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Breast Surgery in Korea (DAPRS)

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Hello forumers!
Here is my 1 week post-op review of BA in Korea!
Just want to thank everyone in this forum who has written about their BA journey. It has truly helped me a lot to prepare for wahts going to come and helped me freak out a litte less ;)

So it has been 1 week since my surgery and I went to the clinic this morning for my 1 week post-op check up. Met with the doctor and he said that everything is going well so far and that I am a good patient lol. Hes really kind.
Here is a detailed journey from consultation, surgery day to recovery:

Consultation: I had Doctor Kim and he spoke really good English and was very nice and understanding so I felt really comfortable during my consultation. He showed me before and after pics of his patients and explained the difference between teardrop and round implants. He said that in my case round implants would be more suitable and showed me a few options, got to touch all the implants. Then they had a 3D scan thing that scanned my body and showed images of what its going to be like after surgery so I can decide on the size. That was pretty cool :smile: He also made me wear a tight t-shirt and inserted implants so I could see what it would be like with tight clothes on. He also did a quick ultrasound to check my chest cavity and told me the range of implant sizes that I could get (it was 300ccs or something but I don't remember the exact number!) Told me I could go from A-> C or D Cup! I opted for the biggest implant that could fit me ;)

Surgery day: My surgery time was in the morning and I fasted for 8 hours beforehand and it was going to be under general anesthesia. Met with the doctor before going into the operating room and he drew on me and explained what he was going to do, where the incision is going to be etc. I had inframmamary incision (breast fold) with Motiva implants. There were other cheaper implants available but Motiva was the best in terms of texture.
Anyways I was called into the operating threatre and the anesthesiologist came in and asked me a few questions and I was out! When I woke up I was in the recovery room and there was pain at first but it gradually went away and my breasts felt really heavy and tight. I also had dry mouth due to GA and felt a bit dizzy and nauseous. I saw the doctor a few hours after and he said everything went well. I stayed overnight and I am glad I did as moving around was a bit hard as my breasts were heavy and getting up was a big issue!! It was hard not to put too much pressure on the breasts while getting up, so help was needed lol. They gave me pumpkin porridge to help reduce swelling but didn't eat that much of it.

The next day I got discharged with medication and I walked very slowly. My breasts felt really heavy when I walk and getting up (using my upper half of the body) was very hard. There were literally no pain just uncomfortable and heavy breasts. I don't really know how to describe it, it's not pain but very heavy and tight feeling in the chestm kinda like after extreme exercise or something. Doing everyday things was okay, and I could walk around and do daily chore, etc. But sleeping on my back and keeping my chest high while I sleep was an issue. It really hurts your back and neck. And OMG getting up in the morning was just hell.. You literally need someone to pull you up from the bed or you roll to your side and get up using your arm strength lol. Its a circus getting up from your bed! It really feels like two rocks are on your chest preventing me from getting up. And the first few days getting up from the bed was really hard.But as the day passed, it got a lot better and "lighter".

Other than that nothing special happened. My breasts were still firm and tight to touch. I didn't have to wear that "granny" specialized surgical bra post-op, just the upper bandage which was a relif! My nipples are still very sensitive and I hate sleeping on my back (I am a side sleeper!) but I love that I have curves now! Its super exciting! The breasts still look very swollen, I saw on other forums that they call this Frankenstein boobs and it so fits that description lol. The doctor said that the swelling will go down within a few weeks and I am walking around slowly to reduce swelling faster.

It's been one week and I went to the clinic to remove the tape on my incision area and now I am able to shower! Yes! I got after-care treatment which included light therapy and LCL treatment to reduce swelling in my arms, belly and breast, So far I am so happy with my results! I shall share my pics when my swelling goes down.

Let me know if you guys have any questions! And please leave any comments if you wish ;)
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It was good! They provide you deswelling treatment after 1 week which was nice just light therapy to help you deswell and high frequency wave treatment starts after 2 weeks post op to make the breast softer.
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Yes I believe the doctors there are good at BA as well :smile: Dr Kim spoke fluent English and he seemed really confident in his work and I liked their b&a photos! Good luck with your consult!
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