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GNG, Regen, or TLPS for plastic surgery in Korea?

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I am planning on going to Korea next year for plastic surgery. My whole life, I've had a pretty asymmetrical face, with one eye either sinking in farther into the socket, or just possibly fattier eyelids/uneven eyelids (considering I have triple to quadruple lids, it goes wonk sometimes and make me look extremely tired). I am most certainly sure it's because of one of my eyes being sunken in further into the socket than the other, making the corners of my eyes look uneven and asymmetrical, and the folds of my eyelids to be different, also the big size difference between the two. My mouth protrudes too far from my face and the side profile looks mannish and unsightly. I am always drowning in my hair because I hate the way my side profile looks when I put my hair up into a ponytail. My cheekbones are very high and prominent, something that I dislike since I prefer the asian standard of beauty, smooth face and all (well to be fair, I'm asian..). I don't know if it's because of my cheekbones causing this sunken look or if my cheeks need to be a bit more.. plump? But it makes my face look very malnourished and boney. The side profile of my nose looks nice to me but at the front, I have a really wide nose bridge and a triangle-ish nose with a bulbous tip. My forehead is very flat and looks very unflattering from the side also... which is another reason why I dislike putting my hair up.

I've been thinking about getting rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty (which I believe is for your eyelid?), and facial contouring or fat grafting (I don't really know the difference).

I've seen that these clinics have generally good reviews about them. But many have said that GNG specializes in rhinoplasty; How are they with eyes, and bone structure/contouring? I do not know what TLPS specializes in but I hear they do very high quality work with fantastic results. Regen on the other hand, I haven't heard of any incidents from them or bad reviews. I don't have as much info on Regen but if you guys could give me your opinion of what procedures I should go with, and which clinic would be the best for it, that'd be great! I'd really appreciate it :smile:~

Have a great day!
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I did my f/c(cheek,chin,square jaw and chin implant) at TL, the result is good, it's been almost 3y and no side effects or sagging so far. The reason I chose TL was I heard that TL is specializes in f/c from my Korean friend (view and other few clinics also but I can't remember now) I saw a lot of positive reviews about GNG's rhino at forum as well. I recommend you to go have a consultation as many clinics as possible Good Luck!
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I have heard if GNG's amazing rhino results but people say they are also good at f/c. How are they for blepharoplasty (eyes)?
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Hi @M8bel , I feel like I can relate to some of your concerns about having sunken eyes, manly high cheekbones, and a flat forehead. Since I don’t know what you look like, I would think fat grafting could help a lot - they can add fat to specific areas like your forehead and eyelids.

I went to Regen for facial contouring last month and ended up getting mini v-line, and it actually made a big difference in the balance with the rest of my face. Facial contouring can include any bone-cutting surgery (cheekbones, jaw, chin) while fat grafting is taking fat from your stomach/thighs and injecting it into your face. I still want to go back to korea to get fat grafting some day. But I think if youre considering your first surgery, the less is better bc you might find that fixing one thing will make other features look better as well (or i guess everyone is different so it might depend). Anyway, definitely do your research and consult with as many doctors as you can in person to get a feel of what they can do for you! If you have questions about Regen or anything feel free to message me :smile:
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I was curious with Regen because I'm wondering if they do eyes well? I have a bad case of quadruple uneven asian eyelids that change appearances everyday. It's incredibly annoying, and I wanted to know if any surgeons there are good at eyes? I don't know how TLPS does their eyes and I don't really trust an ENT specialist center place that consists of mainly rhinoplasty specialists to work on my eyes that *i think* are hard to fix up.
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Which doctor at Regen did you end up going to? Were you able to negotiate prices down? They are on the high side.
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@digitalashes @rose_inbloom I went to Dr. Oh, their head facial contour doctor. They do have competitive prices, but very similar quote to GNG, and I think both are good clinics. I was able to negotiate a tiny bit, plus they give you a discount for paying with cash and letting them use your pictures. They do eyes, but since I didn't get eyes done I dont know too much about it, you can probably check their instagram and message them on kakao/wechat
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You've just described my face shape exactly lol (minus the eyes.) It's weird when your problems aren't so straightforward because it gives you anxiety regarding what you really need, and if your aesthetic goals are even attainable without drastic measures. GNG's good for fc. Dr. Choi has great reviews and if anything, he's a qualified and experienced maxillofacial surgeon so you'll be in good hands. Your decisions will be at your discretion of course, but I've already deposited for my surgery so I'm obviously confident in them haha.
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I did a v-line and revision rhino at TL, because it was my 4th time doing nose job I was sooooooo worried but it but it came out well. I'm not sure about Reagan, but I think GNG also does a good job with the nose
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do you have your before and after pics of TL?
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I assume it depends on the type of surgery that you are going for. My friend did her zygoma and chin reduction from TLPS in last December and it turned out really great. So her sister-in-law had her revisional surgery at TLPS and she is happy with the results. I am not sure about the Rhinoplasty from there but it seems like they do a good jobs on the Osteotomy. The best solution to find out is having consultations from the surgeries on your list and tick the boxes that you personally requires: doctor's reputation, facilities, prices etc. I am going to have a consultation with Dr. Choi at TLPS in March. Hope this help.
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