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Looking for Facial Contouring Clinics with Transparency, in 2019

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Heya! I saw that the clinics popular for facial contouring are Face Dental, View, and TL. I was also looking at GNG Clinic for facial contouring. The other three clinics don't seem to have the same level of transparency in photos since GNG takes it further with X-Rays.

What I had liked about GNG's photos is that they showed the X-Rays before and after the procedure. I noticed that there were surgical marks near the cheekbones. I assume for cheekbone surgery but this was the case for ALL the x-rays, so does this apply to all FC? I also noticed that there aren't much modifications to the jawline other than a "trim," which is what I want but I noticed that the cut pieces were hollow. Would this introduce infection?


My goal is to not alter other parts of my face, but only even out and trim down the width of my face via my jawline. I have a square face. I'm also a male if that changes anything. The left side of my jaw is thicker than the right side of the jaw based on my past X-rays. I'm contemplating doing something about my nose (it faces one side subtly instead center) and my lazy half-lid eye but I'm not sure what procedure to approach for that since it's fine if I put in the effort to force it open wider or use eyelid tape (such as lifting the associated eyebrow).


I'm not sure of the difference between the different jaw surgeries - zygoma reduction, curved jaw reduction, V-line. To be honest, I don't mind my face profile and one side of my 3/4 face profile (the less protruded side). I am just absolutely frustrated with how wide the jaw is when I'm facing someone... face to face (especially because my neck is thin). I'm not sure what operation and clinic to opt for since photos felt lacking. Where can I get more information?

I'll be going to Korea in 2019 for a week with a friend - will I be able to sightsee still?
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Jaw is not only bone, there is fat and masseter muscle. I think your wide jaw could be from overdeveloped masseter. Honestly though, pictures alone don't tell the story. You should get an xray, panoramic to to very least (from your dentist), or a full head xray if possible. It will also show how high your nerves are. The higher they are the better, as more bone could be shaved. If your nerves are sitting low, you won't benefit much from the surgery.
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From what I recalled with my previous (full-body) x-ray, I remember seeing a thickened jaw on my left compared to my right but I don't recall seeing my nerves. My jaw was definitely more bone than muscle (I've tried botox which was ineffective). Thanks for the tip with my dentist, I'll definitely ask to have it checked out (though I don't know how he'll feel about the reason I'm requesting for it). I also didn't know that tibit about the nerves. One of the concerns I have is also the potential possibility of sagging cheeks. I take it that is from the nerves and connecting muscles? But boy, that's disheartening...
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Nerves are those tiny white lines that will be shown near the bottom of your teeth on xray. You can tell your dentist that you want to see if any wisdom teeth impacting other teeth etc. Panoramic xray is quite simple and I believe costs around $40-50. Have you tried buccal fat removal? One person who I know had similar jaw issue and she benefited a lot from buccal fat removal.
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I am fairly certain based on my x-rays that the issue is with my jaw bone rather than my facial fat (only because my fat areas concave in). I already had all my wisdom teeth taken out but I shot him an email anyway asking if I was due for another x-ray or if I could have copies of my old ones, just to check the nerves.

Assuming my nerves doesn't cause an issue, I'm not sure of the difference between the different jaw surgeries - zygoma reduction, curved jaw reduction, V-line. It looks like they all do the same thing or implement the same technique. I don't need a chin extension so I don't want my chin modified, only the width of my face lessened.

I think The Face Dental prefers to use their 2-jaw technique which I don't think I want since it seems scary and while TL provides corticectomy as an option, my concern is if that technique thins out the bone. I don't want any jaw weakness.

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This and @kidbunny the scan will show the placement of your nerves and the amount of width that can be reduced. Sometimes asymmetry may limit the amount of cortical resection of the mandible. Also depends on how the transverse plane of your lower jaw is shaped.... some jaw ends flare outwards so you may get width reduction with an angled shave, some curve inwards so cortical resection is required. (refer to pic example where first one flares out , other curves in). The PS can only determine from your 3d scans since these are just general suggestions.

Tissue profile also influences the width - e.g. broadness due to your masseter muscle size, skin layer thickness and even the size of your parotid glands (salivary gland). Usually Masseter muscle can be treated with botox, rf or excised, skin layers can be "shrink wrapped" by ulthera (imagine cooking a raw steak which shrinks). So just a bone procedure may not yield you your best results, and conversely, botox alone treating hypertrophic tissue could work wonders.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I wonder why you haven't considered EverM clinic? any specific reason? Btw, your jaw look absolutely fine to me, it is your bulky masseter muscle that's causing the width on your lateral superior sides. Now you have two options for this & it all depends whether you want permanent result or temporary result. So here you go:

1. Temporary method: Botox will be injected in your masseter muscle to relax the muscle & within 2-3 weeks you'll notice slim sides of your jaw. Max result starts from 3rd week and is there till 4th month(from the time you got it done), after that the masseter regains it's bulkiness because masseters are one of those muscles in your body which are in constant motion most of the time(talking, chewing, laughing). So, you'll ideally have to repeat the treatment after every 6 months.

1. Slim V shape jaw line
2. Non-invasive
3. Zero downtime
4. quick recovery
5. Botox also treats TMJ so double whammy here

1. Temporary( >6 months)
2. Slightly weird feeling after the injection but goes away within 1-2 days
3. Masseter Atrophy can occur( in rare cases after repeated injections). But it isn't harmful in anyway.
4. Very costly because of repeated treatments.

2. Permanent Method: Masseter muscle resectomy, it's a minor surgery that will reduce the bulky masseter muscles permanently. Incision is made from inside the mouth and de-bulking is performed where some chunks of your bulky masseter muscle is resected & then closed by sutures.

1. Permanent result
2. Jawline becomes more defined
3. V-Shape jawline can be achieved effectively.

1. After surgery recovery (in 3 weeks you are 95% recovered).
2. A little bit pain( but hey not that painkillers can't treat, right)

And i hope this pretty much answers all your questions.
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  • 1 month later...
male, did zygoma and jaw reduction at TL got a beast price and i'm pretty sure at any clinic u can ask to see your x-rays, went to TL with the same intentions as u just wanted my jaw and zygoma a bit reduced but mainly evened out. after taking the pics from diff angles and x-rays i sat with dr choi and we talked briefly and fast (not because i felt rushed but it was put so simply and he showed me what he could and should do, he didn't push anything i didn't want). pm me if u got more questions, i've been a lurker for awhile but there were hardly any male experiences,
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View, Tl, The face dental and GNG, all provide mandible jaw shaving, masseter and cortical reduction as part of Square jaw reduction. However how much can be done is mostly individual. I have the same problem as you with wide jaw and somewhat asymmetric look due to the massive masseter muscle
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@kidbunny Hi :smile:
For your lazy eye, there is a procedure called ptosis surgery :smile: if you have to force one eye (or both) to open completely, you might need ptosis surgery if it really bothers you. I have them on both eyes, my eyes are "sleepy" and a put so much efforts in opening them fully. I use a lot of my forehead muscles instead of my eyelid muscle which is weak.
You have 2 methods depending on your ptosis, incisional or non-incisional.

About the different facial contouring surgeries:
- "zygoma reduction" is a cheekbone reduction surgery. Different methods exists (depending on the angle, the amount of cheekbone to reduce, side cheek/front cheek/45 degree...)
- "mandible reduction" is a jaw reduction surgery where the surgeon reduces the mandible part of your jaw (the square part only)
- "long curved jaw reduction" is another jaw surgery method, different from the mandible reudction. Cause the surgeon is not only reducing the mandible part of your jaw. He does a "long and curved" cut that begins from below your ears (mandible area) all the way down to your front jaw. So this a a "long" cut. And also curved not to leave any angle to give a smooth appearance. Might be different for males depending on the look you're going for. But basically this is what it means.
- and "V-line" is a term that usually means jaw+chin surgery to make the face appear smaller, more slender (most famous combo: square jaw+chin osteotomy)

It's complicated at first because of all these terms used for maketing purposes
Related terms (bone surgery):
- CHEEKBONE SURGERY : zygoma reduction, cheekbone reduction, quick zygoma, 3D zygoma, tightening zygoma, 45 degree zygoma, side cheekbones reduction, malar reduction surgery
- JAW SURGERY : mandible reduction, square jaw reduction, long curve jaw reduction (curve osteotomy), 3D jaw surgery, cortical bone surgery (removing a part of the bone to reduce the thickness), double jaw surgery, two-jaw surgery, orthognatic surgery, angled jaw surgery
- CHIN SURGERY : sliding genio, T-osteotomy (or V, W...), chin reduction/augmentation surgery, long/short chin surgery, protuding/receeding chin correction, chin tip correction, "mini v-line" (which includes only chin surgery)

Is your jaw the only part that is bothering you? I'm asking this because you want to improve your front profile. You definitely need some long osteotomy, a long cut with cortical bone removal. And probably chin because the chin make a big change in your front face appearance. I don't think you will need cheekbone reduction but idk what results you are looking for. Try to do multiple online consultations or through kakaotalk with different clinics so you have different opinions and suggestions. Then, after CT scans, x-rays and stuff, botox and/or fat removal. But I've seen some clinics offerering these for free as a "service" (that's how they call it in Korea) like a "facial contouring package" :smile:
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Excellent clarification of the terminology associated with fc. Thanks for taking the time to do this. Now if this can be captured on reference page it will be really helpful to all the newbies who continually ask the same questions over and over again.
Just as a matter of interest. I saw this b&a on Oracle. Who would have thought that she needed all these procedures. I mean she looks fab but chin reduction?
"facial contouring (zygoma, jaw, chin reduction), rhinoplasty, and fat graft in Orace plastic surgery clinic"
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This is just from my experience, but maybe if she would have had zygoma and jaw her face would look too slim and long, so they reduced her chin as well?
I only had mandible angle reduction, and am planning to get chin and zygoma done because my chin and zygoma has ended up looking more protruded than before :sad:
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  • 7 months later...
I also have a square jaw, and I don't want to make a really drastic change to my profile. But I definitely want a small subtle change through jaw reduction at some point in my life. Out of curiosity, could you explain how the recovery process went and send me a before/after pic of your jaw reduction? Thanks! I'm also an asian male.
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