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Procedures to make an angular/long face smaller

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So far, two clinics recommended me two-jaw (REGEN is the second clinic), but REGEN`s price is ridiculously high imo. They quoted me 20 000 000 / 22 000 000 won. No way I`m paying that much money. However, I`m starting to consider getting two-jaw because I know I have also a long/er mid face and V line is mostly shaping / making the lower half of your face shorter and I have both problems and don`t want to rely all my life to fat grafting so I`m definitely gonna consider it. Not to mention, my bite is also a bit bad. Nothing too much, but it is and I do plan to wear braces anyway so..I have to think about it.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have the same issues, wide face, but appears sunken in because my cheekbones are wide and my cheeks are sunken in.
When I look in the mirror the hardness is usually gone and I'd like it to be that way
Although Id like face countouring because if they "fill out my face" with fat grat it will be too bulky.

I wanted to ask why people recommend tow jaw surgery and whats hat actually
I have a bit of an overbite and my chin is really bulky and wide as well and I wonder if that would be a possible soultion as I feel my chin elevates the skin and makes "cuts" in the skin that leave the face sunken in. So that might be a soluton as well

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I was aiming to fix a similar problem. My cheekbones were slightly less wide than my jaw which gave my face a more masculine appearance than was ideal to me. I love the heart-shape face shape with a short mid face and small chin. Also my brows were low set on a noticeable brow bone, making eyes appear hollow/sunken.

Since I was a bit impatient, I did rhinoplasty first to shorten my nose and make it overall smaller. In hindsight, although my surgeon was very good and it looks natural, I would do my nose as one of the last procedures. This is because I think for a lot of people their nose shape and size has more flexibility than say, a jawline which is more restricted by artery and facial nerve placement. And the one feature that everyone sees we cannot change is our eye orbital placement. We can try canthoplasty, or reduce soft tissue volume around the eyes but we cannot actually make our eyeballs closer or wider. So most of my face procedure planning revolved around my eye placement.

I went for consults for double jaw sx, but decided it was too involved with a recovery period too long. Looking back, I think I would have probably done it if I had more time off work, since my jaw is misaligned with malocclusion and v line can only fix how it is seen on the outside. I had v line done instead, which I love the results of, it made my jaw less wide than my cheeks and my lower face shorter which was my goal (not as short as 2 jaw could have achieved, but I am happy).

The next step was to fix the length of my philtrum, since with a new shorter nose and chin, my philtrum alongated my upper lip and mid face. I had a conservative lip lift and the results are looking good.

Since I shortened my nose and upper lip, my upper gums/teeth now appear to sit a little low. Next week I am planning to get gum contouring to give an illusion of higher gum line, then veneers which sit shorter than my original teeth so when I smile, my smile is not as low as it was, and I can get another lip lift in a few years to remove even more, making my mid face appear shorter. Also, I am getting fat grafts in my upper face around eyes to reduce shadowing from brow bone and eye orbitals. If it doesn’t give the feminine effect I am looking for, I will consider brow bone contouring + lift.

This ended up being very long, but hope it helps
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  • 6 months later...
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I forgot my password.
Some clinics only advise double if you have a severe dental problem. A really bad bite!!
Other clinics though, will advise it also if you have a long face with a long mid face even though your bite is okay! I got advised by few clinics to do double jaw and I honestly started considering it because I DO have a long mid face. If only just my lower face was long then I could easily go with just V line. Few clinics advised me against two jaw and said I ˝only˝ need V line, grafting and rhino and these surgeries will make my face shorter. For best results I know that two jaw and V line is the real deal! If I had enough money I think I would do both. I´m just tired of my long, angular and ˝masculine˝ face. Even though I get compliments now I recieved insults in the past and I just can´t seem to shake them off. Of course, it should never matter what other people think, but hey? We live in a shallow world and I also just happen to agree with people that insulted me back then about some things. Sorry for the rant. I hope my answer helps at least a bit :smile:
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Hi, thank you for sharing your experience :smile: Im glad that you have been happy with your change so far! I also wish you luck on your future ps journey.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I also like Dr Oh’s work, especially NataGosha’s results on Realself… I’m considering now to proceed a v-line and will go with Regen for sure, hopefully will share my experience here too hehe
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