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Beware of Promoters!

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I never thought a thread to warn others about hidden promoters would have been needed.... but I've noticed these past couple of a days an influx of new members on PF whose comments/threads have seemed too optimistic and fishy, and I just wanted to warn those who are fairly new.

For those of you who are still in the beginning of your PS research journey, I implore you to take PF threads and any chat groups with a grain of salt, including my thread. Always read, but research and verify. There are plenty of clinic / third party medical tourism agency promoters lurking within PF / chat groups, so please be vigilant and don't fall for these fake reviews. Members on here have been researching for months, and even years before jumping the gun to commit to a clinic for their procedures.

Please don't hesitate to ask as many questions as you need within this forum. Even though there are promoters lurking, there are plenty of actual members who are on the same journey willing to share their own research findings with you! Just remember to be cautious and don't believe in everything you read or see. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.
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Maaaan! There's gotta be a better way... :-/

Not only there's promoters and fake reviews to look out for, but I also find it annoying to see newbies immediately starting threads after joining and ask the same exact questions that could have been answered by lurking around and taking time to read other people's comments here.

I've been lurking a while before joining as a contributing member, and I understand if there are need for updates, but come on, newbies, don't be lazy!

Do a "search" for information on the forum before asking other members to repeat themselves again and again!
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There are even a few threads that promoters are talking to themselves by asking questions then suggesting a clinic lol...
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If I were to talk about my PS experiences again and again with other members, then I also would start to feel like a promoter talking to myself and deaf ears. :-p
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I agree with you 100%. I also get really annoyed when people ask questions along the lines of, "What's the best _____?" It's like flavors of ice cream.There's no correct answer, it just depends on your preference but they seem to not understand that. But more importantly, most of the time they're just asking that to bypass all the inconveniences that comes with thoroughly researching clinics just so they can find and book with a clinic immediately.
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Yes I think I know the thread you're talking about. Remember to report any fishy threads/comments to the mods to help prevent susceptible members from getting scammed.
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My answer: Be silent. And let the promoters do the replying to lazy newbies!

Yes, cruel to suggest that, but if lazy newbies want a quick answer without the legwork, then they can expect a quick reply from promoters who prey on this. Hopefully, the foolish ones may even post about the consequences, so in a twisted sense, it would help other sensible members to make a better informed decision. :-p
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Personally, I fancy myself as a "chatbot" with artificial intelligence.

Tech developers are currently programming sophisticated human nuances like empathy, sarcasm and dry humour into the chatbot experience. This could work for clinics, if it allows human consultants and doctors to spend more time caring for patients in person, instead of wasting time on sock puppetry to drum up business online in forums!
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It's so hard to tell sometimes, because even if they post b/a pictures they are sometimes stolen straight from the clinic's site itself...
I have a suggestion: What if people taking pictures of their results hold up a little paper next to their face with something like "Hello Purseforum" or whatever?
That way we can know for sure if these pics are from real people or if they're just promoters/ sponsored surgeries.

Just a thought, someone let me know if you have a better idea.

Maybe we can make this a thing!
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That's actually not a bad idea!
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Banobagi, GNG and DocFinderKorea have stepped their efforts up a lot lately.

A lot of people are not going to show their faces on here to please a bunch of people they will never meet who didn't chip in a dime for their surgery. So don't go calling people who don't do the picture verification promoters based on that alone.

It's not hard to spot the promoters and everyone should be using all the research resources at their disposal. Half the people here don't even use the search function.
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True. Showing surgery-related pics is a very personal thing and time-consuming to write about one's experiences. A big applause and big "Thank You" to the wonderful members who are brave enough to give back and share their journey in public!

However, some members would want their privacy and PS recovery respected, and indeed they have the right to decline requests from suspicious individuals, or the ignorant ones who just keep asking without even caring to check recent posts for the answer, let alone bother to use the "search" function!

Also, for those who worry about your pics being circulated online or used by promoters without your consent, try the reverse image finder website "Tineye".
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Urgh, DocFinder is by far the worst. I'd be happy if we implemented a blanket ban on mentioning them altogether, given how unscrupulous they are with astroturfing.

I'm pretty iffy about GNG too. I know a few GNG patients posting reviews here have been sponsored. I'm not really opposed to that. But people really should at least disclose that they've been offered incentives to post their reviews.
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LOL reminds me of tinder where ppl would be like "add me to snapchat and prove thats you in the pic" hahhahaha
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I would like to add if a promoter is desperate enough to lurk on this site for business that goes to show you that their is way to much competition in south Korea for plastic surgery and the clinic is hungry for money.I would like to also say that I was randomly looking information on medical cost. For example for a pregnant woman to give birth in south Korea and hospital stays it literally on $1200.00 usd .one can put 2 and 2 together that any surgery in Korea should not be expensive .
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