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I just had BA today!!!:D

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Congrats on your surgery!
A few questions if you don't mind.
What's the pain level?
Was the BA under the muscle?
Are there any drainage tubes?
How long do you need to stay for recovery in SK?
Can you breast feed in the future after this type of BA?
Will it need to be removed and replaced in the future?

Good luck with recovery!
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Hello MissOrange:heart: I have heard that Mentor is US FDA approved and even checked FDA website! hahaha you can see it from the link below: https://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/ImplantsandProsthetics/BreastImplants/ucm063871.htm
And woah..... you have been through a lot:amazed: yet thanks for sharing all the information so I can be aware of what might happen to me in the future! I appreciate:flowers:
I will definitely post here if something ever happens to me!!!
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Hello Kellyyyyy:P
I would love to share my experience. hahaha
To be honest, I would say it is 5 out of 10!!!!! I might be good at tolerating pain though.
It is more painful than discomfort first few days before I got free from compression, I kinda felt it is stuffy due to the tightness... but since now I just need to wear medical bra, I feel much less discomfort.:biggrin:
My incision was underneath my boobs and implant is placed under the muscle! no drainage tubes needed!
The doctor said it is possible to breastfeed though but I will find out whether it is really possible if I ever get baby lol
I am staying here for 2 weeks! before I actually book a flight I asked tlps how long does patient normally stay for BA and they told me that normally a week to 2 weeks. But there are some patients who stays only 3-4 days as well:huh:
Furthermore, when I asked about do I have to replace every 10 years, he told me that as my body get aged and changed, it is safe to consider of replacement every 10 years but also it is varies on individuals as well.
I have seen one person who kept the same implant for 16 years and still fine hahahahaha
I hope my answers are helpful to you:heart:
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  • 2 months later...
Thanks for the info!
How are you doing now?
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hello guys !!!
sorry for the late update as I was busy back with my normal life hahaha
It has been almost 3 months that I had BA !
now I just feel implant is there or little pain time to time
I think this is the best decision that I have ever made in my life !!!!!!!!!!
I just could not stop looking at them lol
I have boobs omg
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you look amazing! I'm so happy for you, the results look so good!
How much pain did you have in the last 3 months?
Did you like the aftercare at TLPS?
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