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List of BEST clinics for jaw reduction / v-line surgery

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I have never heard of that clinic, and a party whilst patient was under?! I can't believe that..
Her results are nice though ^^
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Thank you for the info! There are many paid promoters nowadays so it is sometimes difficult to tell which clinics are truly reliable :sad:
Although I don't want a nose job, if they are unreliable, then I would not want to go to them for any surgeries..
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This has been said before on this thread, but please don't consider ID, it is a plastic surgery factory and has many problems..it is not worth this risk :sad:
I have heard that Wonjin is also not reliable
...but I have seen good things about Cinderella (although they are not specialist in facial contouring really) and TL
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Id s got ridiculous price list.
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I can't read Chinese but this looks bad.. thanks for sharing
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oh....thought would be good choices ...even for my lifting surgery with big clinics....thanks for good info. maybe good to search for more clinics with good surgeons. For surgeons, any info???
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I heart it too.
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Hello sorry for hijacking thread sort of but I really wanna know more about this "minimal incision" or "behind ear" technique of jaw reduction. Clinics like cookips and iwell have it on the website, it seems very appealing because it looks safer and less time consuming.

Basically what it is, is instead of making incision inside the mouth and shaving jaw from there, the incision is made behind the ears. Am curious as to how it exactly works and if it can be done on severe square/flat jaw because it seems weird that the doctor would be able to cut that much bone from behind ur ears lol. Anyone who's gotten it done info would be highly appreciated.
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I haven’t looked into this myself but am a little curious if it would be safer. I was interested in lower salivary glands removal through a small incision behind the ear and was told by a few surgeons this is a risky procedure, and does not give the surgeon a good view of the glands or jaw line. So most will only do this along with a facelift where the incision is larger. I wonder if the same issues apply to operating around the jaw and chin...unless you mean just the square-jaw portion of bone close to the ear is contoured.
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apparently an endoscope is used to see into the incision... I don't think it'll be that small as well, probably around the size of a facelift incision? some of the webpages indicates that they employ a "long curve method" (shaving off bone from the jaw angle up to around before the chin area). This means they should be able to see that deep into the jawline right?

It does seem to be more "chill" as opposed to the intraoral method (i.e:convenient time and recovery wise - not general anesthesia, 30min surgery time and less swelling) but as to safety and efficiency re: results... I'm not so sure, bit skeptical tbh. I sent cookips a message asking for more info hopefully they'll respond lol

I do hope its a viable method since I've been looking for an alternative to the inside mouth method, as I don't really desire a drastic jaw reduction and it seems risky to get the jaw cut from the inside as well..

here are some of the links if ur curious:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi! Could you also pm me pics??? [email protected] thanks so much!
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I’m surprised that no one mentioned Faceline since they are specialized in facial bone surgery for a long time in Korea. Actually, I have done face contouring surgery a while ago from Faceline by a referral from a friend and I really liked the result. I will try to write my experience story soon. =)
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