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4 years after nose , fat grafting at Dream with Dr. Park

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Hi all ..I decided to write this post after 4 years of my first surgery with Dr. Park at Dream. I've been reading this forum for over 6 years and was reading, doing researching for 2 years before I decided to choose Dream since I didn't find any negative reviews on them, also I wanted a closed Rhino. My nose had a wide alars and wasn't defined so I asked Dr. Park to make it natural but defined like Song Hye Kyo nose. I told him I didn't want it to look fake..that s my #1 concern. Fast forward to the surgery day since it has been 4 years..I'm going to write what I remember most: after changing to the surgery outfit ..I was waiting alone ..scared to death !! I absolutely hate that moment ..My husband came with me but he just stayed in the lobby. Finally it was time to go to the surgery room..lying on the table was the second scariest part of the journey!! They told me to lie down on my stomach since I'm doing fat grafting as well so extracting fat on the back of my thighs was the first step ..all I remember was something moving back and forth inside my thighs..wasn't a good feeling. Then I heard Dr. Park was whistling a song..Then I was out again ..i woke up feeling pain when he was doing fat graft under my eyes..i yelled..ouch !!! Then I was out again..and here it goes another pain when he was inserting the implant in my nose..I screamed !! He said "don't move " then I heard the nurse was calling me to wake me up. I remember I was crying when I woke up and said lots of silly things to the nurses . Anyway ..Fast forward on recovering ..It wasn't much pain just the discomfort and had to wear a cast for 1 month.
Here is what I want anyone that might consider going to Dream to know : Dr. Park is a good surgeon but the result is too natural. My nose looks ok on the side view but my alar is still wide, nose tip is not defined, the right alar drops more than the left side, my nose side view of left and right is very different. To be fair: dr. Park did said that my jaw is slight sliding to the right but I really don't like the big difference left and right alar. He inserted the implant on my right alar..so the tip on the right has little grit..pls excuse my poor English ! I hope you guys understand what I meant. Also my alar looks so wide when I smile..I almost never take a selfie of my face front view cuz i just hate my nose..they do look good in some lights and some photos..sometime I hate my nose..sometime I said I can live with it but I've seen people with way better results than me so I'm going back this April to fix my alar.
For fat grafting: I would say not to do it with dr. Park..My under eyes are so uneven ..the left is ok but the right is hollow ..and I did 2 times with fat grafting by him. The second time I told him to reduce my alar with inside incision but it didn't change much and the fat grafting was very uneven and it hurts a lot when he was doing fat grafting under my eyes. Oh..I remember my second surgery was supposed to be 3 hours but it took 7 hours..most of the time was just lying in the table being knocked out . I really hate the experience with waking up feeling pain ..i don't think they have anesthesist in house that is staying during the surgery..
Here is my photos : ask me anything.
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Thanks for your review! I'm so sorry you had to experience the pain during surgery, that's so scary! Which clinics are you thinking about for revision, and if you don't mind me asking how much did your rhino at dream cost?
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It's hard to see in photos..I don't think anyone can notice the asymmetry but me. Like what I said ..sometime I can live with it but sometime j hate it. I don't expect the result to be 100% perfect. That's the risk of doing plastic surgery ..what has bothered me the most is my alar..they still look so wide..I think I can live with the asymmetry since no one can tell but me ..I do want my alar to be smaller and fix the hollow under my right eye
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..this guy's alar was already messed up before he had it done again..
Yes I planed to have fat graft at the same place with rhino
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Have you tried contacting them and asking for a revision with another surgeon? Dr. Jeong who does open rhinoplasty is great (I did my nose with him), and since you're a returning patient, they should provide an after service
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Hey, I’m thinking of going with Dr. Jeong also. How many months are you post op? :smile:
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I think it's ok to have a revision. K Couture did too even after her successful rhino at Dream, she returned to have the tip redone. Dr Park is quite a skilled surgeon, perhaps the same clinic can offer a free revision?
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Thanks alot for your review and sorry for what you had to went through. I won't be going to Dr. Park anymore. PERIOD !!!!
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Hi, Why you waited for 4 years? you can ask him to redo it. if you are not pleased. And he won't charge you for it. One rule in Korea is never mentioned " natural" they already do it very naturally if you mentioned natural it will be too natural. I was told before I went and got my nose done. Well, it was a revision. So I told Dr. Park I wanted a very high nose. and especially I want it really high in the tip area. Still turn out to be very natural. But it was okay. I had it done last oct 2017 thinking about adding 2 more ear cartilages on top of my tip to give it more definition that is what he offers to give me the result that I want it. I am still deciding. And he is not an eye fat grafting doctor at Dream. At Dream is Dr. Won Jae Yoo. He is the specialize. Dr. Park is only good for close rhinoplasty and none cutting eyelids sugery. The stitches method. I am so sorry to hear that you had a bad experience at Dream. But I don't know if you still can contact them and let them know you didn't know it can be revision after six months. I totally understand everyone has different expectations and results. But I hope you can contact them see if they can do something about it. I had a translator she told me about if I am not satisfied with my nose I can always go back to have a revision. And yes I know who want to go through all that again. But I think Dr.Park had improved nose.jpg a lot because I didn't feel any pain and it was like 123 it's done.
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