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Thanks so much for your kind words. Yes I agree, the procedure was a complete rip off. My mom paid close to 6 million Krw only to have the doctor oddly admit he didn't think the threads have any good value to them. This just shows the clinic was only interested in making money and not actually providing real results or recommendations to the client that will correct sagging. I was quite disappointed .. They didn't even properly sanitize her face with iodine like other clinics, they just wiped her face with a swab. So unhygienic.

I agree with you that many SK clinics price gouge foreigners and charge more than many US clinics and hospitals despite having much lower insurance and labour costs than the US. It's such a shame... I don't think I'd recommend thread lifting for older individuals and definitely not silhouette soft threads.
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Yah they do a lot of foreign marketing. When I was in the clinic nearly all the clients where foreigners... So they definitely charge more than local korean clinics.
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Thank you for your kind words. My mom is recovering and it have been almost two weeks since her procedure. The large dent is still there to be honest, and she has been experiencing significant nerve pain on one side. We mentioned to the Dr she had pain but he dismissed her questions. Anyway, we will never go back to that clinic considering how bad their after care services are and lack of client service and support.
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