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My Update for Zygoma Reduction at Regen

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You should look into Regen's Dr.Oh. He specializes in v-line and zygoma specifically.
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Hi @lizluv90 - I’m not sure if you would remember at this point, but how was your 3D zygoma reduction recovery process? Were you in constant pain with a really swollen face for the first few days (Regen mentioned that you don’t need a face band/bandage because it doesn’t swell that much - is that true)? Also, are you planning on getting the screws/pins removed at Regen in June, or somewhere else? Thank you! :smile:
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Madam, if I may ask where did u had your zygoma and jaw PS done? U can IM me if u dont want to share it here. Thank you!
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Guess each surgeon has individual approach. When I had a consultation with Dr.Oh he pointed out that there should be 0 laxity so I didn’t experience any.
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I proceeded a FULL zygoma reduction and the recovery wasn’t tough. It was difficult to open my mouth the first couple of days. Swelling was noticeable but gradually disappeared and if you are interested in pain, I can’t say it was severe. Discomfort was much more noticeable though. If you had a consultation with Regen about wearing or not wearing a bandage and they’ve already told you, why ask me? I’m not a professional :smile: I don’t think that I’ll come back for removing screws, since it’s not necessary I can just keep them.
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That's interesting. I know bon qui qui had surgery with him and she ended up needing a facelift and fat grafting after some time.
In my personal opinion, most girls look more beautiful before this type of surgery. This will eventually make one look older sooner but it's not something some people want to hear. ‍♀️

I wonder if anyone was able to kinda reverse their zygoma reduction. We don't hear about it much...
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Yeah, Bon Qiuqiu sagging was really bad and it was definitely because of the zygoma reduction - the revision she got to correct the problem wasn't even with Regen. She went to Banobagi. :shocked:
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People think Korea is good bc the only see the photoshopped photos. These surgeons aren't 100% sure of everything bc they just do the surgery and don't follow up with their patients. For bon qui qui To go somewhere else speaks volumes.

Cheekbone and jawline is so important. It gives face definition and structure. I don't care who you go to, once you get rid of it, you'll understand. As you age, you skeletal structure reabsorb and changes...so aging won't be good for you. However, people don't want to hear it bc they have this unrealistic imagination that they'll look like some kpop star when ironically, they're already beautiful all along.
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  • 1 month later...
Hello everyone! As promised, sharing my almost 3 months post op results. As told you before, I proceeded V-line recently. Feel really good and 100% satisfied with results, as always. No regrets! Dr.Oh did his best, as always. My face was unusually swollen the first week but hopefully now the result looks very natural. My friend also got zygoma surgery but she didn't get that much swelling. I was shocked at how swollen I was at first but it went away after 1 month. Thanks for reading my review and following up!


This is how swollen I was

My results now
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I honestly feel Korean standard of beauty has brainwashed us. I think you look lovely but this is what I'm talking about- already gorgeous girls thinking cheekbones and jaw angle is not "beautiful" . Beauty is subjective and if you're happy with the results then that's what's important..but personally, I wish I could reverse my surgery. I honestly miss having a sculpted face and the contour when I turn 45 degree.
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