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hello all,

I am currently at korea, I had fat grafting and acculift and I am so scared!!!

I am on day 3 now and it seems like my forehead fat graft is swelling my eyelids up, I am unsure of this is normal ?? I look like a bee stung my eyes, please help with your knowledge/ info, I am really scared
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You need to ask the surgeon - any questions/concerns you have. Some swelling may be normal, some may indicate a complication that they need to address. But the doctor would be able to tell - I would contact him/her as soon as you can with your questions/concerns.
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You can read this member's review of Fresh, she mentions going into get deswelling treatments: # Have you been back to Fresh since your fat graft, what did they say about your swelling?
so guys,

thanks all for replying, here is an update, my right eye was so bad, but it imroved quite a lot after I kept icing it all night, and I started to lie down instead of sitting up during sleep, which I did all nights before and it went down, now my left eye is the same as my right. I am expecting the same, I did acculift and fat graft at fresh. and I will definitely write a full review abt it. as until this moment @Gats I dunno if that review is not sponsored.. so I will wait and see, I went to Dr Hong. he said its normal and that kinda alarmed me, he kept laughing abt it, I ended up consulting with another clinic where a Dr treated patients for their swollen eyelids from fat graft.. anyways now I still look hideous...
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Hmm I thought sleeping more upright should help more with swelling since by moving your head up the blood wouldn't pool there like it would if you were laying down? For fat survival, you want to stimulate new blood vessel formation with the added fat, ice works against that since it drives blood away. So try not to overdo the icing. I look forward to reading your review of Fresh, btw I do agree her review smelled kinda sponsored, I'll be interested to read your experience and how it differed.
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Lying down is actually correct. Ocular swelling is one of the rare side complications of FG.


"If marked swelling of the eyes occurs after forehead fat grafting, positional drainage with bed rest may be recommended. Swelling may be worsened by gravity when sitting in an upright position or standing. In addition, ice should be used to cool the area around eyes. If no improvement occurs with 1 or 2 days, a short course of a diuretic or corticosteroid (2-3 days) may reduce the swelling."
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its amazing that you put this link, I actually went to Dr. Park who did the above study and he was very upset when he saw my eyes. he said this is not supposed to happen.. he gave me some medication to reduce swelling, he said I needed something abit strong. I have to say Dr. Park’s clinic were very very helpful in supporting me through this.
today is the 5th day and the swelling is much better. I have a clot of swelling in my inner eye crease that is really worrying me..
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Thank you very much for the reply. I did follow your journey before and I wondered after why I didnt I just go to the same place u went to.
I look more monster than u though hhhh
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Thanks! So rhino is the procedure you need to sleep with head elevated but for FG that's actually bad, good to know!

It's not a good sign you didn't receive any medication for swelling from Dr. Hong at Fresh when he saw your condition. I'm curious how you found Dr. Park's clinic, I don't think it's mentioned in this forum much? I would not know where to go if I had that problem and there are so many clinics in Korea. It's awesome you got treated by a doctor whose published on your exact problem!
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Welcome... it's simple to treat if managed earlier. Delayed treatment may lead to fibrosis which needs to be excised leaving a scar. Glad to hear you are better.

FG is something popularized only recently so some places can be dismissive of rare side complications.

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