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my v-line & double Jaw surgery experience in Zeah Dental

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Hi I like to share the surgery experience with everyone :smile:

I had surgery almost passed a year ago.

1) The situation before surgery

I had the facial contouring surgery experience because of my asymmetrical face, and it has done in the region. However, it was not successful, and I never liked it. At first, I didn't even know I can do re-operate this mess because I thought it is a huge surgery. I've been looking for the hospital that I can re-do my face, and I tried to find the right hospital.

2) Consultation

I realized and studied during my hospital that dental office can do craniofacial too. That is why I've been visiting dental offices for the last. During the consultation, I satisfied with consultation session with one of the coordinators in Zeah Dental. So I decided to choose Zeah and took specific examinations CT Scan, panoramic x-ray and took an impression of whole teeth. Based on my teeth information, we sit and talk very specifically with Doctor Kang. He recommended facial contouring three sets for me. Also, Dr. Kang told me about effects and limitation of surgery, and I liked the suggestion of his. He said me very specifically that if I operation, it will be a good case and will see the dramatic changes but, once the surgery did the asymmetrical face cannot get 100% corrected right away.

3) physical examination before the surgery.

The patient must take a physical exam before the surgery for the safety wise. You can go to the hospital near from your house and send the result via fax, or there is a medical office works with Zeah. Once I visited the hospital near my home, the doctor said these check-up lists are very particular. Honestly, it was bothered me so much that I need to get the general anesthesia, but I relieved myself because they checked every single step before surgery.

4) Surgery

Dr. Kang goes through the process of my surgery one more time before the surgery. A while after surgery, I don't have any sickness. Of course, there is awkwardness and uncomfortable-ness. However, there was not horrible pain. The nurse kept checking my pulse, BP, and get me water for the entire night. The night after, I took a CT scan, and Dr. Kang came to me for the disinfect on surgery area.

It took me forever to write in English...^^;
I'll post later about my after surgery experience~
Thank you for reading =-)
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I'm Korean and studying English!
I saw the man on the TV from Korean entertainment program and he went to this clinic. hope this can help you s
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I lived in the urban area so I couldn't go to see Dr. Kang that often. ( I want you to go to see him when the day he tells you to come~)
About a year after and last January I went to see him to check up my final result. He says my bones healed well and the muscles loss in the surgical area.
My conditions back to normal and there is no problem while eating. Most people worried about sagging on the cheek, but the visually, I don't see any.

Right after the facial contouring people worried, what is wrong with the swollen face or the face sagging but when you get right and proper surgery from the specialist. So, don't get frustrated with the result. Just take some time about six months or a year because I'm an excellent example of this case.
To those of you searching for the result after surgery and you will find people saying 'I'M NOT SURE' on the operation because of the proper feedback was not back and forth between the patient with the coordinator or doctors. But the Zeah Dental they do well on the feedback on the inquiries. I was worried so much and asked any questions to Dr. Kang, but he answered me with the good smile :biggrin:, and it made me happy.
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