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Heading to Korea for Double Eyelid Surgery, advice needed

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Actually it's a bit harder to get a parallel crease to stay properly without epi. This is due in part to the fold putting tension on the double eyelid instead of the crease being buried in the eye. It may look good temporarily but won't stay longer than usual non incisional surgery imo. Idk if you've ever used double eyelid tape before but it works similarly in theory–burying the tape near your fold will end up staying for a much longer time than trying to create a parallel crease because the crease doesn't have anything to "hug," if that makes sense. As to whether or not other surgeons will recommend epi, I'm unsure, but I would suggest to prepare for it just in case!
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Your first line is great advice lol should be read more often for those getting eyelids or noses. Anyways I think Ptosis correction is given too unnecessarily in Korea quite often for people with decently large eyes and the before & after results are also obscured by the patients wearing circle lens. Some people even have to wear circle lens after the correction due to increased scleral show (example is me). Their natural irises look smaller in comparison which is weird :sad:.

I really think OP has nice eyes and I find guys look cuter with monolids. I would just use glue lol if you want very subtle effect. A few more years anyways you will see eyelids form due to aging and it may appear sooner if you use eyelid glue/tape more.
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Ok, so I have appointments for MVP, Dream and Teuimps. Regen said it is not possible to secure a spot without a deposit. After thanking them and saying goodbye, they(the consultant) came back and said that there would be a big chance that there is free spot available after the consultation and invited me to come in for a talk.

Those 4 will be my shortlist and I will decide after going on a consult with all of them.
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Print out that photo of you frowning when you consult so they can see exactly what you want. I personally can vouch for Dr Seo, he is as talented as other people say on this forum and you can't really go wrong with him. Bear in mind he is in high demand so if he sees you, he is in between ops so be prepared for a short consultation. Some reviewers have dismissed him because of this as they confuse bedside manner with skill of the surgeon. If he agrees he can help, you will be in good hands from my experience. I hear Dream are really good, Lee as well as Park.
Don't know the others. I don't know much about inner corners apart from if you can avoid doing anything to that area, the less hassle you will have but let the docs give their advice. BTW your natural eyes are cool but appreciate that you are in Europe. good luck
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Hi MissOrange!
I got the same recommendation from MvP like Eb: DES , epi and Ptosis . I have many online consulations with other like banobagi, the line, and Marble they said that i just need DES and epi. Btw they give non and incision with different clinics. I am so confused what i should do non or incision, ptosis or not.
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Really? It only lasts up to 2 years? I have seen examples where people got 10+ years. Some might say it could even be semi permanent but due to aging it is not the sutures that break but the skin that lowers or sags from aging etc.
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Did you get the recommendations from the doctor or just a message from the Consultants? Cause they usually just post prices for DES, EPI and Ptosis. However, this does not imply that they advice all three.
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Thanks alot for your answers. I love to have natural eyes and i just want my eyelids will last long time. I love her eyes but i dont want to have love band under eyelids. What do you think ?
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Thank you!

I am looking for a very subtle and small crease/double eyelid. If I receive the advice to do DES/EPI/PTOSIS, I will definitely not do any procedure and just continue to enjoy my stay in Seoul :biggrin:
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi all,


I wanted to share some things with you, I just finished my non incisional DES at dream.


I had consultations planned with Dream, MVP, Regen and Teuimps for more than a month. I booked consultations and a slot for surgery the day after if possible, 3 out of 4 were.

One day before the consultation MVP and Regen wanted to reschedule, which was a negative experience for me.

First consultation was very good with Dream, the facility looked good, not small but not huge either. Looked clean and the consultant I was speaking to for months was really nice and informative. They advised non incisional and ptosis correction. I mentioned that I dont want it unless it is really necessary.

After meeting the doctor, he asked me what I want and expect. He showed me the low to medium creases and the result of ptosis correction and without ptosis correction. I told them I want a natural look, low to medium crease. If possible and wont affect loosening of the folds a slight parralel crease.

I honestly felt that I like the way it looks without ptosis better so that is what we went for.

My feeling was such a positive one, that I cancelled the others especially with two wanting to reschedule and Teuimps was the last on my list, which I also cancelled.

After that they told me the price and I told them I know I am getting a foreigner price and Ive received quotations from 3 others and they were the most expensive. I told them that I dont mind paying more than a local but give me a fair price.

I got a substantial discount.

Surgery time:

If you can please bring someone to care for you or just make you feel better, do it, I did it by myself. The sedation hurts and its just a bit scary but manageable.

I am recovering now, looks really good and happy with everything but its just day one.

I hope everyone that is going will have a successful surgery and will be happy with the results.
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It's nice to hear that you're happy with the result! Would you mind sharing your b/a photos after the major swellings are gone?
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  • 2 weeks later...
My goodness! I have eyes like yours LOL.
I am heading to Korea in about 3 months' time. Still torn between MVP and Teium though I've been reading some negative reviews on MVP recently and I still remain sceptical about the positive reviews on MVP in this forum.
Well hope you recover well!

ps Anyone intending to do DES this year as well? Message me?:smile:
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