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List of BEST clinics for jaw reduction / v-line surgery

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Hi guys, although I'm new here I've read many pages of this forum and thought I'd write about my experience so far. I travelled from the Uk to Seoul for my jaw reduction surgery with JK.
My operation took place this morning with Dr. Kim and I was told everything went well and I will be discarged tomorrow.
My main concern was sagging skin with this procedure but after the Dr examined my scans he said that my bone structure was wide but I had a lot of muscle in the lower region of my face that made me look like I have a very square jaw.
So in my case they've shaved some bone but also removed quite a bit of muscle so sagging should not occur or be minimal. I'm hoping this is true, it might also help that I have not had a reduction done on my chin or cheekbones.
The pain at the moment is not too bad, when I woke up from the surgery it was much worse. I also don't have any bruising under my eyes at all.
I'd be happy to send you my before and after pictures if anyone is interested, but this will only be after my bandages are removed.

I'll keep you all updated on my recovery.
If anyone is in Seoul later this week or the next do let me know :smile:
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wow, hope your recovery is speedy and you're happy with the results! :smile: I'm glad to hear that it has gone well so far!
I'd be really happy to see before and after pictures if that's ok?
I won't be in Seoul for my surgery until 2019 or 2020 :sad:
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Congratulations on your PS! Hoping for your speedy recovery.
Im also planning to get mine someday, if u dont mind if I may ask:

Did the Dr shaved the jaw from the bottom of yours years to your chin (long curved shaving)?
He didn't break your chin, cut it then re attach it?

Do u also know what he did to avoid sagging for eg: performa lift perhaps if its possible since theres bone and muscle removed?

How long did u stayed in the hospital, also if u dont mind sharing how much u paid for the procedure? (u can PM me the price if u dont want to share it here :smile: )

Many thanks!
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Of course, I'll pm you the before and after pictures from all angles once my bandages are off. I'm currently swollen like a chipmunk at the moment ha.

Oh good luck! Do you know what procedures you're looking to get done?
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Thank you! The Dr shaved the bone from my ear just up to the start of my chin but did not do any work to my chin if that makes sense. It was only a square jaw reduction not a v line surgery - so no chin work.

Jk were quite honest when I asked about sagging. They said in some cases it does occur but this depends on many factors - your age, whether you have thick or thin skin, the amount of bone and muscle removed.

I'm 23, and in my scans you could see I had a very muscly face in addition to a square bone structure. So the dr told me he would only be removing a little bit of bone but a lot more muscle. Since I still have most of my bone structure this is supposed to prevent the sagging. I had no lifts performed.

I was worried that I would not have a dramatic result because only a small bit of bone was removed, but I had a look under the bandages this morning and my face shape has completely changed. From square to oval.

I'll just have to see how I recover and hope nothing sags.
I've stayed in the hospital one day and this morning they told me I can be discharged later if I want to.

I paid 6,750,000 won and get 10% tax back. Hope this helps :smile:
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Wow u are brave!

Just last few q's: do u know how long you are in GA?

If u were to gauge the pain or discomfort, how much u will rate it, let say 10 is the most painful.

Did u consider getting botox instead of removing the muscles?

Were your lower face swollen, or did the clinic provided u with anti-swollen?

I hope after few months, u can share your BnA pics.

Happy healing again! :smile:
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I see a lot of facial contouring b&a on Banobagi's webpage and it looks awesome. The results there looks great. They seem to be famous for rhinoplasty and DES too. I'm probably going to go there or JK. You should consider Banobagi for f/x as well.
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By GA do you mean general anaesthetic? Probably 2 hours I think.

I'd say the discomfort is tolerable around 5/10 ,it just hurts to swallow or move your mouth. I don't know how some people get rhinoplasty and facial contouring done at the same time - it would make breathing much more difficult.

I considered Botox for a long time, but I knew it would only make minor changes (make my face a bit slimmer from the front) and I would have to keep paying for top ups every 3-4 months. So for me it wasn't worth it. My consultant at JK even said that her friend got Botox but it only worked after the second or third treatment.

My face is very swollen, mainly the cheeks and not the jaw line. They provided me with ice packs and a compression bandage I have to wear everynight. I'm also getting swelling laser treatment when I go for my post op check up with the Dr this friday.

I've pm'd you my before pictures so you can see how strong my jawline was and why Botox wouldn't have made much of a change for me.

Any other questions just let me know :smile:
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I'm thinking TL for my f/c and Banobagi for my nose! I'll check out JK too thanks!
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Did you had an online consultation with TL? ? I'm still waiting for their response
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