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What do I need for my eyes?

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I've attached pics of my face. Would the full package of ptsosis correction + double eyelid + epi be beneficial? Or can I leave on out? Full, partial, or non-incisional? Anything else to consider?

I'll be consulting with Teuim and MVP, but I'd like to get advice from a first look here.
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Definitely ptosis to show more of your pupil.
DES only if you want it. I think ptosis would be find already to keep the more masculine look on you, but if you're insistent on getting a double lid then make sure the doctor keeps the crease small and natural looking to suit a male face.

I'd recommend epi if you're going to get DES as well, only because your eyes are slightly far apart and the inner corners could be defined and would definitely help keep the structure of the double lid.
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I agree with the others, I think ptosis correction will make your eyes look "bigger".
I think double eyelid surgery will make you look very different to your current state so maybe you could opt for non-incisional double eyelid surgery. Then if you didn't like the results, it's more easily revisable. ^^
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To be completely honest, I'd suggest these:

- Cut your hair. It's too long and feminine. Try a buzz
- Radiesse/Juvederm to strengthen jaw if it really is that recessed. It's hard to tell with the pics.
- Possible genioplasty to strengthen the chin
- Workout since your neck looks a bit too feminine...your frame suggests you look very skinny.

Good luck! These aren't easy to fix in short time.
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I actually really appreciate the honesty. Though, I've been told I have a been pretty strong jaw. Picture angles must be softening it. My hair is really hit or miss with people - either love it or hate it.

Great advice, everyone. I'm a little more cautious about doing DES + epi now. But def going for ptosis correction.
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I love your hair. Don’t cut it. You should go to MVP with Dr Seo, their results are really natural and perfect for a guy.

For females, I find their results for eyes too natural and not dolly enough but that’s not what you want, so mvp suits your needs.
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@biggiemoney , you're a hot guy without much need for surgery anyway! Don't let them touch your jaw or your hair!
You may find that doing some minor correction only to your eyelids may help balance out your current nose, therefore skip the need for rhinoplasty too!

I had non-incisional DES (+ptosis correction?) with MVP's Dr Seo in Feb 2018. If you are interested in the details, then PM me.
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I would do incisional since non-incisional has been known to come undone and then you have to go back and get incisional anyway. Save yourself the time, the healing and the money and just do the incisional. I don't think you have ptosis. Ptosis is drooping of the upper eyelid. Yours is very taut and doesn't hang at all. I can't see where they would take anything for it from especially since you're getting DES.

I think the DES will accent your eyes just enough. And an epicanthoplasty will bring your eyes in to the edge of your nose a touch more (it's really a small amount since it's so close already). It's so small I don't know if you actually need it unless you get your nose done (which I don't think you need and you didn't mention).

You're very good looking already and your personal preferences are exactly that.
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I totally agree with the others who say you are very handsome. I would totally click "like" if I saw you on a dating app. :smile: Your strong jaw and sharp eyes look masculine.

Your eyelid seems to have a lot of fat on it, it's not droopy, so perhaps epi and subtle DES, rather than ptosis. Please let us know how your consultations go and what the professionals end up recommending for you!
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  • 2 months later...
Here's a pic one month post-surgery with Dr. Seo @ MVP. He performed incisional DES and ptosis. I definitely look more awake now, and I can open my eyes more easily.

The consultation was very brief -- it lasted about 10 minutes with the consultant translating. Wasn't impressed, but I was assured of Dr. Seo's skill from the results I've seen from people I spoke to in this forum. + the price was excellent (a total of ~2.7 mil KRW). Thanks for all your help, and feel free to ask me any questions.
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