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I used to a hospital coordinator in Korea. If you have any questions, please ask me for the answers.

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I was going to answer questions about 'plastic surgery hospitals' not cetain hospitals. But people are asking me about where should I go, which one is the best, etc. Therefore I'm just answering to the people who need answers and I can only say things about hospitals where I have informations.This forum is just people having chats freely, but plastic surgeries are dangerous and people are risking their lives for them. I think we all need to help each other for best results. All I did was trying to help them with the things that I know. I don't know why people are so skeptical about this. I'm just trying to help.
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I appreciate the help Jany. Thank you for going out of your way. My question is about Foreigner price vs Local price. Why do some (not all) hospitals/clinics in Korea raise the price once they find out whether the patient is local or not?
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For me look, all Jany is tryign to do is just answering people's questions. I don't know why people are being so skeptical. I don't think that recommending good hospitals that I know is not a bad thing to do here.
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I guess it is a characteristic of Koreans.
As the same Korean, I feel sorry.
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I asked really general questions and didn’t get any answer. But she answered any other questions and most importantly suggested clinics. Haha it is so clear for me.
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Why are you telling people anything about their health if you are not a doctor? fi you have not examined them personally and run tests?

If you quit to work elsewhere, why are you here?
So why are you suggesting a clinic where there has not only been a death, but who lies on their website and are known for botching people (ID)?

And why since you are not a doctor and have not seen people even in pictures are you telling anyone what they should or shouldn't do due to their age or anything else?

Last, why if you have left the business are you here since your information isn't up to date?

Some things make sense and others do not. If you were here to give basic information, you'd tell people how to decide on a clinic, how to tell is a doctor is board certified, how to negotiate and general things like that. Not suggesting clinics since procedures are so broad and without being a doctor, seeing a CT scan and thoroughly examining them personally you can't tell them anything medically.

You know that in Korea truth isn't a defense to slander. Once someone is botched, they can't even tell anyone about it. They only find out if someones dies or if the government intervenes. Maybe it's the lawyer in me or the fact that my father is in law enforcement. But I can suss out when things aren't right. But as usual, the truth will come to the light.
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Get em giiiiiiirllll
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Hi how much is revisional surgery at ps101
and how can i contact dr. paik?
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Thank you for the reply!! i am considering rhinoplasty and may be a double eyelid surgery too.
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Hello, could you please advise the reputation of Jewelry Plastic surgery?
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They got in trouble for having a party in the surgery theater DURING SURGERY (with the patient asleep in the background) and took pictures. People can die from having to be put under more anesthesia. You can Google it for yourself.
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Have you ever heard about Hanabi Clinic. I'm looking forward to Doctor who is an expert in rhinoplasty.

Sent from my iPhone using PurseForum
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Thank you,
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  • 1 month later...
Hi, I wonder if you are familiar (heard about) with Grace Plastic surgery? thanks!
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