length of my face is 18inchs and 15 in width--but the soft tissue laxity gives an illusion of it being more elongated. An "unclean" look so to speak. From my Ct scan and judging. Y appearance in person, I feel like I need some type of lift and a revision of my left cheekbones ( right side in photo). You can see it sits slightly lower on the left side. Which in person, creates a shadow.'
Please Check DM
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  • 3 weeks later...
hi K Couture, do you know if many Korean facial contouring specialists provide periosteum lift that you have mentioned? I read that you got periosteum lift done together with zygoma reduction with dr Kim at dream , do you think other Korean surgeons would suggest it too?I tried googling it and nothing came up :sad:
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Can I ask what a periosteum lift is?

Btw, I know Ilumips does an arch lift procedure and has pretty impressive results when I visited this weekend. I actually found out about them from this paper the doctor wrote:


EU Dental also does a slight archlift to prevent sagging. And from looking at past CTs it looks like Regen does a slight one too. I can’t comment whether there is an actual visual difference between someone who gets an archlift or not though
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I also don't know yet what a periosteum lift is, I tried to google it after K Couture mentioned it on the above post, but unfortunately I can't find anything on google :sad:
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