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IDEA Clinic for Rhino?

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I recently come across IDEA clinic and have heard great things about them concerning their facilities and doctors. Almost everything I have heard about them concerns fat grafting and facial reconstruction, however, I have not heard or seen many pictures of their skills in rhinoplasty and was wondering if anybody knew anything. Are their doctors experienced in rhino? And what type of nose do they specialize in?
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I've had surgery done with them personally n they do have great doctors in their own speciality. Doctors are well known n recognised locally, however clinic itself is little heard of as they do not do much marketing. People who goes to them mostly know and go for the doctor's skill in the specific areas. Their key specialised areas are more on face contouring/facial bone reconstruction, anti-aging like facelift, stem cell fat graft n eye bags.

I did come across some pictures on their rhinoplasty work when I was there but can only view them inside the clinic. They do not show photos of their patients results as they see it as confidential unless patients are willing to disclosed themselves.
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