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Help! Which clinic does rhino like this girl's???

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I don't like fighting with people, but that other member just got so defensive and triggered for some reason - even to the point of writing "WHY NOT" in caps lock (who does that in response to such a harmless comment?). In my initial reply, I didn't even insult them or anything, I just pointed out something that millions of other people have pointed out in the past. I treat others the way they treat me (unless they are my superior at work or something, in which case I am always respectful no matter what) - I return geniality with geniality, and conversely, when I receive such animosity, I'll throw it right back. Thank you though for trying to placate things :smile:
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Ouch, i did hurt your false ego. Too bad, isn't it? Calling yourself "perfectionist" & mentioning without even asking that "many people in korea and china have called me beautiful" is a sign of full blown narcissist having grandiosity issues. If you're so beautiful then why are you even here? You know what people like you make my life so amusing, LITERALLY!!!

As far as my words not making much sense is concerned then let me tell you that my words go accordingly with the person they are being used for, now here even an imbecile can easily comprehend what i'm trying to say .

You know what, your words have said enough about you and your insecurities( AND MANY MORE THINGS AS WELL).

I can go on and on but i won't do it because that's the difference between you and me. I don't belittle & make assumptions about people whom i don't know at all just to feel good about myself for a bit.

May God bless you
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I don't fight, i roast
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Putting "WHY NOT" in caps lock makes you think that i'm being defensive and throwing animosity towards you?? REALLY???

You DEFINITELY need a good psychiatric help
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Not everyone who gets plastic surgery is ugly.... thought that was obvious. It's just a decision people make based on whether or not they have the time and money, and if it doesn't clash with their principles too much. Most celebrities who have gotten plastic surgery were already very good-looking to begin with, but they just wanted to refine a few things. I never said I was this and that, I was just saying what other people have said, and often I disagree with them as everyone has their own personal taste and aesthetic preference.

Oh I understand what you write, it's just sometimes your sentences are not written very well. Doesn't mean I can't comprehend - I can fully comprehend how a 5 year old writes, but obviously there are many ways in which that writing can be improved.

If it wasn't clear before (as you seem so thick-headed), I never make assumptions based solely on my own observations, many many other people have said the same thing and then I realize they are right.

As an actual Christian, I hope you are not using God's name in vain.
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I have never met someone so literal and incapable of understanding nuance in my life - the caps lock statement was an example of your rancour, but certainly not the only aspect.

But I should thank you, this drama has distracted me for a while from the pain of my braces and elastics.
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Dear, everyone here who is reading all of our conversations can tell VERY CLEARLY who is acting like a 5 year old . And i am really apathetic towards what people call you and what you think about yourself.

You still are not getting my "words not making sense" thing, do you? And i have joined very recently, i guess 3 days ago, so i don't really know who all have made the same assumptions as yours about me but i'd love to know.

Calling out someone "thick headed" and other things tells more about you rather than them.

And what do you mean by 'actual christian' ? You literally make no sense here. Is there something called 'supposed christians' as well, i guess not.

No wonder you are a true ignoramus and self proclaimed beauty.

EDIT: I really hope that god is not angry with me for using his name to bless you.
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Good lord, i haven't seen an idiot like you who thinks writing things in caps lock is a rancour of any kind. Your life must suck. I really feel sorry for you. Your mind is playing tricks on you, making you believe what isn't even present
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I am not talking about you, I meant many other people have made conclusions about people who have gotten plastic surgery, and then I become convinced. I never assume people have gotten surgical procedures without corroboration from many other people.

As it was such a strange time to say "God bless" to someone, of course I would doubt if you were really Christian or not.
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Oh yeah, it sucks so much - I have a good job, friendly coworkers, the nicest mom in the world, good health, delicious food to eat everyday, many hobbies, etc. A life so devoid of any major problems that I have the time to waste on pointless conversations like this.
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That's what you are actually doing darling. I triggered you so much so that you had to prove the worth of your life infront of a stranger i.e me. Big Pat on my back

When you point one finger towards others then 3 will be automatically pointing towards you. Learn to think 100 times before you blabber because it can backfire on you, my dear.
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Not really, a quick sentence doesn't even prove anything.
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Okay, I'm not going to point fingers, but insulting and attacking isn't allowed (as I've been told by a moderator).

I've been called out myself for attacking this one forumer on one of these threads for just spreading some truth (even though I had wished that they had also listed the positives of the surgery that they had no success with- which is why I got mad at them).

As much as I sometimes want to tell people to get lost or tell them they're "wrong", I cannot do that.

This forum is full of different opinions (and even facts, of course). You shouldn't take everything seriously on here as you don't know who's telling the truth or not.

However, insulting people and telling them that their input is terrible will only get you banned... I've yet to see a mod come onto this thread and just list out the rules again and tell people to get back onto the topic.
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