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Two Jaw, V-line and Canthoplasty together?

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Hello! I have been lurking in this forum for awhile now. I've received so much useful information.

I had rhino and double eyelid surgery in Korea three years ago, but am very unsatisfied with my face shape. I've had two rounds of braces, but my lower jaw keeps protruding. I also have drooping of my eyelids, so a revision is needed. Considering DAPRS for now.

Is it possible to get two-jaw, v-line and canthoplasty all at once? I've read how difficult the recovery process for two jaw alone is, so I'm not sure if its doable. Many of the before and afters I see are of two jaw or vline/eyes, but I haven't seen many of all three.
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it's possible but it will be incredibly uncomfortable with 2 jaw and v line haha. people do get both at the same time, though, because they're both facial bone surgeries. the canthoplasty–maybe, simply because it's a minor eye surgery but ask some clinics online and do a thorough in person consultation with clinics of your choice. everyone will have different preferences for dealing with patients with multiple procedures.
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Ptosis correction doesn't improve droopy eyelids. It improves weak eye muscles that makes one look sleepy and fatigue. For droopy eyelids there are mainly two options. One, an incisional double eyelid surgery to get rid of the excessive eyelid skin is possible if the distance between the eyelids and eyebrows are not too close. Two, if the distance is too close, then a non-incisional double eyelid surgery and a forehead lift must be combined since the skin that pressures the eyelids actually starts to droop from the forehead, and that has to be lifted and fixed to avoid additional sagging.
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Thanks for the helpful response! What do you think about a sub beiw lift for getting rid of droopy eyelids? Based on your tip, i veer more towards option 1,bitt I've already had 2 DES and ptosis ops, and don't think anotherDES will help with my persistent droopy eyelids problem. :sad:

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If you have little space between your eye and eyebrow and your eyes are drooping then a forehead lift/sub brow lift will be the way to go. Ptosis will make your double eyelids smaller and in fact, worsen drooping. You'll need to get a face to face consultation or perhaps and online one at first. This is probably my case, and may be yours too, especially if you've already gotten ptosis (and it wasn't a failed procedure haha.)
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Oh dang! I've got a good amount of space, but I just feel like my eyelids are supper fatty then. They're so heavy. Ptosis correction probably didn't help it -__-
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Did you not take out the fat during your DES? Generally, if you have fatty eyelids that's done with the des! Hopefully your revision fixes the issue!
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If your eyelids are puffy because the eyelid skin itself is thick, then the solution is also a forehead lift. The skin has to be uplifted to improve that puffyness. Also, since you've already done 2 DES procedures, I wouldn't recommend another revision cuz it would add more scar tissues and might only worsen the result.
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Thank you, I'm thinking the same!
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