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Procedures to make an angular/long face smaller

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Hey people! So I´ve been on this forum longer then I have been a user lol. I did a lot of ˝lurking˝ that´s for sure and many things I´ve red here have been super helpful so far. If it wasn´t for this forum I would have probably chose ID (blacklisted clinic be aware purseforum newbies!!!) to do my surgeries (YIKES). Fortunately for me this amazing forum with its amazing people exists :smile:

This is my first topic ever created on this forum so please bear with me ok? :P

So I´m definitely doing a lot of research still and clinics I contacted (View, DA, GNG and Cooki) gave me their opinion on my case.

I have a long, angular face, but my jaw is wide/boxy/square and my chin is also square/too long. My face is also very skinny (low fat). I just think my face is mascular in general! I know that some people would disagree with me on this, but I think my face is masculine and of course I would like to make it nice and feminine.

I´m just wondering if any of you have the same issue with your faces like me? If yes then can you please share what did you do to ˝fix˝ it or what do you plan to do to make your face look nice and small and overall better!!!

I have only been advised to do two jaw by GNG, but other clinics advised just V-line and grafting.

Can V-line and grafting also make a long face shorter/smaller or does a person need two jaw for that? I don´t have a bite problem at all so I would definitely like to avoid getting two jaw if I can.

I would love to hear some opinions and personal experiences on this from you guys :smile:)

Cheers guys and girls x
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Sounds just like me haha. It's very complicated when you're not quite sure what your issue and AND you don't necessarily want to have a super v-line face. V line CAN create a shorter face but it depends on the severity of your midface issues as well as what you realistically want to look like.

I have very little cheek fat and just the tiniest bit of zygoma protrusion but I'm not sure if that can be remedied by temple grafting, fat grafting, or a slight reduction (would rather not do this.) I'm getting sliding genioplasty to bring my chin forward (my chin is bulky, square, and long, but it also recedes just a tiny bit due to the malocclusion) and shave a bit of the sides + osteotomy to shorten the length, fat grafting, and possible mandible reduction (though I'm not looking for a weak jaw angle.) GNG and every other clinic recommended that I CAN do two jaw but I can also mask my issues with sliding genio + jaw shaving as long as I don't have major bite issues. So knowing this, you should ask them if there are any alternatives to your case, provided you're unwilling to do 2 jaw ^^

I've deposited for GNG and I can update you as I go in late April! Let me know how your progress goes! It's definitely nervewracking because we want to look a certain way but we want to approach it in the most logical way possible. Trust the doctors but question them whenever you don't feel 100% knowledgeable or comfortable, that's the best advice I can give you!
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Hey! :smile:) Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it! I wish you luck on your journey and keep my fingers crossed that in the end you get what you want :smile: Please do update me/all of us haha You can pm me anytime you want as well :smile:)

I definitely think that the doctors can give you better advice once you do a head scan and once they touch your face. I´m definitely not looking for perfection. I just want to be prettier and have a feminine face. I can totally live with a few natural ˝flaws˝ on my face.

GNG advised me that if I don´t plan to do two jaw that I can do rhino which might make my face appear shorter. I don´t think I´d be happy with just rhino tho and I don´t really like the new online consultant of GNG. The one before was much more friendly and patient, but GNG IS a good and safe clinic so I don´t mind that much that the online consultant seemed a bit impatient with me haha The new one is called Veronica. She´s ok but just a bit impatient imo. She said that my mid face is long. Other clinics just advised me V-line and fat grafting so decisions, decisions haha
I remember when I first sent my photos to DAPRS and they just advised me to do grafting. They said my face is already small so who is right? Lol

Right now I´m interested the most in V-line and grafting. Rhino perhaps as well because my nose is already long so after V-line it might look even longer :/ I´ll have to see. My plan is to get as little surgeries as possible.
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Rhino will definitely help your face appear shorter and lift your appearance but if you have bone issues then they may also recommend genio or something! I didn't know they got a new consultant already, perhaps that's why some people have been talking about a starkly different attitude when consulting with GNG haha. Since based on description alone we have slightly similar concerns, I've pm'ed you! When might you be planning to visit Korea?
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Hey :smile:) I think I do have bone issues yeah :/ I think I´ll need V line and grafting to add volume to my face. I´m just worried how long will it stay on my face considering I have a very fast metabolism lol. Are you also interested in fat graft? I honestly wonder if I can be happy with just V line alone. LOL oh gosh I didn´t notice that, but I totally understand why people would say that XD The first consultant I had a consultation with was super nice and friendly and this one seems a bit off and impatient which doesn´t give a friendly vibe. Still tho, GNG is one my list because I´ve heard many good things about it :smile: Thanks for pm-ing me. I´ll check it out :smile:

I thought I might visit it this year, but I´ll probably do it next year when I earn some money and do some more research. Getting surgery is not a small thing and you really need to be sure that you want to do it. I still wish I didn´t want to do it and that I was happy with the way I look, but I´m just not and haven´t been since I hit puberty and my face start changing, growing ugh :// What about you? When do you plan to go? :smile:
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Yeah I'm doing fat grafting ^^ No problem!!
That's a good idea! I'm trying to get a move on with my life so I'm super excited to be going in April, but it's a huge step that we definitely have to carefully consider before following through!
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I totally agree with you! Again I wish you all the luck on your ps journey and that you will be happy with the results and love your new look :smile:)
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Hey @MissOrange :smile:

Thanks so much again for your expertise! I always trust your judgement. Thank you for telling me about GNG. I also noticed that their results are very subtle, but I thought perhaps that´s just me. I still respect them as a clinic though. They do seem safe and I think it all depends how close the nerves are to the bone so perhaps it wasn´t the surgeons fault. Safety should always come first! However I will contact Regen. One more clinic to consult with can´t possibly hurt right? Besides, they already were on my list before, but for some reason I removed them. Maybe because I got scared because they are a bigger clinic. There aren´t any shadow doctors there right?

Thanks again! :smile:) I also want to avoid doing two jaw haha
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imo you should definitely do a f2f consultation ^^ GNG has some very dramatic as well as very natural results so it's all subject to chance and personal opinion after that! Good luck~
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi European95xx,

I hope you don't mind my jumping into the bandwagon of your thread too but my face sounds very similar to yours and I really want to change it. I'm not 100% new to the plastic surgery world...about 10 years ago I had my chin burred down in an attempt to make it look more soft as I felt it looked to square and masculine, however it wasn't totally successful in that the change was too subtle to really even notice a thing. I had it done here in the States by a very reputable and well-known surgeon but I feel like it wasn't really his specialty and he was just sort of winging it. I feel like now, 10 years later my chin is a bit droopy and I have more lower tooth show than I'd like so I need to address this.

My bite is mostly good...I saw an orthodontist here about a year ago who said I "lean" towards an underbite... but I don't have one an any jaw surgery I think would be too extreme- we'll at least here in the U.S. insurance would never cover it. I do have TMJ issues... but the idea of doing 2-jaw overseas freaks me out a bit - I feel like there are all these horror stories. My older brother actually had jaw surgery here in the U.S but I did not like his results at all - it improved his function I guess but it radically changed his appearance...but they only moved his top jaw forward and it was too far imo.. sorry I'm rambling.

Anyway, I feel like for my face, South Korea would be probably a better option for my needs as I think my face lends itself to the specialties of the plastic surgeons there. But it's a lot of work wading through all the clinics!

Anyway, I'd love to keep in touch with your progress and to see how things go - I'll report back on my consultations too. I actually have another scheduled with an American doctor soon who specializes in chins/jaws - told me the burring was a waste of time and wouldn't achieve what I'm after...we'll see! :smile:
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi there! :smile: First of all sorry for the late reply, but I am currently without my computer. Feel free to pm me anytime you want though! Sorry to hear you weren´t satisfied with your first surgery :/ Judging from your story the surgeon probably didn´t know what you wanted/needed. That´s why it´s SO important to find a surgeon who has a good comunication with the patient and knows exactly what the patient wants/needs. Would love to hear about your consultation :smile: I personally don´t think US surgeons are bad. They are very skilled!! I saw photos and videos of amazing transformations of trans people. In fact I think they do a better job on trans women then they do on actual women who want to look more feminine LOL. Or maybe that´s just me. I personally respect them and all, but they are a lot more expensive and their aesthetic doesn´t really fit my aesthetic. For you though, I think you should do research on clinics in the USA that you like and in Korea just so you can see the pros and the cons. Getting any type of surgery is no joke so you really NEED to do your research. So please take your time. You only have one face after all :smile:) Best of luck to you and please do keep me and all of us updated! I don´t think I will get surgery this year so I still have time to think things through.
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To aid communication between patient and doctor, especially needed given English is not their first language, I'd highly recommend bringing large pictures in. Remember they can't read your mind on what you want, seeing a picture of your target will make it crystal clear to them and they should tell you whether they can achieve it or not. I'd also recommend including pictures of examples you don't want so they know that as well, in this case you'd want to show them some cases where it's too subtle.
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Hi thanks for your reply! lol I know what you mean about trans women getting great results as I've seen them online too and considered seeing a specialist in that field too with the thought that "hey, if they can make a man look that good then surely they can make me look better too!" I don't know though...like you said some seem better at working on men then women.
All that being said, I shot my pics off to a few clinics in Korea and they advised against any jaw or chin work. They said fat grafting and possible mid-face lift were what I needed. In retrospect, I think my chin burring was a waste of time because I didn't need it in the first place - my doc here in fact didn't want to do it but I pushed and he relented. So...maybe that's also why I wasn't satisfied. Sometimes it's hard to know what the face really needs to get improvement - it's especially hard when it's your own fave you're analyzing! :smile:.
Anyway, I've come to realize fat loss is my biggest issue and not my jaw or chin. I'm a bit scared of fat grafting- I don't want lumps or bumps. Also mid-face lifts can look bad if not done precisely right - I worry about it pulling on my eyes. I'll need to think more about what I want done and do a risk/benefit analysis....hmmmm....
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  • 1 month later...
Hey! I totally understand what you mean. Consult with the best clinics you are interested in and Im sure one of their opinions will make the most sense to you. I also have not so much fat on my face so unfortunately I get your struggle haha I hope you will choose wisely and be happy with the results :smile:
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